I'd like some advice, and to see if anyone's ever been in the same situation.
Firstly, I don't have children.
I've been dating a man for 14 months, met his 2 children after 7 months.
It's still a very part time relationship, as in I go over there 3/4 times a week and only see his kids once or twice per week. (He has them for 4 days/nights per week)
I love him to pieces… But the way he has brought is children up is completely different to the way I would have brought mine up (if I wanted any)?
They NEVER say please or thank you. To me, if you can only teach a child one thing ever, you teach them manners.
Also, they spend every second of the day on some sort of electronic device. They're 5 and 8. They've both got iPods, iPad, iPhone, computer consoles. And they are GLUED to them 24\7.
And if you tell them their not allowed their devices as we're going out, they sulk for the WHOLE day, until they can finally run back through the front door and pick them up. That's all they've known since they were born, I believe they were given them to shut them up as babies.
He doesn't discipline them. He buys them everything and anything that they want. They don't play like children should do with toys or making things or Lego or anything you can imagine, they just sit like aliens.
Do you think I should end it? Obviously I can't tell him how to parent his own children. But I love him. I don't know whether I need to relax and just stick it out? Help
Read more: Struggling with partner and his children?