Basically i need some help figuring out what new router i should be looking for and was hoping to get some advice. I currently own the netgear wndr 3300', which has worked somewhat ok until recently. After christmas we have recently added quite a few more electronic devices to the home which may be a factor to the router degrading lately. Not to mention we have a two story house and ive recently read my current router doesn't contain the range i actually need. I started noticing the connection
going from great to horrible, any time someone is downloading or streaming videos while someone is also using the network. We have quite a few devices connected now such as 2 play-stations, 4 phones, 3 iPads, 3 laptops, and probably a few more devices i cant currently think of.So basically im looking for a router that has a wide range for a two story house, is able to keep a steady connection for multiple devices even when those devices are downloading and streaming at the same time.Im not afraid of spending money since i really want a good router, but am hoping to keep it in the 150.00 range if not less.i have done research my self but i find these things hard to understand lol any help id greatly apreciate.
>>> Looking for a new router?