I was just playing with my iPad then all of a sudden the app i was playing just crashed/closed then i thought eh… maybe it was just loading really slow or something so i just didn't really worry then i got bored and decided to go on youtube and watch some videos then every video i watch after 30-50 seconds youtube app would crash then now i was starting to worry then i went on safari and google
ipad apps keep crashing then safari crashed.so i thought let me just shut it down and restart it then i did when i started it the background in the lock screen was black then when i slide it the entire background in the ipad was black the ipad was diagonal and locked that way and i can't see the bottom thing (safari, music, videos, stuff at the bottom of the ipad) then i went into settings and the top of the settings app is a weird thing that looks like when a tv is messed up, looks something like this

then the screen lagged and shifted around so i left and i tried restoring it but it didn't work and also i tried reset all settings, still didn't work, like i said all i did was just normal ipad stuff then it just happened, i haven't dropped it the screen isn't cracked nothing its in good condition this just randomly started happening so if you know how to fix this please tell me
What happened to my iPad? and how do i fix it?