Sunday, May 31, 2015
Is this a sign of him lying or shame? Did I over react? Is this meant for us or is he cheating?
My boyfriend was home recently and I mentioned of he would ever be up for playing rude like party gAmes, just us and he said he'd never played any ever so I said "ah you really should"
Then he just came home on leave again and I was playing with his iPad, and I noticed he has a new game on there called "dirty game" so I had a look and yes it's a sex game. I immediately said " hey how does this work & he said don't know what your on about" so I showed him and he went bright red. I just assumed it was for us but we haven't played it yet, so I said "errrr this looks like a sex game for a party" and I shot out of bed, got dressed and practically left quickly. He didn't explain it or anything so was he guilty or embarressed cos he listened to me & downloaded it for us? He knows I've been cheated on, he asked me out for years so is he cheating already after 3 months?
I've been cheated on before so just assumed, he had downloaded it for him and bother girl where he works?
Read more: Is this a sign of him lying or shame? Did I over react? Is this meant for us or is he cheating?
Should I sell my 3ds AND the games?
I like some of the games and I used to play it a alot, but now I spend my time on my PC, PS3, Ipad, and Iphone. I really want to make some money and I AM selling it on ebay. Should I sell it to make money or no?
Read more: Should I sell my 3ds AND the games?
I am jealous of my bff?
I am so jealous of my bff. She is more talented, prettier, and EVEN HAS A BETTER NAME THEN ME ( her name is Gemma mine is Serena) I just wish I could be her. She is skinny Chita wavy light brown hair. She has freckles and bright green blue eyes. She has tan-ish skin. Her skin color and face kinda looks like Alison DiLaurentis from pretty little liars. Her hair is a perfect light brown dirty blonde. She has freckles and perfect skin. Her family is rich and owns an 8 million dollar apartment. She literally gets everything she wants. She's 13 and has 2 Apple laptops, an iPhone an iPad and a bunch of other stuff. She has a great bikini body and people always flirt with her. We have a shared Instagram and her selfies get twice as many likes as mine. She is just so perfect. She has great metabolism and eats crap all day ( today she had ice cream and peeps) yet she is super skinny. She is a better gymnast then me, braver then me, more attractive then me, even more fun and nice then me. We go to the same camp and all the boys flirt with her. When we were doing dodge ball she got chosen first) I just feel so self conscious around her. Her parents are so nice and her mom is a vogue fashion designer and her dad runs a company. They are millionaires and Gemma just fits right in as the perfect child. She looks super angelic and gets away with everything. I am fat, yet I eat barely anything, ugly I have glasses brown eyes and brown hair. Please Help.
Read more: I am jealous of my bff?
How to factory reset an iPad without unlocking it?
I found an iPad lyin in the middle of an intersection one day, and I cannot figure out who owns it because I cannot unlock it. My dad tried to contact Apple support, but they would not help us. He also took it into an Apple store and they couldn't help us there either. The only option I have left is either to factory reset and use my iCloud username, or just abandon it (which is a waste of a really nice iPad). Is there any way to reset it completely to factory settings without unlocking it? Any help would be appreciated!
Read more: How to factory reset an iPad without unlocking it?
How to create an apple id without a credit card? (On my iPad)?
It keeps saying that i NEED a credit card to sign up. I'M ONLY 14! I dont have a credit card. My mom has her credit card on her account and so does my dad. And before i did create an ID, but now i cant.
And if you're wondering why i'm doing this. It's because i'm doing those rewards site things where you download an app for 30 seconds and you get points to redeem for rewards, but i dont want my own account crammed with worthless apps i would download.
Read more: How to create an apple id without a credit card? (On my iPad)?
What's the point of an iPad mini/ what can I do with it?
I feel really bad, I'm just a "practical" sort of person. I peeked at my grad gift and it's an iPad mini, 16GB. I just don't know how to respond when she gives it to me because I don't know what I'll do with it and she's been going on and on about how I'll love it. I already have a Mac and iPhone, so like I said, what to do with an iPad mini? Should I kindly ask to take it back, although this would really upset her…
Read more: What's the point of an iPad mini/ what can I do with it?
How to create a back up for an iPad that has been disabled?
My coworker just recently returned from a trip to visit her children in the Philippines,
and every photo that she has taken with her children is on her iPad that she brought with her.
However, she forgot her pass code shortly after returning to the country, and managed to lock herself out of the device. (It is now stuck in disabled-mode.) I thought that I could restore it for her, but it turns out she has not once created a back up, both on iTunes and the iCloud, and I was wondering if there is a way for me to create a backup for all of her photos from her trip before I do a factory restore of the device? Is that possible if it is disabled?
I really want to avoid losing all of the pictures she has of her and her children, so any ideas are most certainly welcome:/ Thanks in advance!
(Also; I have already tried using advanced mode in EaseUS Mobisaver, but every time, the device only manages to connect for a short second, before it tells me that the computer failed to connect to the device.)
Read more: How to create a back up for an iPad that has been disabled?
Wattpad keeps deleting my chapters?!
Whenever I switch from my laptop to my iPad wattpad deletes all my work. It s deleted over 1000 words and I don t want it to delete more, what do I do?
Read more: Wattpad keeps deleting my chapters?!
How to Steal internet speed from my family?
My brother and sister are always on their ipads or laptops and watching videos beacuse of that i get only 2-10 mb of conection (when we have 100mb conection, when im wired it should be aprox 80mb and when im not aprox 30mb)
so i want to steal from them internet so their videos wont load to show them how i feel because they watch videos 24/7 and their laptops and ipads are " eating" all the conection so i cant play my games (and when i do i get 300-700 ping )
any helps or tricks?
Read more: How to Steal internet speed from my family?
Saturday, May 30, 2015
My ipad's storage is full but it doesn't add up?
I don't have a lot of apps on my ipad, i rarely play any games, but my ipad's storage is almost full, when I add it up, it doesn't make sense. It adds up to around 8GB and it is telling me I already used up 13GB. Sometimes when I look at the storage the number decreases without downloading anything. I don't understand. What should I do?
Also my Ipad's total storage should be 16 but it only adds up to 13.
Thank you to anyone who responded and tried to help.
Read more: My ipad's storage is full but it doesn't add up?
Why won't my ipad air 2 connect to the internet?
There nothing wrong with the wifi my mom is able to connect to it on her phone and tablet but it's just me having a problem it just constantly loading and never ticking I've had the problem reasons and so has my mom what's going on why is it not connecting
Read more: Why won't my ipad air 2 connect to the internet?
Need someone who owns a Ipad. Trying to bring up a document from my computer to work on?
I have the Microsoft WORD program they put out recently on it, and have transfered my document to the ipad
but cant seem to find the document now.
how do i do this?
Read more: Need someone who owns a Ipad. Trying to bring up a document from my computer to work on?
Help I close my left eye when I read?
I am nearsighted and I have noticed lately that whenever I'm reading or reading something on my iPad i close my left eye. What does this mean? Or is it normal to close an eye when reading? Please help I don't know what to do, and also im going to the eye doctor but I want to be informed before I go and I want to hear your opinion thanks
Read more: Help I close my left eye when I read?
Can you use your ipad air without any screen protectors for years?
Do the ipad air gets scratched in the long run without screen protectors? I want to use mine without the screen protector but i am a bit hesitant for it may scratch the screen in the long run. Has anyone had any ipads without such protectors for long without scratches? I know its made of gorilla corning glass but still i would like to know about any real time experiences of users.
Read more: Can you use your ipad air without any screen protectors for years?
If I buy a cellular iPad do I have to use cellular?
Ian thinking of buying a used iPad on eBay and I was wondering that if I find a cellular iPad do I have to have a SIM card in it and pay monthly and use the cellular? Or can I just use it as a regular wifi only iPad? Thank you
Read more: If I buy a cellular iPad do I have to use cellular?
Am I wrong to want an iPad?
I'm 17, 18 in December, and lately I've been thinking about buying an iPad. I already have an iPhone and a laptop (Acer, running Windows 8 [which I really don't like]), but sometimes I feel like it'd be nice to have something that can do things of both a phone (minus the phone part) and a laptop, but on something bigger than my phone and smaller/more convenient than my laptop. I'm leaning more towards the iPad mini, just because I think the size is better than the regular iPad, for me anyways. I know I would use it a lot. My iPhone is only 16GB so I don't have many apps, but with an iPad I can download tons, and it'd be better to FaceTime on than my iPhone. Am I wrong to be wanting one?
Also to any anti-Apple people out there, I'm not asking your opinion on the iPad/any Apple product, please keep them/any dissing to yourselves. I have, in fact, tried other software (Android, Samsung Galaxy tablets, etc) and I just do not prefer it as much as Apple. Thank you. :)
Read more: Am I wrong to want an iPad?
Anyone know where I can buy the cheaest Ipad Air 2 64GB wifi?
I want to buy a gold Ipad Air 2 64GB. Does anyone know any promo codes or coupons that will help reduce the price? I live in Canada.
Read more: Anyone know where I can buy the cheaest Ipad Air 2 64GB wifi?
Wifi connected has Internet access but not working?
My laptop won't load any page, but iPad and iPhone work just shows that there is Internet access but it just don't work on my laptop.
Read more: Wifi connected has Internet access but not working?
Friday, May 29, 2015
I keep getting this error on my ipad 3?
i'm trying to do family sharing and set up a child account but everytime I try I get this error 
Read more: I keep getting this error on my ipad 3?
Read more: I keep getting this error on my ipad 3?
Business App Recommendations?
I'm getting ready to start selling my baked goods and sauces at the Farmers Market. I have an iPhone and an iPad. I want to use an app to help me keep track of my expenses (raw materials, license fees, space fees, etc) inventory and sales. Which products are selling more than others. Preferably an app that does it all but I'm willing to use 2 apps. One that tracks my expenses and inventory and another that tracks my sales. What apps do you recommend?
Read more: Business App Recommendations?
Is anyone else having problems watching wwe network?
since last night I have not been able to watch the network on my ps4, laptop, ipad and roku player. Cant watch on demand or stream.
the message on the Ipad mention blackout restrictions. My computer gets the message
"WWE Network video content is currently not available for viewing at this location"
Unless North Carolina has succeeded from the US and wwe wont provide it I shouldn't have the problem
Read more: Is anyone else having problems watching wwe network?
In the iPad remake of Final Fantasy 1, how do I get my Red Mage to learn Lvl. 6 magic?
I've been at this FOREVER and I still can't figure out why he can't learn Protera or Exit, two spells I really need. It says he can learn them in the shop, but when I try buying the spells it says he can't learn them. Is this a bug?
Read more: In the iPad remake of Final Fantasy 1, how do I get my Red Mage to learn Lvl. 6 magic?
Will turning on bold text (and it says it has to restart the device) do anything to my iPad?
Will turning on bold text (and it says it has to restart the device) do anything to my iPad?
Read more: Will turning on bold text (and it says it has to restart the device) do anything to my iPad?
Essentials for paramedics 2nd edition download for free?
I've been looking for this to put on my iPad for free or cheap. Anyone know where to get it from?
Read more: Essentials for paramedics 2nd edition download for free?
Nancy Caroline emergency care in the streets 7th edition ONLINE FREE?
I'm looking for this textbook to read on my iPad for free or even cheap Anyone know where to find I've been searching forever!
Read more: Nancy Caroline emergency care in the streets 7th edition ONLINE FREE?
Headphone jack sound issues IPad/IPhone?
Using headphones with my IPad causes sound issues like sound through one earpiece but not the other and also static when twisted. It also needs to be twisted to restore sound to both. Same happens with my IPhone so it's not a hardware problem or at least I don't think it is. I've also used several different Ear & Headphones which all have the same effect. What is causing this and what are the solutions?
Read more: Headphone jack sound issues IPad/IPhone?
Why is my daughter so stupid?
So yesterday, I went to get my car fixed after it scraped against another, and my key ring had my car keys (that I had to leave at the repairs) and my house keys (I was going back home). We had a spare key, and I forgot my house keys. When I got home 30 minutes later after the bus, I realized the last time my ****ing daughter used the spare, she forgot to put it back. So I had to GO BACK AND GET IT AND COME BACK HOME and that took an hour of my time and about $5.
This ***** is literally the stupidest ****bag in the world, but really, she doesn't have the right to forget. I always see her on her phone or ipad or some **** and even though my wife says she sleeps like 3 hours a day and studies all the time, I know that that's obviously not the case. I work extremely hard and this is the ****ing **** she give me?*
Like, she might as well ****ing drop out of school if she forgets something like this.
How can I make her actually REMEMBER things and DO THE CORRECT things for God's sake.
Read more: Why is my daughter so stupid?
Can you convert an idw file into a pdf on an iPad?
Can you convert an idw file into a pdf on an iPad?
Read more: Can you convert an idw file into a pdf on an iPad?
Thursday, May 28, 2015
IPad keeps dropping wi-fi, how do I fix it?
I had an iPad 1 for several years and updated it about 3 months ago to an Air 2. From day one it dropped the wi-fi about once a week. I'd type in the WEP key and it'd say it was wrong. Eventually I resorted to resetting the network settings, but a week later I had to do it again. Now it seems to be dropping the wi-fi every 2 hours. How on earth do I stop this? My phone doesn't do it and yes they're both on the latest iOS.
Read more: IPad keeps dropping wi-fi, how do I fix it?
What do you play in ipad?
i want to know what games you are playing on your ipad so that i could download it too. Please. Share some of insight.
Read more: What do you play in ipad?
Is refund fraud a crime in NY? What amount of time might someone be facing?
Let's say I purchase a brand new IPad from a store, and a few days later, I put my old IPad in the box the new one came in and "returned" it for a full refund, while keeping the old one. Is there a law spicifically saying that that's illegal in the state of New York? Under what crime might I be charged with and to what degree?
Read more: Is refund fraud a crime in NY? What amount of time might someone be facing?
Why cant my Ipad 2 go far from the wifi without it losing connection?
Ill be next to the wifi/modem and ill only have 2 bars of connection, and if Im about 4 meters away from the wifi/modem it has no connection at all?
Read more: Why cant my Ipad 2 go far from the wifi without it losing connection?
How is the ipad air 2 better than the ipad air?
How is the ipad air 2 better than the ipad air?
Read more: How is the ipad air 2 better than the ipad air?
My iPad will only charge when it is turned off. Are there any easy solutions?
My iPad 2 won't charge while it is turned on and it charges very slow while turned off. My home button also doesn't work, I'm not sure if the two problems are related, but they occurred at the same time. Does anyone know why this would happen or how I could fix it?
Read more: My iPad will only charge when it is turned off. Are there any easy solutions?
Where is the applications folder on an iPad or iPhone?
Where is the applications folder on an iPad or iPhone? - 1
Read more: Where is the applications folder on an iPad or iPhone?
Why do my ipad/iphone chargers always stop working?
I'm sick and tired of these useless chargers mostly the cables. I'm always having to buy another cable which is a lot of money in the long run. This is like my 7th cable now at this stage and i don't know why it always decide to stop working all of a sudden. The cable is not broken or anything it just wont charge the ipad or the iphone. Can someone please tell me what could be the cause of all this?
Read more: Why do my ipad/iphone chargers always stop working?
Is it possible to get around the app Casper Focus?
So my school just announced that we will be switching to this app called Casper Focus which basically will lock you into an app (my school requires ipads) so teachers can control gaming. Would there be any way around this app and being locked in. Any tips from students who have used this app would be appreciated as well
Read more: Is it possible to get around the app Casper Focus?
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
What is the difference between the iPad mini and iPad Air 2 graphics?
What is the difference between the iPad mini and iPad Air 2 graphics?
Read more: What is the difference between the iPad mini and iPad Air 2 graphics?
How to jalbreak an iPad without a computer safely?
How to jalbreak an iPad without a computer safely?
Read more: How to jalbreak an iPad without a computer safely?
Zoom out of screen on Safari IPad 2?
Whenever I pinch out of the normal webpage size, on Safari, it either shows all tabs or zooms back in, and it's really annoying!
Is there any way to make it hold the "small" size of the webpage or at least, is there any IPad web browser that supports zooming out of the normal size?
Read more: Zoom out of screen on Safari IPad 2?
Will iOS 9 bring translucency back to older devices like iPad 2/3?
Will iOS 9 bring translucency back to older devices like iPad 2/3? - 1
Read more: Will iOS 9 bring translucency back to older devices like iPad 2/3?
How to get a FREE iPad air?
A few days ago, I was searching the web for free iPad air and i found many offers. I logged in many sites but no result till i found this video, it was my lucky hour. I received my ipad air last night. What 's your experience? 
Read more: How to get a FREE iPad air?
Read more: How to get a FREE iPad air?
What s the best free anti-viruses for an iPad?
What s the best free anti-viruses for an iPad? - 1
Read more: What s the best free anti-viruses for an iPad?
Spider lost in room?
Okay so I was laying in my bed with the lights off and watching tv on my iPad when something black scurried across my cheek and pillow. I sat up and went to turn the light on and I saw a big, ugly spider. I'm not afraid of spiders but knowing it was in my bed and could crawl all over me while I slept was too much so I watched it crawl all over my bed and tried to kill it but waited until it was on my floor and not in my blankets. I lost it once it was on the floor. As I grabbed my stuff to move rooms for the other night I watched it scurry into my closet through a tiny crack. And I guess this triggered a huge panic attack because now I know it's lost in my room but I don't know where it is and I don't know what to do. I've moved rooms for the night but I'll have to go back to my room in the morning and I'm scared to. Please please please help me!
Read more: Spider lost in room?
Should i go to the doctor?
okay usually i dont get headaches. Even when i dont wear my glasses for a long time i still dont get them. Im always either on my ipad or phone if it has anything to do with it anyways. Okay but sometimes like in one spot inside my head like my brain i guess like on one spot it will hurt its not like really bad but it hurts and it will hurt for like 5-10 seconds and then it will stop and this happens like once or twice everyday. Its usually in the front spots of my head but sometimes it does it in the back too. And also sometimes the back of my eyes will hurt like somethings pulling them or poking them not so much a stabbing feeling but it hurts. Please help!
Read more: Should i go to the doctor?
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
How to make my Ipad s lock fingerprint only?
I want to make my Ipad s pascode fingerprint only, so the only way it can be unlocked is fingerprint.
Read more: How to make my Ipad s lock fingerprint only?
How to completely shut her down and be able to prevent her from getting my texts?
My sister recently wiped her iPad clean because she had forgotten her password. We now share an Apple ID account. She is now getting my text messages whenever she turns on iMessage from her iPod. How can I completely shut her down and be able to prevent her from getting my texts?
Read more: How to completely shut her down and be able to prevent her from getting my texts?
How long does it take for a dead iPad mini to turn on again while charging?
Mine has been on charge for 4 minutes now and nothing happens
Read more: How long does it take for a dead iPad mini to turn on again while charging?
Something scary happened a little while ago?
I was on my phone when a pop up (I think) just shot out of nowhere saying I was viewing illegal things. I was very descriptive and looked a little intimating. It had the options to reload and close the page I was on and I hit the close page option but it popped up a couple more times. I looked around the web and it said that it is "scarware" or something like that. My question is, if I were to do anything that the pop up accused me of, wouldn't the law be at my door step? I am really concerned about it. It was on my android and it looked like one of those "You have won an iPad" like ad, the style looked like this:
Added (1). PS, this is not the pop up I encountered, but it looked like this in general
Read more: Something scary happened a little while ago?
Added (1). PS, this is not the pop up I encountered, but it looked like this in general
Read more: Something scary happened a little while ago?
What to do in the car to florida?
So I'm going to florida this summer and its a 19 hour car drive from ohio to florida so what should I do in the car? I have coloring books and im going to be getting an ipad mini but idk what else to do. Help?
Read more: What to do in the car to florida?
Is it okay to use IPhone and iPad while charging?
Is it okay to use IPhone and iPad while charging? - 1
Read more: Is it okay to use IPhone and iPad while charging?
First person to copy/paste this page gets 5 stars?
Copy/paste , I'm on my iPad and I can't copy it from Wikipedia. First answer gets five stars
Added (1). I'm not asking you to like hip hop just to paste it. It's for a survey project
Read more: First person to copy/paste this page gets 5 stars?
What are some good ideas for an iPhone, iPad, or Mac app that has not already been created?
I am an aspiring app developer and am eager to create new apps.
Read more: What are some good ideas for an iPhone, iPad, or Mac app that has not already been created?
Can I delete spell factory in clash of clans?
I don't believe in dark magic or anything and I really don't like it, because I'm a Christian. So far I've just tried to avoid them by not having spell factories or wizard towers and not using wizards, and now the spell factory is there and I really want to get rid of it. Some friends uploaded clash from my iPod to my iPad, and then bought a spell factory. So please, how can I get rid of it?
Read more: Can I delete spell factory in clash of clans?
Monday, May 25, 2015
What's your first world problem today?
It's 3.05am and my iPad is really cold. It's nearly winter here, that's why the iPad is so cold. Lol.
Read more: What's your first world problem today?
I feel someone/something?
So my house was built in 62, it's one story with an Attic. The people who built it owned a bank, so it's a very nice and big house. My grandmother was very good friends with the people too, so we somewhat knew them. They passed away a little over ten years ago. In this house I always feel like someone is watching me, I get the creeps, and it's always on the left side of my room. My friend came over and she said she feels nervous in our second dining room. She absolutely hates and avoids going in there by herself. She also says she feels nervous on the side of my room with my closet, and thats the left side. A while back, we were messing around on snapchat, and she was taking videos on her phone. I was just being stupid, and while she was taking the video, she looked straight at me and said "oh my god". She said she saw an orb while she was taking the video, but it was on the screen. I kept saying no way, and she showed me the video. It scared me shitless. I was sitting on the bed, talking, and a blue orb came out of the top left, and was going diagonally down to the right. It was moving slowly and gracefully, stopped around my chest, and kept going. She has it saved on her phone. It's been a while, and we kinda shrugged it off. A week ago, I was on my iPad, and i looked up and saw my dog snoring. I looked down, then looked back down on my iPad. Everyone else was in bed, and my door flew open, leaving a dent in the wall. Could there be something in the house? Sorry it's long!
Read more: I feel someone/something?
What is better? SketchClub or Procreate?
What is better? SketchClub or Procreate?
Added (1). I'm looking to buy one, and I want to know which is best. Any other recommendations are appreciated.
Read more: What is better? SketchClub or Procreate?
IPad mini completely shut off not charging?
While I was in the car, my iPad mini just shut off because of low charge and I just reached home and nothing will charge it. Sometimes I usually have the problem where the charger doesn't work but is there any thing I could do?
Read more: IPad mini completely shut off not charging?
Is it bad to use an iPad charger to charge my iPhone?
I lost my iPhone charger and all I have is my iPad charger. Will it mess up my phone's battery life if I use it or should I go out and buy another iPhone charger? I have an iPhone 6, if that matters.
Read more: Is it bad to use an iPad charger to charge my iPhone?
Should i get an I pad mini or I pad mini 2? And how many GB should i get?
Should i get an I pad mini or I pad mini 2?
and how many GB should i get? I am not sure weather i should get 16GB or 32GB? I have been looking all through the internet but i still cant decide. Please help me
Read more: Should i get an I pad mini or I pad mini 2? And how many GB should i get?
Can my iPad be fixed?
Basically the home button was all fucked up after a bad repair for a cracked screen. And eventually the home button just wobbled off. Now it has completely slid underneath the screen along with a load of dirt.
I don't care how or who can fix it. And don't say take it to the Apple Store because I bought from a reseller.
Just can it be fixed?
Read more: Can my iPad be fixed?
My iPad 3 is spazzing?
Um I'm trying to get my iMessage working but when I type in the password on the app and the settings it loads and goes back to sign in its so annoying help please:)
Read more: My iPad 3 is spazzing?
How to connect my tv to my wireless internet?
I have downloaded this app called samsung smart view which connects your ipad screen to tv screen my ipad is connected to the wifi but my tv is not how do I do this I have brighthouse and a samsung tv help please
Read more: How to connect my tv to my wireless internet?
Sunday, May 24, 2015
My son jailbroken iPad won't turn on?
I jailbroke my son iPad and he some how found the reset section and clicked reset all content and settings and since then the iPad has been stuck like this ( in the picture ) . I tried pressing the home button and the power button at the same time it didn't work I tired it again but just letting go the power button still didn't work I tried connecting it to the computer but it still didn't work idk what else to do please help! Thank you in advance:/ 
Read more: My son jailbroken iPad won't turn on?
Read more: My son jailbroken iPad won't turn on?
New Macbook or stick with iPad mini?
Okay so before you judge me and think I'm bratty let me explain. My school district is very fortunate where all the teachers have macbookPros and all the students, grades,7-12, have iPad minis (Provided by the school).
I personally like/prefer computers better, but do you think I should spend $1300, and buy a computer I'll use through out high school, and on a program (where I taking 9th grade science over the summer to move ahead in the fall) or just "suffer" a little with using the iPad.
Note: I know I'm not going to suffer with an iPad mini, it was just saying I prefer computers better but am unsure if I should spend the money or not.
Please don't be rude! And thank you.
Read more: New Macbook or stick with iPad mini?
How to text from Mac or iPad if I have an android?
See I just switched iPhone to android and one thing I miss is being able to text from my iPad and Mac so is there any way to do that?
Read more: How to text from Mac or iPad if I have an android?
Update iOS one at a time?
I want to update my iPad mini to iOS 7.1 and it is 7.0.6 right now. Is there a way to choose what version you want to update to? Because i don't want to update all the way to iOS 8.
Read more: Update iOS one at a time?
Is the iPad mini 3 supposed to be scratch resistant?
I've had my iPad mini 3 for 6 months or so and I've received small fine scratches that are only visable in the light I've been cleaning my iPad mini 3 with a microfiber cloth I just don't know how the scratches got there? Did the oleophobic coating come off or something?
Read more: Is the iPad mini 3 supposed to be scratch resistant?
Where can I download garageband on my Apple iPad?
Where can I download garageband on my Apple iPad? - 1
Read more: Where can I download garageband on my Apple iPad?
Is the camera on the iPhone 5s or iPad more accurate?
I'm just wondering because it always seems like my face looks a lot longer and overall just uglier on the iPhone camera than it does on the iPad (even in the same lighting.)
Sorry if this is a stupid question, thank you though.
Read more: Is the camera on the iPhone 5s or iPad more accurate?
Calling Different Countries/Skype?
Hi, ive been reading on if video calling in different countries costs money. People say no but others say they got charged for it?
I live in the US and my friend lives in the UK. He has a smart phone(Andriod) and I have both an iPod and iPad. If i were to call him or him to call me, would it cost money for either of us?
Read more: Calling Different Countries/Skype?
I used to be able so sleep late but now I can't?!
Okay. Since I hit my 10s I used to be able to use my iPad until usually around 3 in the morning. I used to do this for years with absolutely no problem. Since I turned 15. I can't even stay up until 1!
Does anybody knows why this is?
Read more: I used to be able so sleep late but now I can't?!
What is your routine, lifestyle (Family)?
My dad is angry with me and my brother (mostly my brother) that we waste too much of our free time doing "nonsense". I answered that we have nothing to do in free time because we can't really go anywhere or do anything except that I have my mac and my brother has an iPad and thats basically it. We are tight on money and can't really waste money going out to movies or take lessons for things (like animation which I love to do but is hard for me to learn online) and other things most kids from our school do. We go to private school which is expensive so most kids there tend to be rich.
Parents and teenagers please answer, what restrictions do you have or give your children? Hobbies? Routine? Basically I want to know your everyday life?
I want to make our family better and need advice
ps. My mom passed away when I was little, my dad met someone (its complicated) and she lives with us, cookes for us, takes us to school and takes care of us. Also my dad works pretty late sometimes.
Read more: What is your routine, lifestyle (Family)?
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Does any one know what the best nds emulater for iOS is?
I have a jailbroken IPad mini original and so far all the nds4ios emulaters I've used only get about 17 fps. I was wondering if there were any better emulaters for iOS. Thanks
Read more: Does any one know what the best nds emulater for iOS is?
Need to find out my iPad's passcode?
My dad changed my iPad password and I'd like to find out what it is WITHOUT CHANGING IT OR DELETING IT. I also can go onto my iPad with his permission, but I still won't know what it is. Is there a way to find it out?
Thank you in advance.
Read more: Need to find out my iPad's passcode?
At what price should I sell my 10/10 condition iPad 3 64 gb cellular? In Pakistani rupees?
At what price should I sell my 10/10 condition iPad 3 64 gb cellular? In Pakistani rupees?
Read more: At what price should I sell my 10/10 condition iPad 3 64 gb cellular? In Pakistani rupees?
Why can I not receive e-mails to my iPhone or iPad unless I open up the mail app? Recent issue?
Why can I not receive e-mails to my iPhone or iPad unless I open up the mail app? Recent issue?
Read more: Why can I not receive e-mails to my iPhone or iPad unless I open up the mail app? Recent issue?
Are there any apps for your iPad to block social media for you to study?
I have finals in a week and I need to focus so I was wondering if there are apps that I can use to block social media to study like self control for max
Read more: Are there any apps for your iPad to block social media for you to study?
Why is snapchat taking up so much space on my iPhone and iPad?
Snapchat (and Instagram) are both taking up so much space on my devices that it is ridiculous. I can't update anything because my storage is so full. (Most of it is taken up also by Pages, Keynote and other school apps but I need to keep them) I undertsand why my school apps take up so much room, but why do my social medias?
Thanks in advance:)
Read more: Why is snapchat taking up so much space on my iPhone and iPad?
What's the best way to study from a textbook?
What is the most effective way to study from a textbok (such as Calculus, History, Biology, and Chemistry)?
Do you just read straight through and do the problems?
Do you highlight?
Should you take notes? Is taking notes on the computer or iPad okay?
Read more: What's the best way to study from a textbook?
If I have an ipad with 4g, do I HAVE to have a data plan? Can I just use wi-fi only?
If I have an ipad with 4g, do I HAVE to have a data plan? Can I just use wi-fi only?
Read more: If I have an ipad with 4g, do I HAVE to have a data plan? Can I just use wi-fi only?
Friday, May 22, 2015
IPad mini was dead and now won't turn on?
My iPad mini was dead for about so months because I lost it and now it just shows the charging image, will it turn on? It's been ten minutes
Read more: IPad mini was dead and now won't turn on?
IPad Dead for six months, won't turn on?
I lost my iPad mini for about six months, i found it today, it's been plugged in for ten minutes and won't turn on. I just see the battery image whenever I plug it in, or press the home button, it says it's charging. Is that good?
Read more: IPad Dead for six months, won't turn on?
Guess how old I am and what gender from the description?
My iPad doesn't want to load a pic so I will describe myself.
I don't like smoking. I like learning vocabulary. I don't drink or take drugs. My brother is 11- years-old. My mom is 49. I dislike video games most of the time. I am intermediate in piano. I like making funny faces when taking a pic with mom. I am a vegan. Sometimes when people tell me to do stuff they have to pull me, high-five me, say I love you, sing me a song, or tell me a joke or story, or give me money. I don't eat sugar products or junk food. I want to contribute to society. I am 5 ft 1 1/2.
Added (1). And let's be honorable and not check my account
Added (2). People I love hanging out with are in sixth and seventh grade.
Read more: Guess how old I am and what gender from the description?
Mine craft - What the heck is this?
So I was playing minecraft pe with plug Pe on and this player with no name was behind me and he was looking straight down then he disappeared. 2 days later I was playing minecraft Pe with a friend through Bluetooth on plug Pe and he appeared again just hovering about one block of the ground looking straight up but only my friend could see him this time. About 10 seconds later he disappeared.
I have an iPad mini 3 and minecraft pe running 0.10.4 and my world has a lot of diamond and gold blocks in it.
Read more: Mine craft - What the heck is this?
Is iPad 1st generation still good enough for watching youtube videos?
Is iPad 1st generation still good enough for watching youtube videos?
Read more: Is iPad 1st generation still good enough for watching youtube videos?
How much time served for injury to a child (bodily injury)?
A 21 year old hit a 13 year old
What happened was the 21 year old wanted somthing to eat from the fridge (they are family and live together so) as the 21 is leaving the door with the snack the 13 year old threatens "give it back or I'll hurt you" and when the 21 year old turns back the 13 year old has a dirty look and a bundle of pencils in his hand the 21 confronts the 13 year old asking him "just you try, acting all big and bad" then he punches the 13 year old I'm the chin. The kid cries and tells the mother the mother is a criminal herself for her own problems and has been trying to get rid of the 21 year old (she doesn't care about her kids until someone is watching plus not that long ago she had attacked the 21 year old for no reason) anyway she calls the cops he goes in and serves for a past warrent and is in for 5 hours comes back and yesterday they had arrested him. The kid had a red mark at school yes. But it faded away the mom states he had a concussion but the boy had gone outside regardless and sat on his iPad completely fine (concussions causes pain when they look at light or loud noises etc) the kid did not tell the cops he had started the argument nor threatened. I witnessed this and this kid does not understand what jail is like for someone he is immature and this irritates me. The circumstances were stupid. This is Texas
Added (1). He was arrested yesterday for the assault to child.
This is his first domestic violence or assault to child.
Added (2). He's living there for the time being cause the only choices he's got is his brother (lots of trouble) so it's very difficult once he's out of course he's moving out he has had enough of his mother
Read more: How much time served for injury to a child (bodily injury)?
Ipad movie apps (free only)?
I'm going to London on Monday and it is a 5 hour journey there and 5 hours back I was wanting to watch films and to shows and I was wondering what apps are there for a iPad mini which I can download movies and tvshows for free thanks
Read more: Ipad movie apps (free only)?
I bought a ipad and cant restore?
on my way back from arizona i had bought a ipad 3rd gen from a estate sale, it turns out the last owner is still logged in and has a pass code, i cant sync it with itunes because of this, and the recovery mode thing wont work for me. What do i do to use this ipad, i dont have any of the boxes or papers.
Read more: I bought a ipad and cant restore?
Why wont my internet work?
It says i am hooked up to my wifi and have a signal on my ipad but whenever i go on an app that uses internet it wont load it. Every device in my house works fine (and there are multiple other ipad minis besides mine) but my ipad wont load anything. I have disconnected from my wifi multiple times and have reset my connection and hard started it and turned it off a few times. What do i do?
Read more: Why wont my internet work?
Thursday, May 21, 2015
What causes storms to rotate?
I'm entering a contest to win an iPad Mini and I need to answer that question. Try and give an in-depth, but easy to understand answer. Thanks! P.S.: I know about the Coreolis effect and stuff, it's just that I need the details on that.
Read more: What causes storms to rotate?
I dropped my iPad, and now the screen is messed up, and it doesn t turn on. How do I fix it?
I dropped my iPad on the floor, and suddenly the screen turned black. However, the backlight was still on. It won t even let me restart the iPad. Sometimes when I press the sleep/wake or the home button, it turns bright yellow, or it shows a messed up lock screen for a fraction of a second. What do I do?
Read more: I dropped my iPad, and now the screen is messed up, and it doesn t turn on. How do I fix it?
My ipad mini got locked out and asking me for Apple id and password. What do I do?
My older brother hates me. IDK why my parents love him so much. He kept guessing my passcode and he locked it out after 10 tries I think. I dont know what to do with that because my dad forgot the password for that.
Read more: My ipad mini got locked out and asking me for Apple id and password. What do I do?
Camera with built in Eye fi?
Camera with built in Eye fi? - 1
Added (1). Looking for a camera that has built in eye-fi type capability. I want to take pictures with my camera and download them to my Ipad without using a router or cell phone.
Read more: Camera with built in Eye fi?
Outbox won't load on IPad?
I went to send a large message through Safari on my IPad. It went to the outbox & then said that I needed to confirm I was a real person before trying to send it. After I had a few issues with that I finally confirmed I was real but it wouldn't allow me to send. It would keep saying try again. I didn't want to lose the large message so I tried moving it to notes so I could possibly copy & paste to a new email. Now the outbox won't load even though it says I have 1 message in there & it's not in my notes either. Is there anything I can do to recover the message?
Read more: Outbox won't load on IPad?
I can access my yaho email on my laptop but not on my iPad. Help?
I can access my yaho email on my laptop but not on my iPad. Help?
Read more: I can access my yaho email on my laptop but not on my iPad. Help?
Could i return my iPad mini to walmart even though its been a year since i bought it?
Could i return my iPad mini to walmart even though its been a year since i bought it?
Added (1). Could i return my iPad mini to walmart even though its been a year since i bought it? I haven't used it at all (i took the shrink wrap off) and i have the receipt.
Read more: Could i return my iPad mini to walmart even though its been a year since i bought it?
Could i return my iPad mini to walmart even though its been a year since i bought it? - 1
Could i return my iPad mini to walmart even though its been a year since i bought it? - 2
Read more: Could i return my iPad mini to walmart even though its been a year since i bought it? - 1
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Why does my iPad 1's screen read Charger is not supported with this accessory?
The charger came with the iPad, so it's obviously the right one. But as of recently, it does not work. Therefore, I am unable to charge my iPad.
Read more: Why does my iPad 1's screen read Charger is not supported with this accessory?
Both iphone and ipad have message connection to the server(null) on Port 0 timed out. Help?!
Both iphone and ipad have message connection to the server(null) on Port 0 timed out. Help?!
Read more: Both iphone and ipad have message connection to the server(null) on Port 0 timed out. Help?!
Why can I not open my face book with my dell computer but yet I can do so with my Iphone and Ipad?
Why can I not open my face book with my dell computer but yet I can do so with my Iphone and Ipad?
Read more: Why can I not open my face book with my dell computer but yet I can do so with my Iphone and Ipad?
If i jailbreak my ipad will it go nuts? Mean jailbreak is good or nah?
If i jailbreak my ipad will it go nuts? Mean jailbreak is good or nah? - 1
Read more: If i jailbreak my ipad will it go nuts? Mean jailbreak is good or nah?
How to remove small scratches from my iPad?
I have these small fine scratches on my iPad mini 3 and I want to remove them. How do I do this?
Read more: How to remove small scratches from my iPad?
I have an ipad 2 white Iv had it for a year how much is it worth?
The Ipad it smashed a bit but not really bad!
Read more: I have an ipad 2 white Iv had it for a year how much is it worth?
I think my iPad is haunted?
So I was charging my iPad, and out of the blue Siri comes on and asks me how she can help. I was NO WHERE near it, and I was alone in my room. She came on twice, unprovoked and it's freaking me out! Do I have a ghost problem, or is there something wrong with my iPad?
Read more: I think my iPad is haunted?
Good, cheap gaming pc?
I'm only 14 but I really want a good PC for gta, minecraft and Photoshop. I was thinking of selling ipad 4 which I can get like 300 pounds for, and maybe my kinda crappy LG laptop for 70 quid? What could I get?
Read more: Good, cheap gaming pc?
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Where is the outbox on ipad…my mail wont send?
Where is the outbox on ipad…my mail wont send?
Read more: Where is the outbox on ipad…my mail wont send?
Does Apple replace iPad Air 2s if they bent?
Does Apple replace iPad Air 2s if they bent? - 1
Read more: Does Apple replace iPad Air 2s if they bent?
Best program to jailbreak ipad 2 with the 8.1.2 update?
My ipad is old. I am planning on getting a new one so I want to jailbreak this one and mess around with that
Read more: Best program to jailbreak ipad 2 with the 8.1.2 update?
Is this a good iPad art drawing? What would you improve and how could I make it look cooler?
Made this anime art from an existing picture of the anime Highschool dxd. It's only half done but I need opinions. How can I make it look better and more professional?
Read more: Is this a good iPad art drawing? What would you improve and how could I make it look cooler?
Read more: Is this a good iPad art drawing? What would you improve and how could I make it look cooler?
Any body know any other apps for iPhone or iPad that are similar to the app called spray can?
I mean it used to be one of the coolest apps but now I'm not to sure any more. So is there any other apps similar to spray can? If you have not downloaded the app and you don't want to the idea of the app is you Create art on your device then you share it and people can like it or dislike it and they can even comment. Check out the app. And after you do please tell me if there's an app like it for Apple products. Thank you for your time
Read more: Any body know any other apps for iPhone or iPad that are similar to the app called spray can?
My IPad is overheating?
My IPad is overheating?
Added (1). because I am scoring baseball games in 90 degree heat; so there is no confusion about the why. What I want to know is there an app I can install to give me warning it is about to overheat before it does so I can take precautions before it does.
Read more: My IPad is overheating?
I feel alone with my family?
I feel alone in my family and I need help. First let me tell you the problem. My whole family from my moms side ( as in aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents) are planning to go to a cottage for a week in July. The thing is I don t want to go, I love my family but I end up being alone and crying. Why, you may ask, because I m thirteen and I m the only one thats thirteen in my family. Everyone else is 3,5,6 and that s the younger cousins. My other cousins are 18,20,24,26. I m not going to lie they do talk to me and chill but only for about 2 minutes then they go out, and I don t want to play with my younger cousins, I mean come on, a 13 year old playing with a 3 year old because I don t have anything to do. Yes I have an ipad but I get bored of it. We did this about 3 year ago and I ended up sitting on a couch for a week doing nothing and being depressed. I don t want to go. I talked to my parents but they said I m being stupid. I just don t know what to do. Please help me to convince them this is a stupid idea.
Read more: I feel alone with my family?
I have exams next week, and I can't motivate myself to study. Help?!
I don't study, I never do, I just revise a bit, but I still feel as if I haven't studied hard enough, cause I can't motivate myself to study, and I get distracted too easily (iPad, iPhone, internet, music, etc).
Read more: I have exams next week, and I can't motivate myself to study. Help?!
Ipad and a 40 Inch TV or a Gaming PC?
So my mum gave me a dilemma.
I've always wanted a gaming PC to play modded skyrim on or minecraft. I also do this YouTube thing so I guess that it could help me with that.
But I used to have an iphone a couple years ago and ended up getting a galaxy a year ago because my iphone was too slow to do anything. I have a bunch of apps on it now that I can't use as I have nothing else that is apple.
I do have a PS4 and I have a capture card with it and everything.
So there is this 40 Inch TV on amazon and I can get it and still afford the Ipad air 2 in 64 GB as lets face it 16GB is just a pitiful amount.
However if I get the TV and the Ipad then I won't be able to afford the PC as it is in the £650 price point. If I get the TV then I can have my PS4 in my room and I guess it will look nicer than just a box with a monitor. If I get the PC then i'll just save up until I can get a second monitor for my PS4 but that will be at christmas and 24 inches isn't really big for gaming on your bed.
So my question is should I get a 40 Inch TV and a 64GB I pad air 2 or should I get a gaming PC capable of running the latest games on normal/high at 60 fps but the monitor is 24 Inches?
Read more: Ipad and a 40 Inch TV or a Gaming PC?
Monday, May 18, 2015
Is there an App that will warn me my IPad is in danger of overheating BEFORE it overheats?
Is there an App that will warn me my IPad is in danger of overheating BEFORE it overheats? - 1
Read more: Is there an App that will warn me my IPad is in danger of overheating BEFORE it overheats?
How many electronic devices can you bring to an international airport from jfk to hong kong?
2 adults 1 baby planning to bring 3 phones 2 iPad and 1 go pro and do they check you're phones if they work or not heard there's a new rule.
Read more: How many electronic devices can you bring to an international airport from jfk to hong kong?
Cannot get or send email on my iPhone or iPad?
Cannot get or send email on my iPhone or iPad?
Read more: Cannot get or send email on my iPhone or iPad?
Are apps free on the apple store for ipads?
I've never owned an Apple product before but I'll be buying a ipad mini soon. I just wanted to know are the apps free or do you have to pay for them?
Read more: Are apps free on the apple store for ipads?
Can schools track a stolen ipad?
so my dad got me an ipad from this guy who "gets" things for him. Anyways, the ipad he got is a school ipad with mdm software installed. I bypassed it to where i could download anything j want, butnstill not too sure if its still on there or not. So basically could they track it to my house?
Read more: Can schools track a stolen ipad?
How many products has Apple sold (e.g. IPod Touch, iPad, iPhone)?
How many products has Apple sold (e.g. IPod Touch, iPad, iPhone)?
Read more: How many products has Apple sold (e.g. IPod Touch, iPad, iPhone)?
Do I have the right to be upset?
Yesterday, my boyfriend and I went out to eat, and he started telling me that this girl (who he knows likes him and was going to ask him out, despite the fact that I am dating him) messaged him on Facebook. He offered to show me the messages, so I said sure. When we got back home, I asked him if I could see the messages since he had offered, and he said no. I got up to get myself something in the kitchen, where his iPad was laying on the counter, but I had NO intentions on getting it to look at his messages. He jumps up off the couch and grabs his iPad, yelling at me, thinking I was going to get his iPad to read his messages. He then deletes the messages with the girl. This really upset me because it made it look very suspicious like he had something to hide. He says he just didn't want me to read the long messages, but he had offered, and now I feel like there was something he didn't want me to see. Am I wrong to be upset?
Read more: Do I have the right to be upset?
Got my iPad screen fixed and it broke an hour later?
So I go to one of those phone cover shops to get my cracked iPad screen replaced and after doing so all I did was tap on the screen which caused it to crack. The woman who replaced it is refusing to fix it. It cost me $90, is there anything I can do?
Read more: Got my iPad screen fixed and it broke an hour later?
Should Marco Fabian replace the donkey Giroud at Arsenal?
First half hat trick, get the Mexican to Arsenal…
China's to win the title, LOL at America
Added (1). *Chivas* I'm on an iPad
Read more: Should Marco Fabian replace the donkey Giroud at Arsenal?
Sunday, May 17, 2015
I broke my Ipad2 wifi antenna. Is there any way to connect to internet.( My ipad is only wifi)?
I broke my Ipad2 wifi antenna. Is there any way to connect to internet.( My ipad is only wifi)?
Read more: I broke my Ipad2 wifi antenna. Is there any way to connect to internet.( My ipad is only wifi)?
To design well with the iPad… Can I use Photoshop with the graphic pen?
Or do you think it could be better to buy a graphic tablet companion (Wacom)? I'm a beginner but I started to draw months ago with the computer's graphic tablet… Could an iPad be so sofisticated as a graphic tablet if I use photoshop and the graphic pen (consider that I have to buy it)?
Read more: To design well with the iPad… Can I use Photoshop with the graphic pen?
How to get your keyboard to work on an IPad?
Every time i go to type something on my IPad it won't work. The keyboard won't pop up. How can i fix this?
Read more: How to get your keyboard to work on an IPad?
Is there any fun ipad games apps i can play without Internet?
I am going to cyprus in june which is a 5 hour long journey on a plane… I need some apps to keep me occupied
Read more: Is there any fun ipad games apps i can play without Internet?
Can t get my iPad 3 restored?
MY iPad 3 is stuck in recovery mode. I have tried normal reset and I ve tried factory resetting through iTunes And just keep receiving a 21 error code. I have also tried using tiny umbrella and black ra1n to try resetting it. Also tried putting it in dfu mode but nothing is working. Can anyone tell me what tha issue is? I ve been on some websites that have said it might have a problem with the battery. I just ran out of ideas. Your help would be much appreciated.
thank you.
Read more: Can t get my iPad 3 restored?
Moving apps from iPad to iPhone?
I downloaded this movie app called "download" and I have many many movies on it and thing is, I want to have this app on my iPhone too without having to download all the movies again, which would take ages! I did the sync thingy on iTunes so all my iPad apps moved to my iPhone including the movie app, but the problem is that there are no movies on the app! Does anyone know how I can move the movie app to my iPhone WITH the movies that are already downloaded on it? Thanks for the help:)
Read more: Moving apps from iPad to iPhone?
IPad stuck on screen and home button broken?
My daughter has recently broken the home button and now it just stopped working yesterday. It's on the home screen but no apps are present so it's just the wallpaper showing. Won't turn off or do anything. Can't do the reset as home button broken. I have tried charging it, plugging into laptop and restoring it. Stil does nothing and on same page. The top notification banner and bottom things slide down and up but none of the things come on when clicked.
Can someone help please, how can I get it on or reset it without the home button working.
Read more: IPad stuck on screen and home button broken?
I don't know what I'm doing with my life?
All of my time is spent doing my homework, sleeping or playing the piano. I have no social life. I also spend a lot of my time on my iPad. I see everyone on snapchat meeting up with their friends but I don't really have many. I'm a 13 year girl and I have depression and social anxiety. What can I do?
Read more: I don't know what I'm doing with my life?
Having trouble with my ipad mini?
I have an ipad mini for 2 years now and i reset it so i can make a new apple account because i cant download some apps due to some region issues. Now my problem is i cant activate it because i forgot my old apple account and the email i used when i there a way i can activate it? I dont have the receipt but i still have the full box. Will they help me if i bring it to apple store?
Read more: Having trouble with my ipad mini?
Good games to get for iPad mini 3?
Looking for good games to get (money is no object under £10) preferably if the game is in hd that would be great and some suggestions to what I like: smash hit, modern combat 5, gangster Vegas, minecraft
Read more: Good games to get for iPad mini 3?
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Will my Wi-Fi improve with a secondary router acting as a repeater?
My room and the primary router are opposite sides of my house. At times my internet can be pretty good, but other times it's straight up trash. Today, I bought an ASUS RT-N12 Wireless Router as a secondary router for a wireless bridge. I just finished configuring everything, and have my new secondary router up and running in my room as a repeater. I did a speed test in my room for both routers on my iPad just to compare, and when I connect to my primary router, it has an internet speed of 11 mbps and my secondary a lower 8-9 mbps. My primary router is a D-Link dual band router (don't know much about routers), but it seems like a good quality router since my brother bought it for like $120. My internet has been really trash lately, at one point the speed was 0.92 mbps in my room, but now it seems to be back to normal.
Is my secondary router and wireless bridge pretty much useless since the secondary router is in my room, do I need to move it close to my router or something? Will my internet speed be a bit more consistent now that I have another router or should I just scrap the whole idea and get a refund?
Read more: Will my Wi-Fi improve with a secondary router acting as a repeater?
What to do with my Ipad Mini 3?
Basically I got an Ipad mini 3 about a month ago and it's been working fine but 2 issues have developed with it. I don't know whether Apple will fix it within its warranty but the Sleep/Wake button is very loose on it (still works though). The other problem is that I have noticed from time to time the screen goes slightly dimmer. This may sound like a auto brightness glitch but its not the brightness. My brightness is always consistent on one level with auto brightness off and sometimes when I watch movies or play a game the screen will go slightly darker all of a sudden for a minute or few seconds and will often go back to normal if I press the screen or on its own. My auto sleep is off and I have actually looked at the brightness level when it happens and it doesn't change. What could be causing this and will Apple know how to fix it?
Read more: What to do with my Ipad Mini 3?
Is There and Instagram App for Ipad?
I've always thought there was but I searched it on the App Store but it isn't there. There's just the apps for more likes and followers. But there isn't Instagram itself.
Added (1). Should've been more specific, Ipad Mini.
Read more: Is There and Instagram App for Ipad?
How to get rid of timelapse on ipad?
So i recorded something but accidently used the time lasp mode. Is there anyway of fixing it. Please its very important
Read more: How to get rid of timelapse on ipad?
Why isn't my iPad mini 2 charging in the car?
I plugged my iPad mini 2 into the car charger. It says Charging in the middle with 13% on it but I wait a second and it says Not Charging in the top right corner. I am expecting a very important call in 45 minutes Help!
Read more: Why isn't my iPad mini 2 charging in the car?
What prevents people with Credit Cards from disputing every charge to get things for free?
So say you buy an Ipad then dispute the charge and say it was fraud. How does the CC company know you are telling the truth? See what I am saying?
Does this happen a lot were people try to cheat the company?
Read more: What prevents people with Credit Cards from disputing every charge to get things for free?
If I make a new Apple ID, will I lose everything?
I would like to make a new Apple ID because I forgot my secrecy questions and I would like a fresh start. I also would like to restore my iPad from factory settings and put the new Apple ID on it. I want to know if I will lose everything or not. I will have my old Apple ID on my laptop so I can sync everything. Will I lose anything or when I update it will I have to use my old password?
Added (1). When my brother got his iPod he got a lot of his apps from me and when he updates them they are on his Apple ID.
Read more: If I make a new Apple ID, will I lose everything?
How I Got My FREE Ipad Air?
How I Got My FREE Ipad Air? - 1
Added (1). I went to this site --> and was asked some questions which I answered and later on I was sent a link in my inbox that my Ipad air has been shipped to my address.
In about 4 Days it Really arrived! I'm excited but confused should I send it back?
This is the site a got the free Ipad Air from --->
I find it a little strange.
Read more: How I Got My FREE Ipad Air?
How I got My Free Ipad 2?
I got a free Ipad 2 from this site -->>
I didn't believe it at first. But it works. They emailed me after a submitted my form to confirm my address.
I think they are doing a promotion or something not sure.
All what I'm saying is if you want one to then go to this site
I tuk a pic of mine for proof!
Read more: How I got My Free Ipad 2?
Friday, May 15, 2015
Why has 2015 sucked?
Seriously wtf? Ok so first I get caught drinking my sister thinks it's a good idea to slap me while i'm hammered drunk, yet she knows I have an Explosive Disorder. So I lost it, I slammed her head against the floor than kicked a hole in the door, it was her fault because 1. She knew that I had temper, she's pissed me off before. 2. I'm Drunk 3. I am 130 pounds of lean muscle so what does that tell you? Than I get put in a good lit class, I was passing with a 79 than guess what? My mom moves me into a shitty lit class now my grade's 69. I'm failing math and literature. I get caught stealing Cigarettes by my parents and borrowing an ipad from my friend's house. Let me tell you something, my dad's a ******* *** hole who thinks psychology is bullshit and he says, "Illnesses don't exist we all make descisions." So instead of my mom throwing them out she makes me go back into the store pay $5 they can't take the change so I walk out looking a fool, idk why my mom just didn't donate to charitaty. Than I get caught stealing my friends ipad, my mom thinks it's a good idea to go to their house and give it to them and say,"my son's a theif" however this stealing of the ipad was perfectly justified because my friend has wronged me countless of times. Lastly than i got caught using ifunny, i'm an offensive btw. Don't tell me being an offensive is wrong because emos are just as bad. But seriously why would they get mad at me for making offensive stuff on the web?seriouslyI'mnotintheKKK.
Added (1). PS: Pplz no trolls or tryhard commedians you guys are just loosers who should drink bleach and please non of that,"It's your fault, you made a decision" no it's really not. My parents blow stuff out of proportion way to much.
Read more: Why has 2015 sucked?
I want to physically hurt myself?
I don't know what to do, when I'm around my mom, I always want to kill myself and makes me want to self harm. Since I was born till when I was 7, my dad used to beat her and make her drink and do drugs, and my half sister. Same mom not same dad. Would have to hold me back as we sat there and had to watch it. At 7, we moved away to Texas and lived with my stepdad, who is just like my dad except the drugs and drinking and abuse. At 10, I developed acne. And around 12, it got worse than normal and I was diagnosed with cystic acne, look it up on google pictures. My face and back and chest are covered in it, they look like blisters. My dad and his acne has caused me hurt mentally. I am over sensitive and over emotional, I self harm when times get too bad. My mom knows, well knew, she thinks I stopped but actually I just cut on my thigh now and she doesn't know. Now onto my mom, she blames everything on me. When I'm talking she interrupts me, she nags about everything I do and if I'm talking to her she accuses me of yelling and nags about that, she says I'm just like my dad and that pisses me off more. I tell her it does but she still does it. My mom is overprotective and tells me that she's going to check my iPad hard drive and that gets my anxiety high. You would have to know her about all the **** she does to me.
Added (1). Oh and I was sexually assaulted at 5 or 6 and she knows.
Read more: I want to physically hurt myself?
I can't find Airdrop on my iPad?
I want to airdrop pictures from my phone to my iPad but there isn't an airdrop option in the control center for my iPad?
Read more: I can't find Airdrop on my iPad?
Can I search the web with an Apple ipad like I do on google with my lap top please?
Can I search the web with an Apple ipad like I do on google with my lap top please?
Read more: Can I search the web with an Apple ipad like I do on google with my lap top please?
I cant tell what face shape i have?
Give me ur email so i can send u a pic, my ipad doesnt let me upload pictures, it keeps loading, thanx
Read more: I cant tell what face shape i have?
Safe to use ipad 3 charger adapter for iphone 5?
Safe to use ipad 3 charger adapter for iphone 5?
Read more: Safe to use ipad 3 charger adapter for iphone 5?
Orange light of death?
I ve had this problem since day one and until now I ve never really cared since I ve been using my data. But now I have no choice but to use wifi on it. The problem is I can be less than 2 feet away from the router and I will only have one bar. But on my ipad, the wifi can reach all the way to the other side of the house. What am I supposed to do? Is there anything I can do to fix it? If so please tell me
Read more: Orange light of death?
Makayama or padcaster mount for ipad air 2?
I can't afford a canon dlsr for filming so I've decided to buy an Ipad air. But I don't know which movie mount to get for it, and what accessories (Like a mic, mini light, and lens) that would go well with either one of them. It would help if anyone has any knowledge on these items, and if you know any good filming apps that are good as well, that'd be awesome.
Read more: Makayama or padcaster mount for ipad air 2?
I have 1500 sent items on my iphone/ipad, how can I reduce this please?
I have 1500 sent items on my iphone/ipad, how can I reduce this please? - 1
Read more: I have 1500 sent items on my iphone/ipad, how can I reduce this please?
Thursday, May 14, 2015
What is the difference between an ipad and a tablet?
What is the difference between an ipad and a tablet? - 1
Read more: What is the difference between an ipad and a tablet?
Why is my cellular iPad only working in wifi?
So I have an iPad Air 2, cellular version. This obviously means I shouldn t be restricted to wifi when I do anything that involves Internet. But for the past few weeks I ve realized that I can only do anything Internet related only in wifi. Why is this? I need suggestions!
Read more: Why is my cellular iPad only working in wifi?
Connect Phone Micro Sim-Card to Ipad mini 2?
I have an iPhone 4s which has a Micro-sim in it, and I want to connect it to an iPad mini 2 (cellular), but that takes a nano-sim card. Is there a way I can connect the Micro sim to the iPad?
Read more: Connect Phone Micro Sim-Card to Ipad mini 2?
Why won't my 14 month old son go to sleep?
Why won't my 14 month old son go to sleep?
Added (1). He has always been a fantastic sleeper and in the last 2 weeks he refuses to go to bed. Stands up in his crib, screaming until eventually we break and go get him. He sounds like he's going to either throw up from screaming or hyperventilate. After several attempts, usually taking about an hour, he finally goes to bed without issues. He was successfully sleep trained over 6 months ago and has been great but lately he has just been terrible.
Read more: Why won't my 14 month old son go to sleep?
How do l you download games on a ipad 2 without needing wifi?
How do l you download games on a ipad 2 without needing wifi?
Read more: How do l you download games on a ipad 2 without needing wifi?
Ipad internet just doesnt work?
I have no idea why but my ipad cant go on the internet. It says i am connected to my wifi but when i go to safari it says not connected to server. I tried restarting it no luck. I tried to see if it was an apple problem but wifi works on my phone. Its not on airplane mode and i turned off wifi on my ipad for a few minutes to see if i turn it back on it might work but still no luck. It also works fine on my dell computer. Im worried it might be something that i messed with in the settings. I pressed forget this network for my wifi to see when i type in the password to access wifi again it might work but it didn't. Help
Read more: Ipad internet just doesnt work?
I think my iPad have a virus, if so how can I get rid of it?
If I walk with it, it will cut off but just to the lock screen and automatically take a pic with it lock. Or just out of no ware lock and take a pic. What can I do to fix this.
Read more: I think my iPad have a virus, if so how can I get rid of it?
Are mirror selfies with iPad minis weirdos? (See picture)?
Are mirror selfies with iPad minis weirdos? (See picture)?
Read more: Are mirror selfies with iPad minis weirdos? (See picture)?
I think I've done something TERRIBLY wrong?
Today I've done something TERRIBLY wrong. So it started off when I was at school reading in the reading corner and a guy who needed to catch up was doing Raz Kids on the classroom iPads. I looked on his screen because he was just flipping the pages without even reading. Then he started taking screenshots of random stuff. After that he went into pages he wasn't supposed to and went into photos to see how many screenshots he took, but there were pictures of my teachers house, and it was in super bad condition so I had to look. About a minute later, we went to our seats, but the assistant teacher told us that it was "invading private property" then I was confused, I remembered some guys saying that it was " stalking". Luckily, we had a substitute teacher so me and the guy only got into some trouble. She told me that the guy's parents would be told that afternoon and mine would be on Friday. I mean to be honest, I don't think I was involved in it. He was the one with the iPad, and it was his idea. But why I got into trouble when I didn't know it was even "stalking" or "invading private property". Do you think I will go to the principals office, or worse get suspended, expelled or go to jail?! Should that does happen, what should I do? Any excuses you think I can say? Should I be getting in trouble? In my defense, why did my teacher put his photos when he knows students are gonna use it, and its not his! It's the school's!
Added (1). P.S. He and his friend say he hacks stuff, and it looks true
Added (2). I'm really afraid to go to school tomorrow!
Added (3). The number 13! This kind of stuff happens to me on the 13th every time!
Read more: I think I've done something TERRIBLY wrong?
Get out of a sleepover?
I have this friend that asks me to have a sleepover every single weekend, and I 80% of the time I don't want to go. Our moms know each other very well and plan our sleepovers without asking me first. I've told my mom to consult with me first but she just says "She's your friend and you don't want to make her sad, right?" My friend is really rude to me and invades my privacy, asks me if I'm "Gay" which insults me because I'm Bisexual. This friend also goes to church every Sunday at 7 am. I'm not religious, and have to listen to them ramble on about how Jesus is our savior and honestly I wake up at 6 am every morning for school, Weekends are my time to relax and do nothing lol. I can't ask my mom to cover for me or make up excuses or lies. I work hard in school and make A's and B's and just want to read or Skype friends at home during the weekend. This friend is also boring, she just uses her iPad the whole time and when I try and use my phone to text someone for a few minutes she says, "Can you get off that for once?" I go over to their house or they come to mine every weekend anyway, why is a sleepover needed? I feel uncomfortable sharing a bed with someone, I like my space. Anything I can say to my mother or friend to tell them that I don't want a sleepover every single weekend? Thanks. :)
Read more: Get out of a sleepover?
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
I can send and receive email on my laptop but not on my Ipad and Iphone?
I can send and receive email on my laptop but not on my Ipad and Iphone?
Read more: I can send and receive email on my laptop but not on my Ipad and Iphone?
What is my magic mouse interfering with?
My magic mouse is probably interfering with some other devices, but I don't really know what. Most of the time it works great, but sometimes it has like 0.5s delay and it really sucks. Does anyone have a solution? I have a bluetooth keyboard, ac wifi, bluetooth speaker, iPad, iPhone… That has wireless capability.
Read more: What is my magic mouse interfering with?
IPad Air 2 16GB or iPad Mini 3 64GB? Same price?
IPad Air 2 16GB or iPad Mini 3 64GB? Same price?
Read more: IPad Air 2 16GB or iPad Mini 3 64GB? Same price?
Can I get in trouble for posting pictures involvement?
Okay.Here's what really happened. A student left his iPad behind. Two others(17yrsolds) decided to do a prank. One was controlling the iPad. Who was also the one who looked up a photo and posted it. My only involvement that I got accused for, Was when the student looked up the photo he didn't know how to save it. I then showed him how to screenshot the photo. Then he continued doing everything else and I remained watching along with 3 other guys. Am I still at fault? Or could this still get me into a lot of trouble?
Read more: Can I get in trouble for posting pictures involvement?
Can i get into trouble for a nude photo upload onto someones media account?
Okay.Here's what really happened. A student who is 17 years old left his iPad behind. Two others(17yrsolds) decided to do a prank. One was controlling the iPad. Who was also the one who looked up a nude photo from an online website and posted it onto the guys ipad. My only involvement that I got accused for, Was when the student looked up the photo he didn't know how to save it. I then showed him how to screenshot the photo. Then he continued doing everything else and I remained watching along with 3 other guys. Am I still at fault? Or could this still get me into a lot of trouble? I am 18.
Read more: Can i get into trouble for a nude photo upload onto someones media account?
My iPad doesn't have a password On it BUT?
i brought an Ipad from Craigslist, there was no password to get into the phone, but when I tired to buy an app from the App Store it wouldn't let me because I didn't know the password for the apple account, how do I remove that Apple ID without knowing the password?
Read more: My iPad doesn't have a password On it BUT?
My grandma is really mad at me?
Ok so I played this prank on my grandma who is about 60 and a really fun grandma and thinking back on it it was really stupid and I should not have done it. So I went on her iPad and put 3 keyboard shortcuts on it. I changed "the" to pickle, and a couple other words. Well, apparently she needs to type and it's important for sending emails to people. So today I texted her about he prank with a few lols cuz I thought it was a harmless joke. So I get this text back: that's not funny. This is my service tool. I was trying to write letters today. I know you'll learn as you mature, but sometimes a joke goes too far. I don't know how to fix this, and I need to. So I sent her instructions on how to fix it and I said I was sorry, and she has not texted me back since. I really am sorry, and I don't know why I did it, but please tell me what to do! Every time I play a prank on anyone they just get really mad at me and I'm sensitive and can't handle it. How do I get my grandma to forgive me?
Read more: My grandma is really mad at me?
How to cope with bad grades in college?
personally, i think i've done better than my grades appear to be. I studied every night, met deadlines, always made sure that my paperworks and reports were excellent. Its just that maybe my efforts were not enough. I never really skipped my classes. The topics that I don't really understand, i study at home. I just couldn't believe that most of my grades were c's and it sucks. Although i passed. I just can't believe that my grades were that low. My mother is going to be furious when she find out about it. I feel like i'm not good enough and i'll always be a failure. I know in myself that i could have done better but i didn't. So now, i'm planning to give up my ipad, and pretty much all of my electronic distractions to keep me focused. And just use them when its really necessary. Do you have any tips? Or advice? Things i could change or improve.
Read more: How to cope with bad grades in college?
Selling my laptop for $100 so I can get Kobe 9 good idea? I already have a iPad?
Selling my laptop for $100 so I can get Kobe 9 good idea? I already have a iPad? - 1
Added (1). Kobe 9 low
Read more: Selling my laptop for $100 so I can get Kobe 9 good idea? I already have a iPad?
Which one should I use?
I'm looking for an iPad app to learn Chinese, any recommendations?
Read more: Which one should I use?
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
My ipad screen is white and has negative color?
My ipad wasn't into water or crashed or anything
This morning, while I was playing, the screen suddenly changed to this white. I still can use it but the problem is negative color is on the white spot while the outline is fine (without white spot). I used to have this problem before and it returned back to normal. But today, it still got the white like this. Invert color is off. The screen is white, a few minutes later the outline will change back but the middle is still negative. I'm tired of this augh
Read more: My ipad screen is white and has negative color?
This morning, while I was playing, the screen suddenly changed to this white. I still can use it but the problem is negative color is on the white spot while the outline is fine (without white spot). I used to have this problem before and it returned back to normal. But today, it still got the white like this. Invert color is off. The screen is white, a few minutes later the outline will change back but the middle is still negative. I'm tired of this augh
Read more: My ipad screen is white and has negative color?
Can the glass on an iPad crack if in direct sunlight?
My parents got me an iPad 3 For christmas in 2013 and I just love it. I can use all my apps on there I can play all my games. It's also a perfect tool for studying for school. I can facetime my friends and family:)
We're on a family vacation to the south of Spain AndalucÃÂ-a, and I was lying out by the pool sunbathing and I left my iPad on the table besides the chair I was lying on, I fell asleep and woke up 2 hours later, I noticed a crack on my iPads glass. I took it inside and explained it to my parents. The iPad was very warm on the back, aswell. My brother told me something similar happened to his iPhone 4 when we were on holiday in London. But the weather was very cold then, about -3 celcius?
Is the iPad defective, Manufacturing error? What could be the cause?
Added (1). I can still use the iPad perfectly fine, and I can't feel the crack unless I run my fingernail along the glass. The LCD Or touch are not affected in anyway, I 'm just sitting here curious as to how it happened.
Added (2). the table was made of some kinda wood, and wood gets hot fast, could that be a cause?
Read more: Can the glass on an iPad crack if in direct sunlight?
We're on a family vacation to the south of Spain AndalucÃÂ-a, and I was lying out by the pool sunbathing and I left my iPad on the table besides the chair I was lying on, I fell asleep and woke up 2 hours later, I noticed a crack on my iPads glass. I took it inside and explained it to my parents. The iPad was very warm on the back, aswell. My brother told me something similar happened to his iPhone 4 when we were on holiday in London. But the weather was very cold then, about -3 celcius?
Is the iPad defective, Manufacturing error? What could be the cause?
Added (1). I can still use the iPad perfectly fine, and I can't feel the crack unless I run my fingernail along the glass. The LCD Or touch are not affected in anyway, I 'm just sitting here curious as to how it happened.
Added (2). the table was made of some kinda wood, and wood gets hot fast, could that be a cause?
Read more: Can the glass on an iPad crack if in direct sunlight?
I need to know how to recover a powerpoint i lost?
I was using the microsoft office powerpoint for ipad app. I had autosave on so it should have been saving every change i made. I did not name the file yet. I switched apps to safari briefly for some info for the powerpoint, the page loaded, and when i swiped back to microsoft office powerpoint it reloaded and the whole thing was gone. Is there some way to recover this file i really dont want to redo the whole thing.
Read more: I need to know how to recover a powerpoint i lost?
IPad Air 2 or Laptop?
An iPad or a laptop? A game I play is only playable on the laptop, not iPad. However, iPads are cool too I guess. I'll probably wait until the sales at Christmas. Should I get an iPad or Laptop or should I not make my mind up right now? My parents prefer me not to buy another laptop but I think it would be better than an Ipad. What's better?
Read more: IPad Air 2 or Laptop?
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