I have another email account I don't use. However I need to get into it to recover a passcode for my iPad. #?
Read more: I have another email account I don't use. However I need to get into it to recover a passcode for my iPad. #?
Wednesday, May 31, 2017
Where can i get ipad cover or case from in Pakistan?
Where can i get ipad cover or case from in Pakistan?
Read more: Where can i get ipad cover or case from in Pakistan?
Read more: Where can i get ipad cover or case from in Pakistan?
Is there word/ character count in the Notability app for the iPad?
Is there word/ character count in the Notability app for the iPad?
Read more: Is there word/ character count in the Notability app for the iPad?
Read more: Is there word/ character count in the Notability app for the iPad?
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Why do my iPad and iPhone keep connecting and disconnecting WiFi?
Why do my iPad and iPhone keep connecting and disconnecting WiFi?
Read more: Why do my iPad and iPhone keep connecting and disconnecting WiFi?
Read more: Why do my iPad and iPhone keep connecting and disconnecting WiFi?
Why would he get mad?
I went to Verizon to upgrade my phone and the sales associate who helped me was like "I ll be right back", and he came back with a "new plan" for me where I could get an iPad and and some speakers and this and that… I told him I was only interested in getting a phone, and he was clearly upset…
I didn't ask him to spend his time trying come up with a new plan.
Read more: Why would he get mad?
I didn't ask him to spend his time trying come up with a new plan.
Read more: Why would he get mad?
How long does it take an ipad to charge?
I haven't used in about a month. I placed it on the charger 30 minutes ago. It shows that it is charging but it does not have enough power to turn on
Read more: How long does it take an ipad to charge?
Read more: How long does it take an ipad to charge?
Is there a difference/risk of buying an ipad from Best Buy as opposed to directly from Apple?
I saw an ipad mini 4 that was $100 off the original price at best buy but wasn't sure if there's a chance that it is a knock off.
Read more: Is there a difference/risk of buying an ipad from Best Buy as opposed to directly from Apple?
Read more: Is there a difference/risk of buying an ipad from Best Buy as opposed to directly from Apple?
Travel computer or Tablet?
So I'll be taking a few trips this summer and I'm looking for a more light weight option with a decent battery life .I'm looking at used because I'm a university student so I don't really have a big budget I don't want to spend more than a 100$ usd. Buying new in that price range is pretty unrealistic so that's why I'm looking at used a few options storage isn't a huge concern to me since I'll be using usbs most likely anyway. The first thing I was looking at were chromebook 2 in ones I really like the 2 in one designs I like the chrome books since they're not very heavy. I can do some light work on them if needed touch screen is a plus to me and I've heard their battery lives are pretty solid. I've looked at Ipad I don't mind them used them in the past battery life is decent enough however I like the option of having ports hdmi/usb storage is a bit of a concern for me since I'm stuck with internal, but I've always enjoyed using them. Lastly I've been looking at some of the older surfaces the first and the rt the battery life is not that greatest. However I enjoy the overall design of them and having windows mind it a bit limited with the rt is still really nice to have. I'm mostly looking to do light work movies/youtube when I can get a connection some emulating to help pass the time I'll be storing pretty much everything on a flash drives. With that in mind and my rather strict budget what should I be looking at more open to other options thanks for the help.
Read more: Travel computer or Tablet?
Read more: Travel computer or Tablet?
Ipad or Surface Pro?
I'm trying to decide between an Ipad and a Surface Pro running Windows 10. What I'm trying to figure out is can i use an external hdd on an ipad to watch content purchased from itunes? If not on a surface pro can i run the desktop version of itunes and watch content from a hdd on that? Also can a surface pro use an external optical drive such as a DVD or blu ray player through usb?
Read more: Ipad or Surface Pro?
Read more: Ipad or Surface Pro?
How to fix ipad disabled?
My ipad Air 2 was disabled due to my typing wrong passcode. I connected to iTunes to computer and recover it. But the ipad is still disabled.
I searched a lot of tips on google but none works.
Can somebody help?
Read more: How to fix ipad disabled?
I searched a lot of tips on google but none works.
Can somebody help?
Read more: How to fix ipad disabled?
Monday, May 29, 2017
IPad Mini charging issue?
I've had my iPad Mini since Christmas 2014. Just recently, it has been taking FOREVER to charge. I've tried resetting, refreshing, turning on Airplane Mode, and even freeing up loads of storage! It's not the charging cable, because it works fine for my phone. My ipad has been charging for nearly 3 days and it's only on 66 percent right now! What is wrong with it? And how can I fix this issue? And if it costs anything, how much does it cost?
Read more: IPad Mini charging issue?
Read more: IPad Mini charging issue?
Why does it say my phone's storage is used up when it isn't?
Iphone 6 It says I have used 11.49 Gigabites and have 277.3 Megabites left. All I have is like 6 apps and the biggest takes up only 416.7 MB. My Ipad has used 10.3 Gigabites and has 2.2 Gigabites left. It has probably 50 apps (most less than 100 MB) and over a GB in my photos. How is this possible? One idea I had was that my notes app was using up alot of space as I have many many notes. The notes app doesn't appear in storage for some reason. I went through my old notes and deleted nearly 200 notes. It gave me around 200 Megabites and that was all.
Read more: Why does it say my phone's storage is used up when it isn't?
Read more: Why does it say my phone's storage is used up when it isn't?
Why does my family like to abandon me?
Heaven forbid I get a job, I've had one a while now, and before I had one it was always "We're too tired to do anything this weekend, we work and you have no idea what that's like…" Then I get a job and I'm usually working some time on weekends, and now it seems like my mom always suddenly has things planned when I'm working, then says "too bad" and they leave while I stay at the house to watch the dogs and work…
Last time we saw family was maybe Christmas, (its May now), and all of a sudden yesterday I come home from work around 8pm to find everyone gone. Text my mom, get a reply maybe an hour later, saying they went to see family and they'll be coming home late…
Find out the this morning when I see the truck, they used a boat and took it out yesterday… Then same thing today, come home at 7pm and everyone's gone, send another text but don't get a reply… Later they come home and I have to ask in person, and they went to see the same family again who I still haven't seen…
I'm 18, have mom, step dad and sister at the house. I stopped going to my dads bc he got a girlfriend and made a life with her and forgot about us…
Why doesn't my family care about me being around anymore?
Trust me, I know them, they are the sit on couch and play on ipads all night family, so it's very rare that we even go out, but now all of a sudden (it's happened several times not just this time), they want to go out all of the time and not mention a thing to me…
Added (1). My sister's 15, no job, so they just like taking her out more since she doesn't have to work?
I asked her where they went today and she just ignored me and shrugged her shoulder… Apparently there were newborn puppies at the family's house too that they went to go play with…
Added (2). I have asked her this before, her answer was "It's not my fault you're not working a Mon-Fri 8-4 schedule…" And just tells me to get a better job if I wanna do things with them on weekends…
Read more: Why does my family like to abandon me?
Last time we saw family was maybe Christmas, (its May now), and all of a sudden yesterday I come home from work around 8pm to find everyone gone. Text my mom, get a reply maybe an hour later, saying they went to see family and they'll be coming home late…
Find out the this morning when I see the truck, they used a boat and took it out yesterday… Then same thing today, come home at 7pm and everyone's gone, send another text but don't get a reply… Later they come home and I have to ask in person, and they went to see the same family again who I still haven't seen…
I'm 18, have mom, step dad and sister at the house. I stopped going to my dads bc he got a girlfriend and made a life with her and forgot about us…
Why doesn't my family care about me being around anymore?
Trust me, I know them, they are the sit on couch and play on ipads all night family, so it's very rare that we even go out, but now all of a sudden (it's happened several times not just this time), they want to go out all of the time and not mention a thing to me…
Added (1). My sister's 15, no job, so they just like taking her out more since she doesn't have to work?
I asked her where they went today and she just ignored me and shrugged her shoulder… Apparently there were newborn puppies at the family's house too that they went to go play with…
Added (2). I have asked her this before, her answer was "It's not my fault you're not working a Mon-Fri 8-4 schedule…" And just tells me to get a better job if I wanna do things with them on weekends…
Read more: Why does my family like to abandon me?
Sunday, May 28, 2017
My emails on my iPad says that I have over like 4 billion when I have 0 unread? How can I fix this?
My emails on my iPad says that I have over like 4 billion when I have 0 unread? How can I fix this?
Read more: My emails on my iPad says that I have over like 4 billion when I have 0 unread? How can I fix this?
Read more: My emails on my iPad says that I have over like 4 billion when I have 0 unread? How can I fix this?
Why does it say my Iphone's storage is used up when it isn't?
Iphone 6
It says I have used 11.49 Gigabites and have 277.3 Megabites left.
All I have is like 6 apps and the biggest takes up only 416.7 MB.
My Ipad has used 10.3 Gigabites and has 2.2 Gigabites left. It has probably 50 apps (most less than 100 MB) and over a GB in my photos.
How is this possible?
One idea I had was that my notes app was using up alot of space as I have many many notes. The notes app doesn't appear in storage for some reason. I went through my old notes and deleted nearly 200 notes. It gave me around 200 Megabites and that was all.
Read more: Why does it say my Iphone's storage is used up when it isn't?
It says I have used 11.49 Gigabites and have 277.3 Megabites left.
All I have is like 6 apps and the biggest takes up only 416.7 MB.
My Ipad has used 10.3 Gigabites and has 2.2 Gigabites left. It has probably 50 apps (most less than 100 MB) and over a GB in my photos.
How is this possible?
One idea I had was that my notes app was using up alot of space as I have many many notes. The notes app doesn't appear in storage for some reason. I went through my old notes and deleted nearly 200 notes. It gave me around 200 Megabites and that was all.
Read more: Why does it say my Iphone's storage is used up when it isn't?
How can I store and transfer photos?
I'm interested in photography, but the only camera I have is on my iPad2. As you can tell by it being an iPad2, it's getting quite old. I've taken numberless great pictures and I was wondering how I could store them, and how I could eventually get them back after my current iPad has died and I can get a new one. P.s. There are way to many photos to just print! Also I've included one of my photos:
Added (1). Excuse me, how do I use an external hard drive to back up my iPad? I'm really not the best with tech. I'm sorry.
Read more: How can I store and transfer photos?
Added (1). Excuse me, how do I use an external hard drive to back up my iPad? I'm really not the best with tech. I'm sorry.
Read more: How can I store and transfer photos?
My iPad isn't working. Taskbar won't go away?
I can't get into my iPad because the taskbar won't go away. It is like half way down the screen and i can't put in my password or anything. Help?!
Read more: My iPad isn't working. Taskbar won't go away?
Read more: My iPad isn't working. Taskbar won't go away?
How do my parents expect me to grow up and see the world when they don't allow me to go out with friends?
I'm 18, just graduated. Parents say they want me to go out and see the world. When I ask them if I c an go out with friends, they say no. Even though my friends offer to pick me up and take me home, they say no. The only place they want me to be is cooped up in my room doing nothing. I'm not allowed to have a job either. I'm doing so much I can possibly do, and they don't make time. For example, they want me to get my drivers license, how am I going to get my drivers license when they don't take me out driving? I took classes, I know how to drive, but they don't help me set up an appointment to schedule a test. Another example, they want me to grow up and see the world, they won't even let me go out and experience being an adult. How am i suppose to grow when all they do is isolate me with a iPad and a phone. I'm seriously considering moving out with my boyfriend which we have been together for almost 4 years bc it's so ****** up how I have no control of my life. One move that they don't like then boom, **** goes loose.
Read more: How do my parents expect me to grow up and see the world when they don't allow me to go out with friends?
Read more: How do my parents expect me to grow up and see the world when they don't allow me to go out with friends?
Saturday, May 27, 2017
How is the touchscreen panel on Tesla cars legal?
In most states it's illegal to play on your cell phone or iPad whilst driving, but apparently it's OK if the car has a built-in iPad-style interface. Why is this OK?
Read more: How is the touchscreen panel on Tesla cars legal?
Read more: How is the touchscreen panel on Tesla cars legal?
Is it neglectful for parents to let kids go online unsupervised?
My parents never allowed me to be on any type of social media until I was 13 and they still check up on my activities once in a while. Back in 5th grade, I kept asking over and over again for a Facebook. The "but everyone has it except me!" conversation was a big thing. I'm 15 now and I see younger and younger kids on Instagram or Snapchat as time flies by. My mom mentioned to me once back when I was a tween that those parents were "neglectful" because they were even allowing toddlers to play games on mini iPads unsupervised. Also how that some games have hackers who might be spying on vulnerable kids and some games allow people to interact with them. I know a 10 year old girl from my old school who has her own personal laptop in her room along with Facebook, Instagram, the games she plays, etc.
Read more: Is it neglectful for parents to let kids go online unsupervised?
Read more: Is it neglectful for parents to let kids go online unsupervised?
How can i mirror my android screen onto a ipad mini 1?
I'm trying to mirror my android screen onto ipad to play videos on the go with jailbreak or without and any suggestions for apps that would work good with using ipad as car dash that will connect android
Read more: How can i mirror my android screen onto a ipad mini 1?
Read more: How can i mirror my android screen onto a ipad mini 1?
How can I connect a digital camera to an iPad mini?
How can I connect a digital camera to an iPad mini?
Read more: How can I connect a digital camera to an iPad mini?
Read more: How can I connect a digital camera to an iPad mini?
Kissasian videos won't play on Adblock app?
Hi, I usually watch dramas on kissasian on my Adblock app on my iPad, but recently they aren't working, I don't think it's the site because they work on other apps like safari, please help, thank you.
Read more: Kissasian videos won't play on Adblock app?
Read more: Kissasian videos won't play on Adblock app?
What does an ipad do exactly?
i was looking at this disney animated app and it says only for iOS 6.0 or greater. I was wondering what is the purpose of an ipad in general and if i got a used one such as first generation, can i download iOS 6.0 or is it stuck with the original iOS?
Read more: What does an ipad do exactly?
Read more: What does an ipad do exactly?
Friday, May 26, 2017
OMFG! I Won an Ipad! Yes I always win on the internet!
OMFG! I Won an Ipad! Yes I always win on the internet!
Read more: OMFG! I Won an Ipad! Yes I always win on the internet!
Read more: OMFG! I Won an Ipad! Yes I always win on the internet!
Latest untethered jailbreak for Ipad 2?
Latest untethered jailbreak for Ipad 2? - 1
Added (1). I did all the research I could do, but all I could find are semi tethered jailbreaks. Can anyone tell what is the latest Jailbreak for the Ipad 2 32 bit jailbreak UNTETHERED. And should I wait for the next update for 32 bit devices?
Read more: Latest untethered jailbreak for Ipad 2?
Added (1). I did all the research I could do, but all I could find are semi tethered jailbreaks. Can anyone tell what is the latest Jailbreak for the Ipad 2 32 bit jailbreak UNTETHERED. And should I wait for the next update for 32 bit devices?
Read more: Latest untethered jailbreak for Ipad 2?
Why are they discontinuing the iPad mini line?
My brother told me that Apple was going to discontinue the iPad mini line. I was hoping to get whatever the latest iPad mini would have been when my iPad mini 3 becomes out of date, but now I can't. Which iPad would be the second best choice for me to get? Please DON'T SAY THE IPAD PRO 12.9 in. I want a normal sized iPad that's as light in weight as possible so I'm not carrying a heavy load in my backpack. Plus, the iPad Pro 12.9 in. WON'T fit in my backpack because I prefer to use the 11 to 12 in. Backpacks instead of the full sized 16 in. Backpacks when I go out.
Read more: Why are they discontinuing the iPad mini line?
Read more: Why are they discontinuing the iPad mini line?
Can you recover photos/videos that have been permenatly deleted on IPhone/iPad?
Can you recover photos/videos that have been permenatly deleted on IPhone/iPad?
Read more: Can you recover photos/videos that have been permenatly deleted on IPhone/iPad?
Read more: Can you recover photos/videos that have been permenatly deleted on IPhone/iPad?
My Ipad has a cracked screen, its been fine for the past 5 months, but now its typing by itself and moving through pages
My Ipad has a cracked screen, its been fine for the past 5 months, but now its typing by itself and moving through pages
Read more: My Ipad has a cracked screen, its been fine for the past 5 months, but now its typing by itself and moving through pages
Read more: My Ipad has a cracked screen, its been fine for the past 5 months, but now its typing by itself and moving through pages
How can I reteach Siri my voice? - 1
I'm brand new to Apple products. I just got an iPad mini 2 in February, I do NOT own any other Apple products. My problem is I still have to manually push the home button to get Siri to respond to me. How can I get Siri to relearn my voice so that I don't have to push the home button? I've already went into the settings and set it to respond to me whether or not the home button is on.
Read more: How can I reteach Siri my voice? - 1
Read more: How can I reteach Siri my voice? - 1
My IPad keeps dropping wifi at home. My iPhone stays connected at all times. Router is working fine. I've reset network settings with no luck?
My IPad keeps dropping wifi at home. My iPhone stays connected at all times. Router is working fine. I've reset network settings with no luck?
Read more: My IPad keeps dropping wifi at home. My iPhone stays connected at all times. Router is working fine. I've reset network settings with no luck?
Read more: My IPad keeps dropping wifi at home. My iPhone stays connected at all times. Router is working fine. I've reset network settings with no luck?
Thursday, May 25, 2017
If I delete downloads on iPad to make room for new things can I redownload in the future to rewatch or do those purchases go away forever?
If I delete downloads on iPad to make room for new things can I redownload in the future to rewatch or do those purchases go away forever?
Read more: If I delete downloads on iPad to make room for new things can I redownload in the future to rewatch or do those purchases go away forever?
Read more: If I delete downloads on iPad to make room for new things can I redownload in the future to rewatch or do those purchases go away forever?
My iPad will not turn on. Is it all the way dead?
My iPad will not turn on. Is it all the way dead?
Read more: My iPad will not turn on. Is it all the way dead?
Read more: My iPad will not turn on. Is it all the way dead?
How to complain to apple about iPad Air 2 not having low power mode?
How to complain to apple about iPad Air 2 not having low power mode? - 1
Read more: How to complain to apple about iPad Air 2 not having low power mode?
Read more: How to complain to apple about iPad Air 2 not having low power mode?
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
What to do when your bored? - 1
I work as a file clerk, strictly just filing, and it gets so boring. I do little by little each day because if I did all the filing in one day i'd probably have nothing to do for the rest of the week.
We're allowed to listen to music/watch movie(which I do on my ipad) but I recently bought coloring books to pass by time. I'd file some then color for 5minutes - an hour or so then file again.
All the ladies in the office don't mind at all.
I actually got a lot of compliments on my filing.
but one day this lady named Dawn(who was one of the ladies who complimented me) who is not my boss, tells my boss i'm coloring. My boss works downstairs in the reception area and she asked me and I said I took a break and plus it helps with my anxiety. She didn't say much but just to go in the break room to do so because of the office director will get mad. But yet the director is always on her phone and is in her own world.
all the ladies upstairs talk, watch movies, etc. I was told when I got hired it was supposed to be lady back.
even Dawn talks for an hour when she gets in and watches movies all day!
Another one of the ladies said its fine to do what i'm doing but if dawn tells my boss again then i don't know what she would say
plus they said they never had someone who was fast at filing and that could keep up. So maybe dawn is used to someone is is constantly staying busy.
what would you do in this situation if you were bored?
Read more: What to do when your bored? - 1
We're allowed to listen to music/watch movie(which I do on my ipad) but I recently bought coloring books to pass by time. I'd file some then color for 5minutes - an hour or so then file again.
All the ladies in the office don't mind at all.
I actually got a lot of compliments on my filing.
but one day this lady named Dawn(who was one of the ladies who complimented me) who is not my boss, tells my boss i'm coloring. My boss works downstairs in the reception area and she asked me and I said I took a break and plus it helps with my anxiety. She didn't say much but just to go in the break room to do so because of the office director will get mad. But yet the director is always on her phone and is in her own world.
all the ladies upstairs talk, watch movies, etc. I was told when I got hired it was supposed to be lady back.
even Dawn talks for an hour when she gets in and watches movies all day!
Another one of the ladies said its fine to do what i'm doing but if dawn tells my boss again then i don't know what she would say
plus they said they never had someone who was fast at filing and that could keep up. So maybe dawn is used to someone is is constantly staying busy.
what would you do in this situation if you were bored?
Read more: What to do when your bored? - 1
When it comes to an Ipad, what are RPM's? And how could I replace them?
I was told they are related to the life expectancy of my Ipad 2
Read more: When it comes to an Ipad, what are RPM's? And how could I replace them?
Read more: When it comes to an Ipad, what are RPM's? And how could I replace them?
Do animation pros use a mouse or pad+stylus?
I want to learn 2D animation, but Really don't want to invest in a expensive iPad. Will i have to eventually if i go professional?
Read more: Do animation pros use a mouse or pad+stylus?
Read more: Do animation pros use a mouse or pad+stylus?
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Should I hold off on getting an ipad mini?
Apple is holding there WWDC event in a couple weeks and I wanted to know if I should hold off on getting the latest ipad mini 4. I know the tablet hasn t been updated but maybe someone out there knows any information on if an ipad mini 5 will be released.
**I'm going to get an ipad mini regardless. I just don't want to get the 4 if the 5 is going to be released soon.**
Read more: Should I hold off on getting an ipad mini?
**I'm going to get an ipad mini regardless. I just don't want to get the 4 if the 5 is going to be released soon.**
Read more: Should I hold off on getting an ipad mini?
Is it safe to use the Ipad charger with the xiaomi power bank 2 10000mah?
I don't fully understand the amp/volt/watts specs of the devices but I know watts wise they are compatible, but the numbers differ on amp and volt specs. Does anyone have use them and can tell the power bank is ok?
here are the links of the xiaomi input specs.
Read more: Is it safe to use the Ipad charger with the xiaomi power bank 2 10000mah?
here are the links of the xiaomi input specs.
Read more: Is it safe to use the Ipad charger with the xiaomi power bank 2 10000mah?
Monday, May 22, 2017
Why am I always bored unless I'm out in town?
The only thing that really ever doesn't make me bored is going out shopping. I don't have to have much money and most times I don't. I could spend hours out walking around stores and only spend $20. But at home I have Chromecast, my XBox360, my New Nintendo 3DS XL, laptop, iPad and movies. (Yes I bought and paid for these things myself over a length of time.) I just never feel like using these things and I'm so bored that its depressing and sad. I do work but it's just when I'm not at work and am at home.
Added (1). Is this possibly a form of depression in itself?
Read more: Why am I always bored unless I'm out in town?
Added (1). Is this possibly a form of depression in itself?
Read more: Why am I always bored unless I'm out in town?
Is there a way to extend the life of my iPad 2?
My iPad 2 is currently 5 years old and I have had it reformatted 4 times considering that the iOS can't be updated anymore and the device itself is obsolete. Reformatting is not helpful anymore. So, what other solutions can I use and what are the implications?
Read more: Is there a way to extend the life of my iPad 2?
Read more: Is there a way to extend the life of my iPad 2?
Could this be the glasses?
I very recently got glasses, 1 pr for distance (mild) 1 pr for reading (again, mild). I notice that when doing something on the computer whether it be the desktop or ipad, when I move my eyes is a downward motion, I see a VERY faint thin yellowish tinge. When I put on my cheaters, this doesn't happen. Could the fault be with the new glasses? Should I go back to the eyewear place & ask about this?
Read more: Could this be the glasses?
Read more: Could this be the glasses?
Is it possible to turn on an iPad while it is charging?
Hi! I used to play my iPad and it always completely ran out of battery. The iPad turns off and its screen changes low battery charge screen. And once it is the low battery charge screen, I can't turn it on. I'm wondering, is there any way to make it turn on during a low battery charge screen? Thanks!
Read more: Is it possible to turn on an iPad while it is charging?
Read more: Is it possible to turn on an iPad while it is charging?
Sunday, May 21, 2017
My sprint ipad account expires next month. Can i still use it without paying a monthly cost for a phone number assigned to it?
I got an ipad for $10.00 with a phone contract from sprint, little did i know i had to pay an extra $30.00 for another line and number for a year. It expires next month. My question is do i have to keep the number or will it still get on internet to send pics. I want to give it to my son who has wifi but can't afford another line.
It's a lg with 1 gb
Read more: My sprint ipad account expires next month. Can i still use it without paying a monthly cost for a phone number assigned to it?
It's a lg with 1 gb
Read more: My sprint ipad account expires next month. Can i still use it without paying a monthly cost for a phone number assigned to it?
Can i send an imovie project from an ipad to a mac?
i already started it in my ipad, but the computer version of imovie has more options so i wanted to move it there in order to edit it there. How can i do that?
Read more: Can i send an imovie project from an ipad to a mac?
Read more: Can i send an imovie project from an ipad to a mac?
How to Recover Deleted Photos from iPad?
When you lose or mistakenly delete photos or other data on your iPad, what measure will you take? Maybe the most of you would try the typical way of using iTunes or iCloud. Actually there are other ways that can help you recover deleted photos from iPad. Below we will discuss several ways of recovering iPad photos. 
Read more: How to Recover Deleted Photos from iPad?

Read more: How to Recover Deleted Photos from iPad?
How to FIX my stubborn brother
Oh my god. My brother is the MOST stubborn kid I've EVER seen (he's grade 2). At school, he acts all cool and stuff (showing off to his friends and girls I guess) but at home, if he can't get what he wants from me, he cries or tells my mum. If my mum's not there to listen to him, he hits me physically to get what he wants and if I touch him or try to take something (that's mine) away from him, he cries and hits me. Oh my god, he is DRIVING ME NUTS. For example, today, I was on my laptop and he was on his iPad. My mum puts password on iPad, which we do not know, so if he turns it off by an accident, he can't use iPad unless my mum is at home to do it (but my mum wasn't home). When his iPad got turned off, he took my laptop (just snatched it off me) and took it to MY room with MY laptop. He cried and screamed so loud when I tried to take him out my room and take my laptop back, so I couldn't use my laptop. He is crying if he doesn't like something but he tries to look cool to his friends and NEVER EVER cries in front of them. I'm done with him. My mum isn't going to help solve anything, my dad isn't in my country right now and I can't physically hit him when my brother can hit me because my mum will literally kill me. (Yes me, not my brother.) How do I fix this stubborn kid? (I'm in Middle School btw)
Read more: How to FIX my stubborn brother
Read more: How to FIX my stubborn brother
My iPad mini bent today and now it won't turn on or charge. Can anyone suggest anything that will
My iPad mini bent today and now it won't turn on or charge. Can anyone suggest anything that will - 1
Read more: My iPad mini bent today and now it won't turn on or charge. Can anyone suggest anything that will
Read more: My iPad mini bent today and now it won't turn on or charge. Can anyone suggest anything that will
Saturday, May 20, 2017
Friday, May 19, 2017
Lost my ipad mini 2 A1455 on the ground and the lower part of the touch screen will work (i've tried to restart it)i had cracks before?
Lost my ipad mini 2 A1455 on the ground and the lower part of the touch screen will work (i've tried to restart it)i had cracks before?
Added (1). It had been lost on the ground several times before* . I've tried to restart it but the touchscreen won't work (just the lower part)
Read more: Lost my ipad mini 2 A1455 on the ground and the lower part of the touch screen will work (i've tried to restart it)i had cracks before?
Added (1). It had been lost on the ground several times before* . I've tried to restart it but the touchscreen won't work (just the lower part)
Read more: Lost my ipad mini 2 A1455 on the ground and the lower part of the touch screen will work (i've tried to restart it)i had cracks before?
Help, my ipad is broken?
Hiya pal, i think my ipad is broken. Its been dead on the charger, charging for the longest, it even has the charging battery on it while its dead, but it refuses to turn on. I switched the outlets and plugs and stuff, but its not doing any good. How do i turn it on?
Read more: Help, my ipad is broken?
Read more: Help, my ipad is broken?
Help? My stupid ipad?
My dumb ipad won't f*cking turn on. It dies ON THE CHARGER, the battery goes DOWN on the charger, and now when it died today (on the mother f*cking charger), i was charging it. It had the red battery thing on it (when you charge it while its dead) and its been like that since 7:58 and now its 9:04. It has not turned on. I switched the damn plugs, i switched the outlets, i switched the damn outlet strip and everything. I switched everything up, and it still acting like the piece of sh*t it is. How do i turn this stupid son of a b*tch on? I can't keep waiting and as you can see i'm VERY impatient and mad. Sorry for the language… Help
Read more: Help? My stupid ipad?
Read more: Help? My stupid ipad?
Thursday, May 18, 2017
Suddenly any email sent from my phone or iPad says to the recipient the sender is null null. What has happened?
Suddenly any email sent from my phone or iPad says to the recipient the sender is null null. What has happened?
Read more: Suddenly any email sent from my phone or iPad says to the recipient the sender is null null. What has happened?
Read more: Suddenly any email sent from my phone or iPad says to the recipient the sender is null null. What has happened?
My ipad is disable by it self how do i open it please?
My ipad is disable by it self how do i open it please?
Read more: My ipad is disable by it self how do i open it please?
Read more: My ipad is disable by it self how do i open it please?
Ipad won't connect to the internet? Keeps on taking me to mywifiext.net or .com every time I try to load something?
This never happened before, what the hell?
It even says it's connected, it just won't load anything but that one website.
And it asks for a username and password, as if I made one before, wtf.
Read more: Ipad won't connect to the internet? Keeps on taking me to mywifiext.net or .com every time I try to load something?
It even says it's connected, it just won't load anything but that one website.
And it asks for a username and password, as if I made one before, wtf.
Read more: Ipad won't connect to the internet? Keeps on taking me to mywifiext.net or .com every time I try to load something?
Any good iphone/ipad apps like word?
My laptop just broke and i have to type up an assesment which is due tomorow, and i can't download word because i don't want to pay for a subscription bevause its already on my laptop
Read more: Any good iphone/ipad apps like word?
Read more: Any good iphone/ipad apps like word?
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
If you permanently delete photos/videos off iPhone/iPad is there a way to get them back even without the iCloud or backup on?
If you permanently delete photos/videos off iPhone/iPad is there a way to get them back even without the iCloud or backup on?
Read more: If you permanently delete photos/videos off iPhone/iPad is there a way to get them back even without the iCloud or backup on?
Read more: If you permanently delete photos/videos off iPhone/iPad is there a way to get them back even without the iCloud or backup on?
Hi to all i am confused, what to buy ipad mini 4 or new ipad 2017? Thankss so much!
Hi to all i am confused, what to buy ipad mini 4 or new ipad 2017? Thankss so much!
Read more: Hi to all i am confused, what to buy ipad mini 4 or new ipad 2017? Thankss so much!
Read more: Hi to all i am confused, what to buy ipad mini 4 or new ipad 2017? Thankss so much!
How would i run my guitar through an ipad to a guitar amp?
I would like to run my electric guitar through an ipad and to an amp. The amp would mainly be used as a speaker. I'm running my guitar through an Apogee JAM to connect it to my ipad. This allows me to plug headphones into my ipad and play guitar with several different amps and pedals for really cheap. I would like to be able to plug something into my headphone jack and to my guitar amp and play the music out loud instead of through headphones. I know this requires either some sort of adapter or a cable that merges stereo to mono because the female guitar input is mono. I have attached a picture of it below. If i had two mono inputs on the amp, i know i would just get a splitter, but since i don't i do not know how to connect it and i am worried i might fry my amp trying different cables until something works. Would i just need a simple cable that consists of one side 1/8" male stereo, and the other end 1/4" mono? Or does this not merge the signals correctly? Also, any info about impedance from an ipad to an amp would be appreciated because i cannot figure out how that works at all. Thanks 
Read more: How would i run my guitar through an ipad to a guitar amp?

Read more: How would i run my guitar through an ipad to a guitar amp?
Why can't I download a video from google drive?
I made a video in premiere pro. I exported it, put it on google drive, and made it offline. I can preview it fine on my ipad but when I try to download it, it says it downloads but then nothing happens and it didn't go anywhere? Why?
Read more: Why can't I download a video from google drive?
Read more: Why can't I download a video from google drive?
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Instagram app won't let me log in?
So this has been going one for months now. The Instagram app won't let me sign into any of my accounts on my phone and my iPad, but it lets me sign in on my old iPhone and other people's phones. Yes I can sign in on the internet. Nothing's wrong with my passwords. Please, I need help.
Read more: Instagram app won't let me log in?
Read more: Instagram app won't let me log in?
Is it impossible to animate on an Apple IPhone? I mean I don't have the money to buy an iPad or anything, So is it possible?
Is it impossible to animate on an Apple IPhone? I mean I don't have the money to buy an iPad or anything, So is it possible?
Read more: Is it impossible to animate on an Apple IPhone? I mean I don't have the money to buy an iPad or anything, So is it possible?
Read more: Is it impossible to animate on an Apple IPhone? I mean I don't have the money to buy an iPad or anything, So is it possible?
Monday, May 15, 2017
YouTube video of iPad?
Going on a long bus ride and want to download a movie from YouTube to my iPad… How can I do this?
Read more: YouTube video of iPad?
Read more: YouTube video of iPad?
Caught my niece being an internet bully?
My niece was using my iPad and stayed logged into YouTube. I just had a notification pop up that she had a reply to comment she posted on a video of a girl trying on different swimsuits. The comment said "ew you fat pig, keep your clothes on." Of course she had multiple people telling her how horrible she was etc… I don't know if I should talk to her about or tell her mom. We don't have that close of a relationship since I just moved down here to be closer to them. I don't want to seem like a mark or invading her privacy but I don't want her to continue saying stuff like that… I was like that when I was younger and I highly regret some things I've said on the internet. What should I do?!
Read more: Caught my niece being an internet bully?
Read more: Caught my niece being an internet bully?
How can I free up icloud storage space?
Running close to the free 5GB, don't really want to pay for more. Iphone backup is taking up the majority of the GB. I ve removed app backups, my ipad backup but still at 4.7GB. I can't backup my iphone to my computer as it says there isn't enough room (though I have 57GB free). Any ideas on how to free up space? Is it possible to delete old iphone backups?
Read more: How can I free up icloud storage space?
Read more: How can I free up icloud storage space?
Ipad and iphone help? - 1
Can someone help me? My iphone only has about 16 gb and my ipad is 132 gb. I want to erase photos on my iphone so they can be saved on my ipad. I have them both connected to my icloud account so whenever I erase a photo from my iphone it also gets erased from my ipad. I just want it erase on my iphone but not my ipad. Can someone give me a solution? I am not good with tech lol.
Read more: Ipad and iphone help? - 1
Read more: Ipad and iphone help? - 1
Sunday, May 14, 2017
I recorded items in Recorder, on my iPad, tried to share them by email without success. The iPad had just been updated
I recorded items in Recorder, on my iPad, tried to share them by email without success. The iPad had just been updated
Read more: I recorded items in Recorder, on my iPad, tried to share them by email without success. The iPad had just been updated
Read more: I recorded items in Recorder, on my iPad, tried to share them by email without success. The iPad had just been updated
I just downloaded internet explorer 11 on my iPad now I cannot find it?
I just downloaded internet explorer 11 on my iPad now I cannot find it?
Read more: I just downloaded internet explorer 11 on my iPad now I cannot find it?
Read more: I just downloaded internet explorer 11 on my iPad now I cannot find it?
Saturday, May 13, 2017
The button completely fell off my ipad air?
I know I already posted this question a couple of days ago, but now something else happened. Under the button is a little gold circle which is what you press in when you press the home button. Well that just fell of which means there's no button whatsoever on the ipad now. I already tried pushing in as hard as i could in all places, but it still won't do anything. Thanks to the new way of unlocking your apple device (pressing the home button) my ipad is pretty much unusable:/. I looked on ebay and did some research and found out that the button is separate from the screen and I couldn't find any button replacements. I really don't wanna spend $500+ on a new ipad right now. Yes, I do realize I could get the original ipad for a really cheap price, but I'd prefer one that isn't 7 years old. Does anyone know some other solutions to this problem?
Read more: The button completely fell off my ipad air?
Read more: The button completely fell off my ipad air?
Can I remove a sim card from and ipad and still acess the internet?
Can I remove a sim card from and ipad and still acess the internet? - 1
Read more: Can I remove a sim card from and ipad and still acess the internet?
Read more: Can I remove a sim card from and ipad and still acess the internet?
My ipad mini was fully charged, turned off, and now indicates it is not charged, will not charge, will not start?
My ipad mini was fully charged, turned off, and now indicates it is not charged, will not charge, will not start?
Read more: My ipad mini was fully charged, turned off, and now indicates it is not charged, will not charge, will not start?
Read more: My ipad mini was fully charged, turned off, and now indicates it is not charged, will not charge, will not start?
Charged ipad mini will not start.Indicated discharged?
Charged ipad mini will not start.Indicated discharged?
Read more: Charged ipad mini will not start.Indicated discharged?
Read more: Charged ipad mini will not start.Indicated discharged?
Friday, May 12, 2017
Ipad Air 2 or Ipad 2017? Is it worth purchasing either of these devices if I have an ipod touch 4th generation? Any huge differences?
Ipad Air 2 or Ipad 2017? Is it worth purchasing either of these devices if I have an ipod touch 4th generation? Any huge differences?
Read more: Ipad Air 2 or Ipad 2017? Is it worth purchasing either of these devices if I have an ipod touch 4th generation? Any huge differences?
Read more: Ipad Air 2 or Ipad 2017? Is it worth purchasing either of these devices if I have an ipod touch 4th generation? Any huge differences?
Do people with synesthesia physically see the numbers and colors that are on paper in real life?
like do people actually read a number or letter on paper and see it as that color? The letter A is green to me, so if i see the letter A on a piece of paper or on my phone/ipad, do people with synesthesia really see the letter A as green in real life?
Read more: Do people with synesthesia physically see the numbers and colors that are on paper in real life?
Read more: Do people with synesthesia physically see the numbers and colors that are on paper in real life?
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Why does it cost me 44 dollars to ship a ipad mini in a flat rate envelope internationally?
Thats hella expensive for such a small package
Read more: Why does it cost me 44 dollars to ship a ipad mini in a flat rate envelope internationally?
Read more: Why does it cost me 44 dollars to ship a ipad mini in a flat rate envelope internationally?
Ipad Air 2 or Ipad 2017? Is it worth purchasing either of these devices if I have an ipod touch 4?
Ipad Air 2 or Ipad 2017? Is it worth purchasing either of these devices if I have an ipod touch 4?
Read more: Ipad Air 2 or Ipad 2017? Is it worth purchasing either of these devices if I have an ipod touch 4?
Read more: Ipad Air 2 or Ipad 2017? Is it worth purchasing either of these devices if I have an ipod touch 4?
Why won't YouTube play in the background of my iPhone?
I used to be able to get YouTube videos to play in the background of my iPhone by going to the control panel and pressing play after closing the YouTube app or safari. Now it won't play anything on my iPad or iPhone. What do I do?
Read more: Why won't YouTube play in the background of my iPhone?
Read more: Why won't YouTube play in the background of my iPhone?
Can you use an old iPad for notes and drawing like you can with the iPad pro?
I'm getting a hand me down iPad for note taking in college. I want to be able to take notes on it for classes like organic chem; which require a lot of drawing. I figure this will save a lot of paper and make keeping my notes together a lot easier. If I end up getting an iPad like the iPad 3 or the first iPad mini, are there apps that are good for note taking? I found this one stylus the might work called the fifty three digital stylus
Read more: Can you use an old iPad for notes and drawing like you can with the iPad pro?
Read more: Can you use an old iPad for notes and drawing like you can with the iPad pro?
What does the ipad pro offer that the standard ipad does not?
What does the ipad pro offer that the standard ipad does not?
Read more: What does the ipad pro offer that the standard ipad does not?
Read more: What does the ipad pro offer that the standard ipad does not?
Does it cost money to use my iPad Mini as a hotspot? (I have Sprint)?
I ve moved out to a rural area and there's no major high speed internet services are out here yet. My cell reception is really good and always remains at LTE so I decided to get unlimited data for my iPad mini so I could get my school work done on it. However, I wanted to know if it's possible to use my iPad mini as a hotspot for my laptop and would it cost me more money to use it even though I have unlimited data for it? Once again I have sprint as my provider
Read more: Does it cost money to use my iPad Mini as a hotspot? (I have Sprint)?
Read more: Does it cost money to use my iPad Mini as a hotspot? (I have Sprint)?
Tuesday, May 9, 2017
I am 16 years old and i don't have a phone?
I,m a 16 year old boy and my parents won't let me get a phone. Its not like they can't afford it we are uper middle class and i've seen them file taxes in fact i even offered to pay for it. They still refuse no matter what. Every kid in my grade (Grade 11) has a phone im not even exaggerating. It's not even like i live in a rural community i live in the heart of Toronto and everbody by the age of 15 will have a phone. I,m not a bad irresponsible kid either, i've never done drugs, i hang out with the right people, my rooms always clean and i always listen to my parents. I do alot of extracurricular and i have had trouble getting home on many occasions. I won't even get addicted to it and my parents know it. Any tips on how i could convince them?
(P.S i don't have an ipod or ipad i use a desktop for all my internet surfing)
Read more: I am 16 years old and i don't have a phone?
(P.S i don't have an ipod or ipad i use a desktop for all my internet surfing)
Read more: I am 16 years old and i don't have a phone?
Monday, May 8, 2017
When i barely touch my ipad screen i see some spots but when i let go it disappears. Is this normal or is this a concern?
When i barely touch my ipad screen i see some spots but when i let go it disappears. Is this normal or is this a concern? - 1
Added (1). I was wondering because i had it since 2011 or 2012 and it just started and cannot afford another at the moment
Read more: When i barely touch my ipad screen i see some spots but when i let go it disappears. Is this normal or is this a concern?
Added (1). I was wondering because i had it since 2011 or 2012 and it just started and cannot afford another at the moment
Read more: When i barely touch my ipad screen i see some spots but when i let go it disappears. Is this normal or is this a concern?
How do I get mobdro on my iPad. Is there a link?
How do I get mobdro on my iPad. Is there a link?
Read more: How do I get mobdro on my iPad. Is there a link?
Read more: How do I get mobdro on my iPad. Is there a link?
Im doing mymaths on my ipad, how do i get the squared symbol?
Im doing mymaths on my ipad, how do i get the squared symbol?
Added (1). It says to use 'shift+2'
but this is for computer only:/
Read more: Im doing mymaths on my ipad, how do i get the squared symbol?
Added (1). It says to use 'shift+2'
but this is for computer only:/
Read more: Im doing mymaths on my ipad, how do i get the squared symbol?
Saturday, May 6, 2017
Should I buy an iPad or a laptop? - 1
I currently have an iPhone se, but no laptop, although I could use my mum's if needs be. I'm a 14 year old lad, and need it for school work, games and watching films and tv. Which would you recommend and why? And which storage level? Thanks
Read more: Should I buy an iPad or a laptop? - 1
Read more: Should I buy an iPad or a laptop? - 1
I have a new ipad pro. If I delete or reset my old ipad mini, will it also erase them from the new ipad?
I have a new ipad pro. If I delete or reset my old ipad mini, will it also erase them from the new ipad?
Read more: I have a new ipad pro. If I delete or reset my old ipad mini, will it also erase them from the new ipad?
Read more: I have a new ipad pro. If I delete or reset my old ipad mini, will it also erase them from the new ipad?
Should I buy an iPad Air 2 or New iPad 2017?
I currently have an iPhone se, but no laptop. I'm a 14 year old lad, and need it for school work and watching films and tv. Which would you recommend and why? And which storage level? Thanks
Read more: Should I buy an iPad Air 2 or New iPad 2017?
Read more: Should I buy an iPad Air 2 or New iPad 2017?
What generation is my Mini iPad?
I know this is dumb, but what is my Mini iPad generation?
Version: 6.1.3 (10B329)
Model: MD528LL/A
Read more: What generation is my Mini iPad?
Version: 6.1.3 (10B329)
Model: MD528LL/A
Read more: What generation is my Mini iPad?
Friday, May 5, 2017
How to deal with a rude roommate in a bad living situation?
I'm doing my best to get out, but won't be able to until March. In the meantime, how do I deal with this?
I'm living in an illegal sublet. When I moved in, I was told I would have my own bedroom, but within a few days of moving in the woman I am renting from began parading other potential renters through my room without telling me. A new girl moved in, without any warning or heads up from from the landlady, and has been nothing but hostile to me since then. She was nasty to me because I was taking up too much space in the closet, she talks about me over the phone to her friends as though I am not in the room. And in the mornings, she wakes up at 6 am and slams things around the room, slams the doors, and, when asked to please stop because I don't have to be up for another two hours, she either does not respond to me or tells me she IS being quiet. The worst part is that she does not go anywhere after this is complete. She appears to be unemployed, and sits in the corner on her ipad until I go to work, and is there again in the evening when I come home. I have never seen her wear anything but her bathrobe. Every time I have tried to talk to her about it or other issues, she rolls her eyes at me and either goes back to her ipad or walks away.
How do I deal with her, at least for the rest of the month? Because I am losing my patience with the whole situation and my landlady has made it clear that she is in this for the money and does not care if we're happy or healthy or well rested, as long as we're crammed in like sardines and paying rent on time.
Read more: How to deal with a rude roommate in a bad living situation?
I'm living in an illegal sublet. When I moved in, I was told I would have my own bedroom, but within a few days of moving in the woman I am renting from began parading other potential renters through my room without telling me. A new girl moved in, without any warning or heads up from from the landlady, and has been nothing but hostile to me since then. She was nasty to me because I was taking up too much space in the closet, she talks about me over the phone to her friends as though I am not in the room. And in the mornings, she wakes up at 6 am and slams things around the room, slams the doors, and, when asked to please stop because I don't have to be up for another two hours, she either does not respond to me or tells me she IS being quiet. The worst part is that she does not go anywhere after this is complete. She appears to be unemployed, and sits in the corner on her ipad until I go to work, and is there again in the evening when I come home. I have never seen her wear anything but her bathrobe. Every time I have tried to talk to her about it or other issues, she rolls her eyes at me and either goes back to her ipad or walks away.
How do I deal with her, at least for the rest of the month? Because I am losing my patience with the whole situation and my landlady has made it clear that she is in this for the money and does not care if we're happy or healthy or well rested, as long as we're crammed in like sardines and paying rent on time.
Read more: How to deal with a rude roommate in a bad living situation?
I need to shut of my email account on this laptop as I am loaning it to someone so how can I do that without affecting my Ipad and IPhone?
I need to shut of my email account on this laptop as I am loaning it to someone so how can I do that without affecting my Ipad and IPhone?
Read more: I need to shut of my email account on this laptop as I am loaning it to someone so how can I do that without affecting my Ipad and IPhone?
Read more: I need to shut of my email account on this laptop as I am loaning it to someone so how can I do that without affecting my Ipad and IPhone?
Am I able to restart my iPad if I'm not with my iPad? I don't want to reset, but I want to restart it
Am I able to restart my iPad if I'm not with my iPad? I don't want to reset, but I want to restart it
Read more: Am I able to restart my iPad if I'm not with my iPad? I don't want to reset, but I want to restart it
Read more: Am I able to restart my iPad if I'm not with my iPad? I don't want to reset, but I want to restart it
Does my uncle have the right to snatch my iPad? It's not even his?
One morning i was using my iPad and my uncle saw me using and he snatched it away and when i returned to the same room i saw his son happily using it and he was happily watching him use it. Why did he do that. Its really unfair.
Read more: Does my uncle have the right to snatch my iPad? It's not even his?
Read more: Does my uncle have the right to snatch my iPad? It's not even his?
Thursday, May 4, 2017
How to check how much memory is left on your IPAD? Help Please URGENT?
i want to check how much memory is left and how much i've used on my IPAD
how do i do this?
what do i click?
thank you
Read more: How to check how much memory is left on your IPAD? Help Please URGENT?
how do i do this?
what do i click?
thank you
Read more: How to check how much memory is left on your IPAD? Help Please URGENT?
Ipad 2 keeps shutting down?
I've had my ipad 2 for a little over a year now and all of a sudden over the last few weeks I've started to have some problems.
It keeps shutting off while it is in sleep mode and won't turn back on unless I hold the on/off button and the home button and do a reset. I've tried looking online to see if anyone else has had the same problem but theirs seems to just be a once off case and is solved by what I am already doing. However, mine does it all the time, several times a day, almost every time I go to use it almost.
I've done a restore twice through itunes which hasn't done anything to fix it. I'm tempted to restore it and start it as a new ipad to see if that does anything.
Any ideas as to what's going on? It is getting really annoying.
Read more: Ipad 2 keeps shutting down?
It keeps shutting off while it is in sleep mode and won't turn back on unless I hold the on/off button and the home button and do a reset. I've tried looking online to see if anyone else has had the same problem but theirs seems to just be a once off case and is solved by what I am already doing. However, mine does it all the time, several times a day, almost every time I go to use it almost.
I've done a restore twice through itunes which hasn't done anything to fix it. I'm tempted to restore it and start it as a new ipad to see if that does anything.
Any ideas as to what's going on? It is getting really annoying.
Read more: Ipad 2 keeps shutting down?
I can't stand physical pressure and don't know why? Normal or not?
You know how some people bring their knees up while laying down to watch a movie on their iPad? I can't do that because my heals hurt being pressed against the mattress for more than 5 minutes. Using a desktop computer is difficult when I have to use the mouse because my palm bothers me when it's pressed against the desk top for too long. My shirt collar pressed against my neck makes me feel like I'm losing blood pressure even if it's barely touching it. I can't have my sweatshirt sleeve rolled up for too long before my arm starts feeling weird (and not the tingly losing feeling weird)
And with all of these if I try to ignore it my muscles begin to twitch. Like… Noticeable visually twitch.
I've kinda tolerated it but it's driving me crazy and I don't know if it's something that happens to everyone or what.
Oh and right now… My hand pressed against my phone typing is bothering me.
Read more: I can't stand physical pressure and don't know why? Normal or not?
And with all of these if I try to ignore it my muscles begin to twitch. Like… Noticeable visually twitch.
I've kinda tolerated it but it's driving me crazy and I don't know if it's something that happens to everyone or what.
Oh and right now… My hand pressed against my phone typing is bothering me.
Read more: I can't stand physical pressure and don't know why? Normal or not?
When I send a text message from my iPad. It shows the messages going from Facebook?
When I send a text message from my iPad. It shows the messages going from Facebook?
Read more: When I send a text message from my iPad. It shows the messages going from Facebook?
Read more: When I send a text message from my iPad. It shows the messages going from Facebook?
Wednesday, May 3, 2017
How do you publish videos from iPad onto YouTube?
I took a video using one of the apps my iPad came with, and I was wondering: How can I publish it onto YouTube (or Facebook)? Thank you very much to anybody who answers.
Read more: How do you publish videos from iPad onto YouTube?
Read more: How do you publish videos from iPad onto YouTube?
How do you unlock an Ipad's service provider to be able to use it internationally?
I am living in Tanzania, and a friend was asking me about his Ipad problem. Someone from the US gave him a used Ipad (4?) about a year ago. The problem is that it is locked (I presume to AT&T?), so it has little value to him since really the only way to use internet here is via SIM card. How can he unlock it so that he can use it with an local SIM card?
Read more: How do you unlock an Ipad's service provider to be able to use it internationally?
Read more: How do you unlock an Ipad's service provider to be able to use it internationally?
Which is the better apple product? Ipad, Ipad pro or Ipad Air?
Which is the better apple product? Ipad, Ipad pro or Ipad Air?
Read more: Which is the better apple product? Ipad, Ipad pro or Ipad Air?
Read more: Which is the better apple product? Ipad, Ipad pro or Ipad Air?
Just bought an iPad,great however doesn't come with Wi-Fi,can Ibuy an add on for gps when I am traveling by auto
Just bought an iPad,great however doesn't come with Wi-Fi, can Ibuy an add on for gps when I am traveling by auto
Read more: Just bought an iPad,great however doesn't come with Wi-Fi,can Ibuy an add on for gps when I am traveling by auto
Read more: Just bought an iPad,great however doesn't come with Wi-Fi,can Ibuy an add on for gps when I am traveling by auto
Does the iPad mini 4 has less than 128gb storage?
Does the iPad mini 4 has less than 128gb storage?
Read more: Does the iPad mini 4 has less than 128gb storage?
Read more: Does the iPad mini 4 has less than 128gb storage?
Hotel wifi has Unidentified Network?
I am currently trying to connect to the internet on my laptop at a hotel, and when I connect to the network, it says it is a 'unidentified network with no internet access'. I have connected with my android and my iPad, but cannot with my laptop. On my phone and iPad, it opened a loggin page when I opened the internet, but on laptop it says ut cannot find the server. I have some important things I need to do on my laptop, but this is really messing me up. Any help to make it connect?
Read more: Hotel wifi has Unidentified Network?
Read more: Hotel wifi has Unidentified Network?
My iPad won't connect to the network what do I need to do?
My iPad won't connect to the network what do I need to do?
Read more: My iPad won't connect to the network what do I need to do?
Read more: My iPad won't connect to the network what do I need to do?
How did my phone get contacts from my ipad?
I have an android phone and an ipad, but my phone keeps syncing contacts from my ipad and I don't know how, I've never plugged my phone into anything except the charger, and when I delete them on my phone it deletes them on my ipad
Read more: How did my phone get contacts from my ipad?
Read more: How did my phone get contacts from my ipad?
My iPad won't connect to the internet what do I need to do? I have wifi and it's working
My iPad won't connect to the internet what do I need to do? I have wifi and it's working
Read more: My iPad won't connect to the internet what do I need to do? I have wifi and it's working
Read more: My iPad won't connect to the internet what do I need to do? I have wifi and it's working
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