Whenever I'm doing FaceTime with someone, everything is good until about an hour. The person's image would freeze up then my ipad would have a sign that reads "poor connection". I can still hear the person talking but I can no longer see them. How do i fix that?
Read more: https://ipadget.com/talk/how-can-i-fix-this-facetime-problem-on-my-ipad-poor.html
Friday, November 30, 2018
IPad Pro won't turn on again
iPad Pro suddenly stopped turning on. I've tried changing the wall outlets and chargers, still nothing. Is this a battery issue? 🤔. Should I get the battery replaced?
Read more: https://ipadget.com/talk/ipad-pro-won-t-turn-on-again.html
Read more: https://ipadget.com/talk/ipad-pro-won-t-turn-on-again.html
Thursday, November 29, 2018
How does iMessage work?
I recently updated my phone…& everything that was on my tablet transferred over to my phone (which i did not want). If i turn off iMessage will i not be able to receive messages on my tablet if someone uses my apple ID email? I still want to receive message but i don't want my ipad to receive texts & calls that are placed on my iphone. Help!
Read more: How does iMessage work?
Read more: How does iMessage work?
Is an iPad allowed in planes on domestic flights within the US?
Can an iPad be used on an international flght bound for the mainland US?
- what about US domestic flights?
I hear security regulations have recently changed and would like to know some details?
Thank you.
Read more: Is an iPad allowed in planes on domestic flights within the US?
- what about US domestic flights?
I hear security regulations have recently changed and would like to know some details?
Thank you.
Read more: Is an iPad allowed in planes on domestic flights within the US?
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
How to get $375 when you can't get a job?
Hi so I'm trying to save for the iPad 6th generation to draw, animate, and write on. I'm not old enough for a job yet and it's too expensive to ask for as a gift for Christmas. I mean i might actually need about $475 because I'd like to get the apple pencil as well… I'm asking pretty much only for money this Christmas. In the end, I still wouldn't have enough money to buy it. Can you guys think of ways I can earn some cash that doesn't require being old enough for a job? I can draw, bake, and like animals. Thanks!
Read more: https://ipadget.com/talk/how-to-get-375-when-you-can-t-get-a-job.html
Read more: https://ipadget.com/talk/how-to-get-375-when-you-can-t-get-a-job.html
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
What are the most popular companies in UK which offers tablets and iPad for rental in low rate?
What are the most popular companies in UK which offers tablets and iPad for rental in low rate?
Read more: What are the most popular companies in UK which offers tablets and iPad for rental in low rate?
Read more: What are the most popular companies in UK which offers tablets and iPad for rental in low rate?
Is there any company in UK which offers us to take iPad on rental?
Is there any company in UK which offers us to take iPad on rental?
Read more: Is there any company in UK which offers us to take iPad on rental?
Read more: Is there any company in UK which offers us to take iPad on rental?
What should we do if we want to organize the event to display our mobile application in seminar? Should we hire iPad on rent?
What should we do if we want to organize the event to display our mobile application in seminar? Should we hire iPad on rent?
Read more: What should we do if we want to organize the event to display our mobile application in seminar? Should we hire iPad on rent?
Read more: What should we do if we want to organize the event to display our mobile application in seminar? Should we hire iPad on rent?
What iPad runs fast and has a good battery?
My mom wants a tablet mostly just to check her e-mails and go on facebook. We bought a surface pro for her but she is not really tech savvy so the key board was too much and how it was kind of like a laptop not a tablet. Thanks for your suggestions.
Read more: What iPad runs fast and has a good battery?
Read more: What iPad runs fast and has a good battery?
Monday, November 26, 2018
I want an ipad for Christmas?
So basically I've been wanting an iPad for Christmas but here's the thing, it's too expensive for my parents to buy for me. My mom and I found a deal of the 2018 iPad for $275 including tax. She does knows it's what I want and actually looked at some yesterday. Do you think it's a good idea if I ask if it could be for Christmas and my birthday? My birthday is pretty close to Christmas and I'm okay to just have a cake and already have my present on Christmas. I'm not sure what my parents would think of that, what's your opinion on it? If I do end up not getting it I'll just save up money I get from relatives and find other ways to get money and buy it myself. Thanks!
Read more: https://ipadget.com/talk/i-want-an-ipad-for-christmas.html
Read more: https://ipadget.com/talk/i-want-an-ipad-for-christmas.html
I have IPad Pro I can't play all videos received on FB Messenger. I've got this message: Unable to play video. Anyone knows how to fix? Fb?
I have IPad Pro I can't play all videos received on FB Messenger. I've got this message: Unable to play video. Anyone knows how to fix? Fb?
Read more: https://ipadget.com/talk/i-have-ipad-pro-i-can-t-play-all-videos-received-on-fb.html
Read more: https://ipadget.com/talk/i-have-ipad-pro-i-can-t-play-all-videos-received-on-fb.html
Sunday, November 25, 2018
I downloaded iTunes app on pc and to enable my ipad which is disabled it says to go to iTunes app?
I downloaded iTunes app on pc and to enable my ipad which is disabled it says to go to iTunes app?
Added (1). are you there?
Read more: I downloaded iTunes app on pc and to enable my ipad which is disabled it says to go to iTunes app?
Added (1). are you there?
Read more: I downloaded iTunes app on pc and to enable my ipad which is disabled it says to go to iTunes app?
When asking how to tell if wireless is working on my iPad, it says the WPA key should be unresolved the Router. Where's the Router?
When asking how to tell if wireless is working on my iPad, it says the WPA key should be unresolved the Router. Where's the Router?
Read more: When asking how to tell if wireless is working on my iPad, it says the WPA key should be unresolved the Router. Where's the Router?
Read more: When asking how to tell if wireless is working on my iPad, it says the WPA key should be unresolved the Router. Where's the Router?
I downloaded iTunes app on pc to try to fix disabled ipad. How do I do it?
I downloaded iTunes app on pc to try to fix disabled ipad. How do I do it?
Added (1). Are you there?
Read more: I downloaded iTunes app on pc to try to fix disabled ipad. How do I do it?
Added (1). Are you there?
Read more: I downloaded iTunes app on pc to try to fix disabled ipad. How do I do it?
I've been wanting an iPad for Christmas?
So basically I've been wanting an iPad for Christmas but here's the thing, it's too expensive for my parents to buy for me. My mom and I found a deal of the 2018 iPad for $275 including tax. She definitely knows it's what I want and actually looked at some this morning. Do you think it's a good idea if I ask if it could be for Christmas and my birthday. My birthday is pretty close to Christmas and I'm down to just have a cake and already have my present on Christmas. I'm not sure what my parents would think of that, what's your opinion on it? If I do end up not getting it I'll just save up money I get from relatives and find other ways to get money and buy it myself. Thanks!
Read more: I've been wanting an iPad for Christmas?
Read more: I've been wanting an iPad for Christmas?
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
I got a IPad mini from a woman she bought it brand new she can't remember her pw and even though I have a receipt apple won't
I got a IPad mini from a woman she bought it brand new she can't remember her pw and even though I have a receipt apple won't
Read more: I got a IPad mini from a woman she bought it brand new she can't remember her pw and even though I have a receipt apple won't
Read more: I got a IPad mini from a woman she bought it brand new she can't remember her pw and even though I have a receipt apple won't
I really want an iPad for Christmas?
Hello! So I've really been wanting an iPad for Christmas and you might think "oh just ask your parents for one!" If I do my siblings will all laugh at me saying "haha that's funny those are way too expensive." My family isn't poor either. I want one more than anything right now. I draw and could use it for school related things. I'm too scared to even ask, I cry sometimes because I feel bad just from wanting something that expensive from them. I don't want to be spoiled or ungrateful. I don't want my siblings getting sad because I got an iPad and they didn't. The one I'm wanting is around $250. It's so much I wish I could get a job but I can't, I'm only 13. Should I even try to ask?! It would help me so much. I don't get things throughout the year either btw. I want it really badly. What should I do?
Read more: I really want an iPad for Christmas?
Read more: I really want an iPad for Christmas?
Can you use the iPad Pro as an emergency power bank using the lightning to USB camera connection kit? Yes or no and is it possible?
Can you use the iPad Pro as an emergency power bank using the lightning to USB camera connection kit? Yes or no and is it possible?
Read more: Can you use the iPad Pro as an emergency power bank using the lightning to USB camera connection kit? Yes or no and is it possible?
Read more: Can you use the iPad Pro as an emergency power bank using the lightning to USB camera connection kit? Yes or no and is it possible?
Would the 9/11 hijackers still have through with it if they knew the iPhone and iPad were in the future?
Would the 9/11 hijackers still have through with it if they knew the iPhone and iPad were in the future?
Read more: Would the 9/11 hijackers still have through with it if they knew the iPhone and iPad were in the future?
Read more: Would the 9/11 hijackers still have through with it if they knew the iPhone and iPad were in the future?
I updated the sims FreePlay with the party boat and it isn't as fun and I can't get it off my iPad how do I get rid of it?
I updated the sims FreePlay with the party boat and it isn't as fun and I can't get it off my iPad how do I get rid of it?
Read more: I updated the sims FreePlay with the party boat and it isn't as fun and I can't get it off my iPad how do I get rid of it?
Read more: I updated the sims FreePlay with the party boat and it isn't as fun and I can't get it off my iPad how do I get rid of it?
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
If a ipad on sprint is not paid off and account defaults will the ipad still be able to get cellular data?
If a ipad on sprint is not paid off and account defaults will the ipad still be able to get cellular data?
Read more: https://ipadget.com/talk/if-a-ipad-on-sprint-is-not-paid-off-and-account.html
Read more: https://ipadget.com/talk/if-a-ipad-on-sprint-is-not-paid-off-and-account.html
Monday, November 19, 2018
How do I get good sleep each night and go to bed early?
Recently I have been trying to get some good sleep but I'm always on my iPad or phone tell 4am in the morning I also watch YouTube videos and go on the web on my devices. Since doing this I have been waking up at 2pm in the afternoon and feel tried I have bags under my eyes and are starting to get red eyes. I wanna get some good sleep and start going to bed early what can I do to stop this?
Read more: How do I get good sleep each night and go to bed early?
Read more: How do I get good sleep each night and go to bed early?
IPad Pro vs iPad 2018, which would I buy?
I currently have the original iPad mini. I got it maybe 4 yrs ago and it's time for an upgrade, it's slow and still running iOS 9. I was using it for ebooks for my college course and for when I'm going somewhere and I don't want to bring my laptop. I also want it to last and still receive the iOS updates for years to come. I know that they have android tablets that are cheaper but I'm way to deep in the apples ecosystem to leave. I have a dell XPS 13, with a 7th generation i5 processor so I'm not try to use the tablet to replace a laptop. So which I pad should I buy? And why?
Read more: IPad Pro vs iPad 2018, which would I buy?
Read more: IPad Pro vs iPad 2018, which would I buy?
Saturday, November 17, 2018
How to stop breaking the rules in my house?
So ok, I'm 11 years old and I'm looking for help! I break a few rules in my house. I keep watching Youtube when I shouldn't. I keep neglecting my chores. Well of course I do play games like Fortnite. I'm so far behind in classes too. (I'm in 6th grade) I'm right now writing this on my iPad because my computer isn't working properly.
Please only write answers telling me how to fix my issues. Thanks
Added (1). Also I'm a boy and I have a brother (17) who is on track on classes. (12th grade) I don't want to end up struggling in High School and College.
My parents even dropped me out of a computer science school called "Ucode" because they couldn't pay and I was far behind in school.
Also I sometimes spend a bit too much playing games like on a weekday, I could spend 3 hours playing and 7-8 on weekends
Added (2). Don't say your too young I'm going to delete my account when I get a good answer
Added (3). Also we do work on paper and my teacher doesn't give us homework
Added (4). Also what I mean is I'm not able to do 6th grade work and I'm still studying for it
Added (5). No one has a right answer! Make better answers!
Read more: How to stop breaking the rules in my house?
Please only write answers telling me how to fix my issues. Thanks
Added (1). Also I'm a boy and I have a brother (17) who is on track on classes. (12th grade) I don't want to end up struggling in High School and College.
My parents even dropped me out of a computer science school called "Ucode" because they couldn't pay and I was far behind in school.
Also I sometimes spend a bit too much playing games like on a weekday, I could spend 3 hours playing and 7-8 on weekends
Added (2). Don't say your too young I'm going to delete my account when I get a good answer
Added (3). Also we do work on paper and my teacher doesn't give us homework
Added (4). Also what I mean is I'm not able to do 6th grade work and I'm still studying for it
Added (5). No one has a right answer! Make better answers!
Read more: How to stop breaking the rules in my house?
My Apple IPad will not allow me to complete any applications?
My Apple IPad will not allow me to complete any applications?
Read more: My Apple IPad will not allow me to complete any applications?
Read more: My Apple IPad will not allow me to complete any applications?
Friday, November 16, 2018
I have a smaller (10 in. Or so) iPAD that's 5 years old - sellable?
I don't use it anymore, as I have the newer one. Would anyone buy a 5 year old iPAD mini? How much could I get for it? $75?
Read more: https://ipadget.com/talk/i-have-a-smaller-10-in-or-so-ipad-that-s-5-years-old.html
Read more: https://ipadget.com/talk/i-have-a-smaller-10-in-or-so-ipad-that-s-5-years-old.html
Thursday, November 15, 2018
I want to buy an iPad 3 but will it still download iMovie?
I know the iPad 3 no longer updates OS but can I still download iMovie and GarageBand from the App Store? If I can't download the version that works with the iPad is there another way I could download the version compatible apps?
Read more: I want to buy an iPad 3 but will it still download iMovie?
Read more: I want to buy an iPad 3 but will it still download iMovie?
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Does the new iPad pro 11 and 12.6 feel really different on screen?
I want to buy this mainly for drawing. But since my budget is actually quiet tight, I have been wondering does the screen size be really matter? BTW this is my first tablet. Sorry for my english
Read more: https://ipadget.com/talk/does-the-new-ipad-pro-11-and-12-6-feel-really-different.html
Read more: https://ipadget.com/talk/does-the-new-ipad-pro-11-and-12-6-feel-really-different.html
Monday, November 12, 2018
Can you recover deleted files from iOS devices like you can with pcs?
Deleted video file from iPad like 6 months ago, have used extensively since how likely is it that I can get it back? Doesn't appear to be backed up to icloud
Read more: https://ipadget.com/talk/can-you-recover-deleted-files-from-ios-devices-like-you.html
Read more: https://ipadget.com/talk/can-you-recover-deleted-files-from-ios-devices-like-you.html
Sunday, November 11, 2018
Struggling with partner and his children?
I'd like some advice, and to see if anyone's ever been in the same situation.
Firstly, I don't have children.
I've been dating a man for 14 months, met his 2 children after 7 months.
It's still a very part time relationship, as in I go over there 3/4 times a week and only see his kids once or twice per week. (He has them for 4 days/nights per week)
I love him to pieces… But the way he has brought is children up is completely different to the way I would have brought mine up (if I wanted any)?
They NEVER say please or thank you. To me, if you can only teach a child one thing ever, you teach them manners.
Also, they spend every second of the day on some sort of electronic device. They're 5 and 8. They've both got iPods, iPad, iPhone, computer consoles. And they are GLUED to them 24\7.
And if you tell them their not allowed their devices as we're going out, they sulk for the WHOLE day, until they can finally run back through the front door and pick them up. That's all they've known since they were born, I believe they were given them to shut them up as babies.
He doesn't discipline them. He buys them everything and anything that they want. They don't play like children should do with toys or making things or Lego or anything you can imagine, they just sit like aliens.
Do you think I should end it? Obviously I can't tell him how to parent his own children. But I love him. I don't know whether I need to relax and just stick it out? Help
Read more: Struggling with partner and his children?
Firstly, I don't have children.
I've been dating a man for 14 months, met his 2 children after 7 months.
It's still a very part time relationship, as in I go over there 3/4 times a week and only see his kids once or twice per week. (He has them for 4 days/nights per week)
I love him to pieces… But the way he has brought is children up is completely different to the way I would have brought mine up (if I wanted any)?
They NEVER say please or thank you. To me, if you can only teach a child one thing ever, you teach them manners.
Also, they spend every second of the day on some sort of electronic device. They're 5 and 8. They've both got iPods, iPad, iPhone, computer consoles. And they are GLUED to them 24\7.
And if you tell them their not allowed their devices as we're going out, they sulk for the WHOLE day, until they can finally run back through the front door and pick them up. That's all they've known since they were born, I believe they were given them to shut them up as babies.
He doesn't discipline them. He buys them everything and anything that they want. They don't play like children should do with toys or making things or Lego or anything you can imagine, they just sit like aliens.
Do you think I should end it? Obviously I can't tell him how to parent his own children. But I love him. I don't know whether I need to relax and just stick it out? Help
Read more: Struggling with partner and his children?
I may have made a mistake?
Sooo I'm originally from India and I've come to USA to visit my family and I was at my uncles house and he has two sons out of which one is very annoying. I was on my iPad and I needed a charger so I just had the need to whisper to my mom, " if I meet that god damn child outside I'm gonna be pissed" and as I was waking out of my room I saw my uncle carrying him and he was right oudside the door and I think he heard me
What do I do?
Read more: I may have made a mistake?
What do I do?
Read more: I may have made a mistake?
How to get messages sent to cellular data number on iPad?
My son has an iPad with data. I understand that it doesn't have a "phone number" but it does has a "cellular data number" that the person at the Sprint store told us about when we bought it. We have a few apps that require a phone number, and when we put this number in, it says that a message has been sent to this number. But how do I get this message? Where does it go? I was hoping an alert would pop up but nothing did. In the iPad settings it only lists the Apple ID under where I can receive messages from, not the number (and when I try to add the number, again it says they need to send a verification to the number that I can't access).
Read more: How to get messages sent to cellular data number on iPad?
Read more: How to get messages sent to cellular data number on iPad?
Saturday, November 10, 2018
Have you ever met a celebrity? If so, who? I have met two. Bret The Hitman Hart and Professor Noel Fitzpatrick - The Supervet?
I know the picture isn't very clear. I don't know why it was so bright, my flash was off on my iPad. Unfortunately I don't have the Bret Hart pic on the computer. 
Read more: https://ipadget.com/talk/have-you-ever-met-a-celebrity-if-so-who-i-have-met-two.html

Read more: https://ipadget.com/talk/have-you-ever-met-a-celebrity-if-so-who-i-have-met-two.html
I plan to engage in freelance online jobs but i'm not sure what to buy ipad/tab or laptop? And what brand would you suggest? Not so pricy please?
I plan to engage in freelance online jobs but i'm not sure what to buy ipad/tab or laptop? And what brand would you suggest? Not so pricy please?
Read more: https://ipadget.com/talk/i-plan-to-engage-in-freelance-online-jobs-but-i-m-not.html
Read more: https://ipadget.com/talk/i-plan-to-engage-in-freelance-online-jobs-but-i-m-not.html
Would you rather have the new IPad Pro 12.9 inch IPad with 1TB of storage, or the new IPad Air laptop 💻?
Would you rather have the new IPad Pro 12.9 inch IPad with 1TB of storage, or the new IPad Air laptop 💻?
Read more: https://ipadget.com/talk/would-you-rather-have-the-new-ipad-pro-12-9-inch-ipad.html
Read more: https://ipadget.com/talk/would-you-rather-have-the-new-ipad-pro-12-9-inch-ipad.html
Can I transfer mp4 files from an external HD to an IPad without using Itunes?
I have 500gb of movies on an external
HD I want to transfer to my IPad.
If I use ITunes, the memory on my Mac gets filled since it's only 250gb.
Read more: https://ipadget.com/talk/itunes/can-i-transfer-mp4-files-from-an-external-hd-to-an-ipad.html
HD I want to transfer to my IPad.
If I use ITunes, the memory on my Mac gets filled since it's only 250gb.
Read more: https://ipadget.com/talk/itunes/can-i-transfer-mp4-files-from-an-external-hd-to-an-ipad.html
Thursday, November 8, 2018
Why is my iPad losing it's touch sensitivity?
Many times, I need to press an icon or a letter numerous times before my iPad responds. It's less than a year old, and iPads usually last me at least two years.
Read more: https://ipadget.com/talk/why-is-my-ipad-losing-it-s-touch-sensitivity.html
Read more: https://ipadget.com/talk/why-is-my-ipad-losing-it-s-touch-sensitivity.html
My iPad will not turn on despite being charged?
My Ipad died randomly today. I charged it when I got back home. Its been 5 hours and it still won't turn on. But when I press the home button the Siri sound goes off. I need to finish an assignment that s on the iPad please help!
Video proof:
Read more: https://ipadget.com/talk/my-ipad-will-not-turn-on-despite-being-charged.html
Video proof:
Read more: https://ipadget.com/talk/my-ipad-will-not-turn-on-despite-being-charged.html
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
I need a to find a way to make a fake website for a class using a iPad any help would be nice?
I need a to find a way to make a fake website for a class using a iPad any help would be nice?
Read more: I need a to find a way to make a fake website for a class using a iPad any help would be nice?
Read more: I need a to find a way to make a fake website for a class using a iPad any help would be nice?
Sunday, November 4, 2018
Gaming pc build problem?
I just have finished building my new gaming pc with an msi b350 motherboard, Amd ryzen 5 1600x, Gskill ddr4 series 3200 MHz ram, msi Radeon armour 8gb graphics card, EVGA - B3 650W 80+ Bronze Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power supply. The first time i set it up everything was ok and it showed my cpu and ram. But now it onl shows the message "Devices changed ( cpu or memory) or cmos have been cleared. Please enter setup to configure your system."
Press f1 to run setup
Press f2 to load default values and continue.
When i pres f1 or f2 nothing happens?
Am using a wireless Bluetooth i have tested it with my iPad and it works fine.
Could it be the keyboard not connecting properly coz it's Bluetooth and i haven't set it up or am i looking at bigger problem. I need to know wats wrong so that i can return any items if they are faulty as i bought everything new.
Can you please help me here.
Read more: https://ipadget.com/talk/gaming-pc-build-problem.html
Press f1 to run setup
Press f2 to load default values and continue.
When i pres f1 or f2 nothing happens?
Am using a wireless Bluetooth i have tested it with my iPad and it works fine.
Could it be the keyboard not connecting properly coz it's Bluetooth and i haven't set it up or am i looking at bigger problem. I need to know wats wrong so that i can return any items if they are faulty as i bought everything new.
Can you please help me here.
Read more: https://ipadget.com/talk/gaming-pc-build-problem.html
Friday, November 2, 2018
Do movie sites/apps have the potential to infect an Apple Device?
Especially when I was younger I would go on my iPad to look up 'free movies' and usually I would have no luck, I forgot why, it's been so long, but usually you would have to sign up or it was just confusing. I have heard that on computers these sites have the possibility of putting a virus on, so I was curious what the possibility of these sites having a negative impact on an Apple Device was? Is there a way to if an old device that hasn't been used in awhile has any virus or anything wrong with it?
Read more: https://ipadget.com/talk/do-movie-sites-apps-have-the-potential-to-infect-an.html
Read more: https://ipadget.com/talk/do-movie-sites-apps-have-the-potential-to-infect-an.html
Thursday, November 1, 2018
Visual studio like program for ipad?
Anyone know any app I can use on my iPad to write c++ and compile it.
I'm currently learning c++ and use visual studio on my computer but I would like a similar program I could use on my iPad.
Anyone have any suggestions?
Read more: Visual studio like program for ipad?
I'm currently learning c++ and use visual studio on my computer but I would like a similar program I could use on my iPad.
Anyone have any suggestions?
Read more: Visual studio like program for ipad?
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