Saturday, April 30, 2016

Whats a great quality Tablet or Ipad under $100?

Whats a great quality Tablet or Ipad under $100?
Added (1). I'm looking for a birthday gift for my father, mainly a tablet or ipad because he loves computers. I'm looking for something with great quality picture and sound, with everything working. I have did much research and found some with great prices but some of the pros and cons are not the best.

Read more: Whats a great quality Tablet or Ipad under $100?

How to print from my iPad 2 air?

How to print from my iPad 2 air?

Read more: How to print from my iPad 2 air?

Mom hasn't talked to me in over a week, did I do something wrong?

Last saturday she was in a good mood in the morning, she went to sleep so I decided to do something nice and clean all of the house so she won't have to do anything when she wakes up, so I did chores from 1 to 5 and was exhausted, so while I was sitting there playing some game on my ipad mom came over and started complaining that I missed a spot when mopping the floor, and said that I didn't mop at all, so I told her that I did and I'm not going to mop twice. She was incredeibly annoyed and told me that if I didn't mop she wasn't letting me get a pet (that I've asked her for not too long ago) and I was very upset and mopped, but I didn't care about the stupid hamster, I was in tears because she's had this attitude for a while now and every little thing that she's yelled at me for came together in my mind to make me have a meltdown. On thursday when she called on the phone I mentioned that my tutor said I was in 9th place in the honor list, meaning 9th place among the best students, and she simply replied "why are you not first on the list?" I usually don't snap back and try to keep a calm attitude towards these things, so I didn't say anything. Then this might sound incredibly childish, but I started putting togetheer this puzzle of 1500 pieces and I've made some pretty good progress on it, she promised not to put it back in the box, reason why I could never finish it before, but she crumpled everything and put it back saturday night. Again I didnt say anything.
Added (1). sorry for the long story, but in short, she makes me feel like I'm worthless, whenever I accomplish somethign she asks me why I didn't do better or simply doesn't care, like when I tell her I got this hard move right in acrobatics, or something along those lines. I don't know what I do wrong, and I really want this year to be over so I can go to college already and get out of here, I don't have any friends in this country, all of them live in america (where I'm going to study)

Read more: Mom hasn't talked to me in over a week, did I do something wrong?

Which iPad for teacher?

I wanted to know which iPad is good for teaching?
I teach in class, do some keynotes, use education and astronomy apps in class, make videos for my students and solve problems for them.
I am looking for buying a new iPad (mine is now iPad 4) and my choices are iPad pro 9.7 and iPad pro 12.7

Read more: Which iPad for teacher?

I have an old IPad with (I think) IOS 5.1.1, can it be upgraded and if so, how?

I have an old IPad with (I think) IOS 5.1.1, can it be upgraded and if so, how?

Read more: I have an old IPad with (I think) IOS 5.1.1, can it be upgraded and if so, how?

If my iPad is locked can anybody access the data on it?

If my iPad is locked can anybody access the data on it?

Read more: If my iPad is locked can anybody access the data on it?

School ipad airwatch track content on fb messenger and snapchat?

Can my school track what i do on snapchat and fb messenger? It is on their ipad and it has airwatch installed but i have heard it cannot track content.ive had the ipad since november and have not got in trouble so i think they cannot track anything.

If they can track it, is there a way to wipe out the ipad to get rid of all the data they have?

Read more: School ipad airwatch track content on fb messenger and snapchat?

It says that iMovie is $5 and I wanna download it on my iPad?

So I wanna down iMovie on my iPad and it says it's $5. Once I pay it I can use it however I want right? I don't need to pay $5 per month? I only need to play it once? I am not sure if it's per month or just once! Can someone let me know?

Read more: It says that iMovie is $5 and I wanna download it on my iPad?

I keep on seeing figures right outside my door?

Every time I look over at my bedroom door I swear I see something or someone peeking in but then it's gone. I don't want to close the door and seem rude. What do I do? My light's on and I have music playing so…
Added (1). Just for the record I don't want to seem rude because I've seen **** going on in my room before. The lamp fell off my desk once and shattered, knocking over water which in turn broke an iPad, laptop, and MP3 player. And I always feel watched while trying to sleep.

Read more: I keep on seeing figures right outside my door?

Friday, April 29, 2016

IPAD PRO screen length + width in inches?

I need to the length and width of the screen in inches (I don't care that it measures 12.9" diagonal!). Can't believe neither Apple nor any tech website lists such a simple tech spec!

Read more: IPAD PRO screen length + width in inches?

How to remove recents from map quest on iPad?

How to remove recents from map quest on iPad?

Read more: How to remove recents from map quest on iPad?

What are some other things to do instead of playing on my iPhone and iPad?

What are some other things to do instead of playing on my iPhone and iPad?

Read more: What are some other things to do instead of playing on my iPhone and iPad?

IPads and Recovery Mode?

Recently, my younger siblings locked up my mum's old iPad by putting the wrong passcode in too many times. It now says: 'iPad is disabled, connect to iTunes'. It's never been synced to iTunes before and upon connecting it to my PC and iTunes it says the passcode must be entered into the iPad to access on this computer.

Online, it says to use recovery mode but I'm unsure as to whether this will wipe my pictures (lots of when we were all younger). Can someone explain this? Also, if we take the iPad to a local Apple store, will they be able to unlock it without deleting the images?

Read more: IPads and Recovery Mode?

How to program iPad Air 2 for Epsom printer?

How to program iPad Air 2 for Epsom printer?

Read more: How to program iPad Air 2 for Epsom printer?

Celtx NOT saving work?

I wrote a page in a script and it didn't save so I re-wrote it on top of MANY other pages and it DID not save again! I'm extremely pissed!

It used to never do that, which is why I continued using it.

Has anyone ever had the same problem?

Is there any way I can contact someone to ask about this?
Added (1). I made sure both times, as I always do, that they were saved.

I also had the app on my ipad if that makes any difference?
Added (2). I use both the computer and app.

Read more: Celtx NOT saving work?

Which iPad is best for drawing?

Which iPad is best for drawing?

Read more: Which iPad is best for drawing?

Fallout Shelter Save File Transfer?

I didn't really know what to title it, so sorry if it might be a bit misleading

But I have Fallout Shelter on my Ipad, and it's fine, fun. But then after I reached about 25 dwellers, and have a good amount of rooms, my game crashes after about 2-4 minutes of having it open, to the point where it's almost unplayable.

So I downloaded Bluestacks, and now have Fallout Shelter available there, however I want to try and get my save file onto that. The IPad I'm using is just the Apple product, while the Bluestacks uses Android, and I have no android devices.

I wouldn't be worried about it, if I hadn't of spent about $17 on that game T^T so I wanna try and get the file so that $17 doesn't go to waste.

So is there a way to transfer my iOS game data onto the android game data somehow?

Read more: Fallout Shelter Save File Transfer?

Is ipad pro good for designing and rendering?

i'm not a professional designer but I like designing furniture and interior designing, I always use autocad and google sketchup and rendering software on my laptop, but I want to buy an ipad pro, so is there any alternative software for sketchup on ios? And if yes, is there any rendering software available? Or should I just buy a new macbook? Thanks for any answer.

Read more: Is ipad pro good for designing and rendering?

Square register Stand not connected to iPad air?

I m opening a small business, my wife recommended the square register as our cashier solution. We got it today, alone with printer and cash drawer. I set up everything at first and it worked just fine. Then I noticed that my wife's name appeared on the receipt. I tried to fix it by factory resetting the ipad when it's connected to the Square Stand. After the reset I logged onto the SQ app, it says Square Stand not connected. I tried force quitting and reinstalling the app. It shows the ipad recognizes the square stand in Settings but wouldn't show in the app. We tried everything we found online. Does anyone have similar experience? I m suspecting that when I factory reset the iPad, it also fried the drive on square stand. Should I go return it and get a new one.

Read more: Square register Stand not connected to iPad air?

Thursday, April 28, 2016

How to reset iPad using iTunes?

How to reset iPad using iTunes?

Read more: How to reset iPad using iTunes?

Pass code won't work on ipad. Is it me or my ipad?

I am 99.9 percent sure I have the correct pass code. I used the finger tip but now they want the code and it's not working. When I set my pass code I didn't do anything special like fix it to take a long passcode. What would they have required ie capital, special characters etc. How many digits or letters? It keeps making me wait. This last time was for a hour.

Read more: Pass code won't work on ipad. Is it me or my ipad?

IPad mini 2 screen cracked,how to replace?

The screen on my iPad mini 2 is cracked, but I m not sure if it is just the glass outer screen or also the lcd digitizer.
I looked on ebay for replacement kits and I don t want to buy unnecessary parts.
Some says "ic chip connector not included", do I need it?
The tablet is performing normally,it is touch responsive and I can see pics and videos as usual, does this means I need to replace just the glass or it is always glass + lcd replacement?
Thank you!

Read more: IPad mini 2 screen cracked,how to replace?

Why cant I download iTunes to my ipad air?

Why cant I download iTunes to my ipad air?

Read more: Why cant I download iTunes to my ipad air?

Apple ipad air 2 OR is there a better alternative?

Apple ipad air 2 OR is there a better alternative?

Read more: Apple ipad air 2 OR is there a better alternative?

I have a problem with my iPad?!

I got this two years ago and it was working very fine and I was able to use it for a whole day without charging because of the battery life. But now, my battery is suddenly draining uncontrollably fast. So I reset it, but still, nothing changed. What do you think is the problem with this?

Read more: I have a problem with my iPad?!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Someone is talking to me through my Ipad! Help?!

As I was sitting on my couch out of no where I heard was seemed to sound like a man on a walky talky or a CB radio. I shrugged it off as maybe something on tv. Until i heard it again. It was coming from my ipad! How did some guy hack into it? What do i do

Read more: Someone is talking to me through my Ipad! Help?!

Is a 10.5 inch tablet better than an ipad that is 9.7 inches big?

Hi i want to sell my 9.7 inch ipad to get a 10.5 inch android tablet is that a good idea.

Read more: Is a 10.5 inch tablet better than an ipad that is 9.7 inches big?

Why is this waitress like this?

I come in to the restaurant alone with my iPad and sit down and she goes up to me and quickly asks for my order and keeps from having small talk with me and she seems quiet and rushed.

With the other people around me she is all normal to,

She snubs me but quickly services me without any small talk or emotions

After paying the bill and leaving the money on the table I walk away and out of the corner of my eye she turns from snubbing me to darting to my table and collecting the money.

The next day I came in she didn't wait on me (I got another waitress) but she was giving me glares from a distance like her stomach was churning seeing my prescience,

What is wrong with this waitress,

Read more: Why is this waitress like this?

My apple id is disabled?

My ipad mini broke and i go it repaired since then, i cant access anything exept a white screen that tells (activate apple id ) and that i should enter my original apple id that i got the ipad set up with, which i don t remember

Read more: My apple id is disabled?

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

How to tell by website data if a site has been visited, or if it was just a pop-up?

How to tell by website data if a site has been visited, or if it was just a pop-up?
Added (1). I am referencing the "website data" section under "settings" on my ipad. I see a website on there that has used 16 KB of data. Could this be from a pop-up or was this site visited on purpose?
Please let me know if more info is needed. I am not good with computers/tech in general
Thank you

Read more: How to tell by website data if a site has been visited, or if it was just a pop-up?

I'm trying to lose weight and count how many steps I take so I'm thinking on getting Fitbit?

Ok is it worth it

Can you sync it into iPad Air 2

Just wondering is the fit bit is worth it I want to count the steps and calories

Read more: I'm trying to lose weight and count how many steps I take so I'm thinking on getting Fitbit?

If I'm short sighted, what will my eye sight be like when I'm old?

I'm 19 and I have 20/80 eyesight.
I really do not want my eyesight to get any worse and I'm worried about the future.

I suppose I am fortunate with the fact that I am short sighted meaning I don't need to wear glasses when reading up-close or on my iPad or something. But I'm just wondering, as normal people age, they become far sighted.

I'm wondering, when I'm older, does this mean I not only won't have my far vision, but I will also lose my short vision?

Read more: If I'm short sighted, what will my eye sight be like when I'm old?

How to play games on my iPad without the music stopping?

Its a iPad Air 2. When i play certain games the music stops.

Read more: How to play games on my iPad without the music stopping?

Is a laptop or iPad better for travel?

Is a laptop or iPad better for travel?

Read more: Is a laptop or iPad better for travel?

Can you use the Apple Pencil with regular paper?

Hi everyone I just bought the Apple Pencil and have been using it for about a week now on my iPad air 2, it works great! Just wondering does it work with plain white or looseleaf papers? Thanks for ur time.

Read more: Can you use the Apple Pencil with regular paper?

My social studies teacher is bullying me?

We had a project due today in her class, but I couldn't find my colored pencils over the weekend, so I couldn't finish. Because of this, I tried coloring it in during class, which had caused me to screw up on a different assignment. She lectured me afterwords and told my friend to "stop sticking up for me". Now, this had easily bummed my day because I'm usually a good kid in her class. But, what I was recently informed of by my friend shocked me. She had gone on to tell all her other class periods that I (she didn't specify my name, but she did heavily hint towards me) had a crappy excuse for not turning in my project. Then, she told them about how I didn't have any colored pencils, but apparently because I'm good at drawing, I should obviously have them with me at all times. Then told them that it caused me to not finish my other assignment, and that I have to do it all for homework (I was not notified about that?). I was told the class started laughing and she asked "You know who I'm talking about?" And about half of them nodded. I don't think this is appropriate at all, but I'm not sure. Any advice on how to handle this situation? (Note: I liked this teacher a lot, and sorry for any grammar mistakes, I'm writing this on my iPad).

Read more: My social studies teacher is bullying me?

Where to watch games of thrones free?

With english subtitles
Without sign in
No download
Because i want to watch on my ipad

Read more: Where to watch games of thrones free?

IPad or Kindle Fire? - 1

Is the 32 g iPad Air reasonable at $270 when I can get a 10" Fire for under $200?

Read more: IPad or Kindle Fire? - 1

Monday, April 25, 2016

Was Steve Jobs mean and unpleasant in real life?

I just watched Steve Jobs (2015), with Michael Fassbender and Kate Winslet, and it was great. But I noticed how Jobs was sort of a neglectful parent and seemed a little conceited and self-absorbed.
I also researched him online and a lot of people said he was a "douchebag" and called him other things.

I love Apple products and have basically every device of theirs (an iPhone, iPad Mini, iPod, MacBook Pro), and much prefer it over Windows.

I think his products are great and innovative, but what was he like as a person?

Read more: Was Steve Jobs mean and unpleasant in real life?

Apple products for Nurses?

I was wondering what Apple products are allowed and used frequently in the hospitals for both job related for nurses and personal uses. Debating between iPad mini or Iwatch

Read more: Apple products for Nurses?

Is there a keyboard and mouse attachment for a 3rd gen iPad?

My computer died some time ago, and I've been using my old hand-me-down iPad until I can get a new PC. I'm getting tired of the virtual keyboard and would like to have a physical mouse and keyboard again. Are there any keyboard/mouse attachment for a 3rd gen iPad?

Read more: Is there a keyboard and mouse attachment for a 3rd gen iPad?

How to enable my iPad when we don t have a clue as to what the Apple ID and password is?

Basically, my dad decided to kick the ipad off of his Apple account and now it is asking for an apple ID we don t recognise (m*****
We don t know what this account is my parents have no clue. We didn t buy the ipad from someone else. So what the heck is going on. My dad tried putting in his old ID and password but that didn t work. I tried mine but that didn t work.
How do I just get rid of that old flipping one and replace it with mine?

Read more: How to enable my iPad when we don t have a clue as to what the Apple ID and password is?

Need to know how to upload photos from my iPad to my PC. Anyone?

Need to know how to upload photos from my iPad to my PC. Anyone? - 1

Read more: Need to know how to upload photos from my iPad to my PC. Anyone?

How to connect iPad to wireless hp envy 5530 printer?

How to connect iPad to wireless hp envy 5530 printer?

Read more: How to connect iPad to wireless hp envy 5530 printer?

Can drinking wine/alcohol at bedtime cause grogginess the entire next day?

I'm 20 and I've been drinking a glass of wine every night before I go to sleep. However, I feel very tired and sluggish in the morning and groggy during the day. I even catch myself dozing off at random times, such as when I'm reading, on my iPad, and I even dozed off for a moment while writing this. I also daydream a lot.

Is this normal? I'm low on energy, too. Should I stop drinking the wine? I may try a natural, herbal sleep aid.

Thank you!

Read more: Can drinking wine/alcohol at bedtime cause grogginess the entire next day?

How to change my language back to English?!

So I changed my language to Dutch on my iPad and now I can't change it back to English! I don't know Dutch and I don't know why I changed it either.

Read more: How to change my language back to English?!

High capacity media playback device for use in my car?

I currently use an iPad mini 32GB and have filled it completely with music. I don't really want to shell out a few hundred for a 64GB iPad or iPod classic.

Are there any cheap options that support playlists and shuffle. It also needs to work through the usb port in my car. The device it self doesn't need any good features I'll only be using it in my car.
If for some reason the usb wouldn't work, Bluetooth is fine.
If it matters the car I'll be pairing it with is a 2012 Camaro.

I'd like to keep it under $300 if possible, if not I'll just get an iPod classic.

Read more: High capacity media playback device for use in my car?

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Arris TG862G/CT Wi-Fi Light Rapidly Blinking?

So my iPad had a issue with the Wi-Fi. So I restarted it and it worked fine. But I noticed that the Wi-Fi light on my Arris TG862G/CT modem keeps blinking rapidly. It didn't do this before. What does this mean.

Read more: Arris TG862G/CT Wi-Fi Light Rapidly Blinking?

What's your print what percentage does your iPad have to be when you're trying to update it?

What's your print what percentage does your iPad have to be when you're trying to update it?

Read more: What's your print what percentage does your iPad have to be when you're trying to update it?

Saturday, April 23, 2016

What's with all the Weeboos hating anime dubs?

What's with all the Weeboos hating anime dubs?
Added (1). Just because some people, like myself, like dubbed, it doesn't mean we are "noobs", or can't enjoy the anime for what it is. Whenever I watch subbed, I get extremely frustrated, because if I look away for even one second, I miss a bunch of dialogue, and have to rewind. I watch anime on my iPad, and there isn't a 10 second, or 30 second back button. I have to manually rewind, and sometimes the player will jump father back than I told it to
Added (2). go, and I have to re-watch 45-60 seconds of dialogue I've already seen. So, for me, it's easier to just watch it dubbed. I can relax, and if I'm slightly distracted, I can look away for a sec without missing anything that's said. Plus, I like hearing my own language when I watch anime. I'm learning Japanese, and I watch anime in Japanese when I'm trying to learn, but if I'm watching anime to enjoy, and relax, I'd rather watch it in English. So, all you people claiming to be "purists", please try
Added (3). to understand that most of us have a reason behind watching dubbed rather than subbed. Sometimes I feel like all these "purists" watch anime in Japanese, just so they can brag how much more superior they are to everyone else. (Original post by Maelui Yumiko)

Read more: What's with all the Weeboos hating anime dubs?

My ipad is disabled how do i return to factory setting?

My ipad is disabled how do i return to factory setting?

Read more: My ipad is disabled how do i return to factory setting?

Can technology give you a headache?

The last two days when I play on my iPad I feel dizzy later on and my eyes get blurry

Read more: Can technology give you a headache?

Why are social mores stronger than dating and potential love?

I am white. Back in high school I had a black girlfriend. The school faculty said we looked "cute" together. My father was NOT happy. But when he found out that her parents were middle class, then he changed his mind.

Her father was over protective. I do not know if it was my skin, or the fact that I was from a poor family. Anyway, we did go on a school trip out of state together (it was a group of 12 students and three teachers). We still studied together. If anyone asked, I said, "She is a girl and she is my friend, and that is all".

Today I am married. My wife is not white. I was born in LA. What can I say. We California kids are open minded.
Added (1). Her name was Barbara. Please excuse me for referred to her as my "black girlfriend". I used the label for clarity, not out of any disrespect.
Added (2). Typing on an iPad. Excuse my typos.
Added (3). Her family was middle class. That means they owned a house. We rented a trashy mobile home with a leaky roof. She was not wealthy.

I am edicated, but I paid for it myself.
Added (4). Still typing on my ipad, sorry. "Educated", but not good at typing on a tablet. Haha

Read more: Why are social mores stronger than dating and potential love?

1- Should I see my iPad away? 2- Should I get everything Apple?

Hello everybody. I've been struggling for like a whole month thinking about this and I think I'm losing time. So, I have a Samsung Galaxy S4 and an iPad Air. It's been about 2-3 months I haven't used my iPad. It's been turned off in my closet. I really don't have much use of it. Only for games. Because everything I can do on my iPad I can do on my phone which I can also take it around. (My iPad doesn't have a sim card slot)
I am worried it will get old and become slow and won't update anymore and… So I was thinking about maybe selling it so I went around and asked how much Apple Stores would buy it and the price was nothing:(
Then my mom said" Hey I will buy it from you I would like to have an iPad. Then I said lets wait and see if dad wants an ipad or not. My dad is in a different country and I'm gonna see him this summer so I will ask him then. Please help me this has been ruining my mind please tell me your opinion. Ok next question. I'm really stuck between if I should get an Android phone or Apple phone. Deep down I love Apple but the problem is IT CAN'T DOWNLOAD!
I mean I can download on my Apple Laptop and then transfer it on to my phone but I mean still. I'm really stuck to be honest please help me on this.

Thank you for reading this and please reply as soon as possible. Have a great day!

Read more: 1- Should I see my iPad away? 2- Should I get everything Apple?

Need some relationship insight, can you relate?

Looking to talk to anyone who may be going through or has gone though what I m currently experiencing. My serious boyfriend that I live with will NOT stop doing things behind my back. He s in the military and has a history of cheating/hiding who he s talking to from me. I ve stayed with him because he s never physically cheated on me, had stopped talking to other girls, and has been very honest about everything he s done in the past. He s also been very honest and "seemingly" transparent with who he talks to since I caught him almost a year ago. However, I recently found out that he s been deleting messages on fb messenger between him and people from his past (they appear on the iPad when the app is opened then disappear because he deleted them from his phone app). One example is his prior female boss who he (and his ex wife) were close with when he was stationed at another base. Even though this woman is married and lives in another state, I m confused as to why he is being secretive with their messages. If he has nothing to hide, why does he delete them and not mention talking to her? She also friended me on Facebook recently when I ve never met or talked to her the entire time we ve been together (over a year and a half). If anyone can shed any insight or wants to share their experience please message me! I m desperate after finding out he plans to propose to me… Questioning everything. I m looking for honesty, regardless of how hurtful it may be. My Kik is enlightenme0

Read more: Need some relationship insight, can you relate?

Friday, April 22, 2016

How to transfer downloaded cds onto my ipad from my laptop?

How to transfer downloaded cds onto my ipad from my laptop?

Read more: How to transfer downloaded cds onto my ipad from my laptop?

What is the tallest tower after the Kingdom Tower of Saudi Arabia?

I was searching for the world tallest towers online in my iPad. Could it be the tallest tower after Kingdom Tower?

Read more: What is the tallest tower after the Kingdom Tower of Saudi Arabia?

When I press the power button of my IPad, it sometimes want to turn off my IPad. Why?

When I press the power button of my IPad, it sometimes want to turn off my IPad. Why?

Read more: When I press the power button of my IPad, it sometimes want to turn off my IPad. Why?

Ipad Air 2 or Ipad Pro 9.7 (other than price)?

Ipad Air 2 or Ipad Pro 9.7 (other than price)?

Read more: Ipad Air 2 or Ipad Pro 9.7 (other than price)?

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Does iPad Air 3, iPad Mini 5, iPhone 7, and iPad Pro 2 exist?

I was using my iPad for years, but do they make another iPads and iPhone next decades?

Read more: Does iPad Air 3, iPad Mini 5, iPhone 7, and iPad Pro 2 exist?

How to watch your iPad on your TV? Thanks?!

How to watch your iPad on your TV? Thanks?!

Read more: How to watch your iPad on your TV? Thanks?!

How long does it take for your ipad pro 9.7 to boot up?

How long does it take for your ipad pro 9.7 to boot up?
Added (1). Mine takes around 25 seconds compared to my iphone 6s which takes 12 seconds. Is this normal?

Read more: How long does it take for your ipad pro 9.7 to boot up?

What model is my iPad the model number is MD528B/A?

What model is my iPad the model number is MD528B/A?

Read more: What model is my iPad the model number is MD528B/A?

Would apple sue you for doing this?

If you took a picture of your MacBook and posted it on Facebook or iPad or iPhone

Read more: Would apple sue you for doing this?

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Good drawing apps for iPad Pro?

I'm going to be getting an iPad Pro in about a week and I'm going to be using it for mostly art. I'm downloading Adobe Sketch, Paper by 53, and Procreate for sure, but what other good drawing apps are there?

Read more: Good drawing apps for iPad Pro?

Is it right for me to believe that the N3gro is a nature savage than human?

Is it right for me to believe that the N3gro is a nature savage than human?
Added (1). *natural not *nature stupid ipad auto correct spelling

Read more: Is it right for me to believe that the N3gro is a nature savage than human?

Can I stream my Apple TV to my iPad?

Can I stream my Apple TV to my iPad? - 1

Read more: Can I stream my Apple TV to my iPad?

What's the difference between an iPad air and iPad pro?

What's the difference between an iPad air and iPad pro?
Added (1). I'm being serious here, so don't ******* come with your bullshitttttt

Read more: What's the difference between an iPad air and iPad pro?

Can you download netflix on the first generation ipad mini?

Can you download netflix on the first generation ipad mini?

Read more: Can you download netflix on the first generation ipad mini?

Anyone had problems with the directv app?

It won't let me log into the directv app, it says my account isn't active. I can log onto the website just fine. I was on the chat with directv, and she said she was able to log into the app on her iPad just fine, and said it might have something to do with my tablet? Can anyone help? I'm using an acer tablet.

Read more: Anyone had problems with the directv app?

What size ipad should I get if I wanted to use it to take notes on it during college?

Which is better 32gb, 64gb or 128gb?

Read more: What size ipad should I get if I wanted to use it to take notes on it during college?

My eyes/eye balls/ eye lids hurt, I think it s my eyeballs?

The eyelids are achy too and underneath my eyes. I have tried eye drops but that hasn t helped. It s been like this for a few weeks now. Sometimes they are much better Some mornings they are somewhat matted but I don t think it is pink eye The pain varies each day and today it is pretty bad and I see a little redness. I was hoping it would gradually go away. I thought my eyes may be tires from looking at computer or ipad screen. Not sure what to do. Any ideas out there

Read more: My eyes/eye balls/ eye lids hurt, I think it s my eyeballs?

My iPad Mini won't connect to the Wifi?!

I have an iPad Mini (the first generation)
and it's got a poor network reception. Even my 8 year old Emachines laptop connects flawlessly, and this iPad drops the signal like crazy. I'm currently running iOS 7.1.1 on the iPad. All my other devices connects to the network with no problems at all. I also have tried 'forgetting' the network and resetting and all stuff like that. None of them worked. Please help me!

Read more: My iPad Mini won't connect to the Wifi?!


My original Apple iPad charger started to show signs of damage and so I went and bought a 'Gecko' brand charger. It was plugging into the charger fine and working great until one day. I had bought a portable charger and I plugged the gecko cord into the charger and since then, it hasn't been plugging in and not fitting correctly into the iPad wall charger thing. The Gecko charger has changed in appearance as well and only will fit into the portable charger I bought form Kmart. How can I fix this myself?


Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Why does my first email disappear when opening my email on my ipad?

Why does my first email disappear when opening my email on my ipad?

Read more: Why does my first email disappear when opening my email on my ipad?

When I open my email on my iPad the first email disappears why how to fix?

When I open my email on my iPad the first email disappears why how to fix?

Read more: When I open my email on my iPad the first email disappears why how to fix?

Does the ipad look futuristic to you?

It just looks like something not made by humans.

Read more: Does the ipad look futuristic to you?

How to get insatgram on a ipad mini 2 for my son?

How to get insatgram on a ipad mini 2 for my son?

Read more: How to get insatgram on a ipad mini 2 for my son?

How to get an app to work properly on ipad?

I have an app that has asked to upgrade to the new version before I can use it. I clicked on upgrade and it took me to the App Store. However it only has the option to Open the app, not upgrade. I tried deleting the app to start again but it is in the cloud and again, it will only allow me to open the app, not upgrade. What can I do?

Read more: How to get an app to work properly on ipad?

Will an iPad air 2 case fit my ipad air?

I got an iPad air but I accidently ordered an iPad air 2 case instead of a regular iPad air case. Will an iPad air 2 case fit my iPad air?

Read more: Will an iPad air 2 case fit my ipad air?

Monday, April 18, 2016

Ipad is Disabled Help?

Hi i have an ipad and i entered the password wrong too many times and it now say Ipad Disabled connect to itunes but when i connect it to itunes the ipad wont show up at all in itunes and it wont show up in my computer either i really need help!

Read more: Ipad is Disabled Help?

Why can't I like, share or comment on thr facebook website?

All of those buttons have disappeared when I access Facebook through the webpage.

The facebook app on my ipad still lets me comment,,share and like, so I don't think I've been blocked or anything like that.

Read more: Why can't I like, share or comment on thr facebook website?

When will live streaming be available for the Facebook App for Droid?

I'm going on vacation soon, and I would like to live stream for my facebook friends, but I have a droid phone, I have an iPad, but I doubt I could take that out with me.
So can someone tell me when the update will happen? Is there any word on it? Thanks!

Read more: When will live streaming be available for the Facebook App for Droid?

How is iOS 9.3.1 on the iPad mini 1st Gen?

How is iOS 9.3.1 on the iPad mini 1st Gen? - 1

Read more: How is iOS 9.3.1 on the iPad mini 1st Gen?

How to force myself study?

How should I force myself study? I always tell myself that later I should study, but when the time reach, I didn't study and just keep playing phone and iPad. My exam is on May. What should I do? How should I force myself? And, I heard that this is because no self discipline, how should I have it? Please tell me, thank you.

Read more: How to force myself study?

Should I bring my iPad to school?

So my iPhone offically broke last week and I dreaded the first week without a phone, no music, no instagram, no social media, after many accidentally drops, obviously I never broke it on purpose, it was on accident, I have no other way of communication, I love to listen to music on my spare times at school, but should I bring it to school since my phone broke,? *btw i'm going to be getting a new one next week*

Read more: Should I bring my iPad to school?

If i transfer itunes music with sound volume low to my ipad, will it playback at normal volume?

my music playing thru bluetooth from my ipad to bluetooth portable speaker seems quite, regards, brian

Read more: If i transfer itunes music with sound volume low to my ipad, will it playback at normal volume?

Sunday, April 17, 2016

My iPad Air 2 is running out of storage?

What do I do? I only have two apps but I really don't want to delete them. I hardly take pics too. Will I have to buy a new one? Can I somehow reset my iPad to get my storage cleared?
**As you can tell I am not good at electronics 😅**

Read more: My iPad Air 2 is running out of storage?

Blocking Remote Access?

I m currently second in command of my church s A/V sector, specializing in running the sound board. It s a new Behringer X-32 digital desk, and I couldn t complain.
Except… The gentlemen who trained me, although a great guy is scared of failure, and multiple times a service will remotely access the board with his tablet via an app, and hijack the controls. Not only is this disrespectful but totally throws me off. I know the board well enough, and the changes he makes are totally subjective with no real need for them.
If I was blatantly botching something it would make sense, but his reasoning for slaving the console to his iPad are just absurd at times and reeks of perfectionism.
Is there any way to lock out a wireless device and avoid this? I ve tried reasoning with him multiple times to no avail.

Read more: Blocking Remote Access?

Why is the Ipad Air 2 better than the Ipad Mini 4?

Why is the Ipad Air 2 better than the Ipad Mini 4?

Read more: Why is the Ipad Air 2 better than the Ipad Mini 4?

Why does Apple sell the iPad mini 2 but but not the iPad mini 3 at their store?

The iPad mini 3 is better than the iPad mini 2.
Cuz they sell the mini 2 and 4.

Read more: Why does Apple sell the iPad mini 2 but but not the iPad mini 3 at their store?

Is 32gb enough space on an ipad pro for casual use at home?

Is 32gb enough space on an ipad pro for casual use at home?

Read more: Is 32gb enough space on an ipad pro for casual use at home?


Added (1). Basically, for my homework, i needed to take a picture, so i did on my ipad. How do I transfer the photo on the ipad onto my usb because my printer isn't working right now. So I figured if I put it on my usb i can take the print the pic of at school. Please, my homework was already due before the holidays. THANKSSSSSSSSS:]]]


Why can I not access the internet on my ipad 1 while connected to wi fi?

Why can I not access the internet on my ipad 1 while connected to wi fi?

Read more: Why can I not access the internet on my ipad 1 while connected to wi fi?

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Is this a normal thing for a 10 years old kid?

So i had to teach my younger brother some math for his exam… The addition of fractions where the denominator is equal and after 45 minutes of explaining and solving examples he still cant solve 1/4 + 1/4! I mean this just cant be normal, also he has a very terrible memory for example just today he gave me his ipad and after 10 mins he thought he lost it, not having even the slightest clue that he gave it to me to hold it for him. He cant remember where last time he put his toys. He still puts his thumb in his mouth! And i know this is not related but he cant stop eating or asking for food. If he ate lunch 5 mins ago and i ask him if he wants to eat he would say yes. He doesnt seem to know when he is full and i really dont know what is wrong with him. Except when he visits his friend. He can go a full day without eating a thing he refuses to eat anything when with his friend(s) , i've talked my mother to take him to a doctor to see if he has any sort of problem but she just won't. She refuses to believe there is anything wrong with him although sometimes she just admits it herself. So is there some condition u suspect him of having that i can google and read more about that would be a big help. I forgot to say he is a very energetic child

Read more: Is this a normal thing for a 10 years old kid?

What is a free website I can go to for watching sports on my iPad?

PS it's an iPad 2 and I also downloaded Google Chrome browser in addition to Safari

Read more: What is a free website I can go to for watching sports on my iPad?

Is it possible for my iPad to be fixed?

My iPad mini 1st gen is not charging. The danage is in the charging port. I wasn't able to open it since early January.

Read more: Is it possible for my iPad to be fixed?

Friday, April 15, 2016

How to play XBox 360 games on your iPad with SmartGlass?

I'm wanting to play FIFA 16 on my iPad if it's late at night and I'm laying in bed. How would I be able to do this?

Read more: How to play XBox 360 games on your iPad with SmartGlass?

Took ipad to have screen fixed, the shop will not give it back?

It's been 3 weeks now, since i took my sons ipad to have its screen replaced, at a shop. Every week its been excuse after excuse, 'can you pop in tomorrow.' Today i went and everything is closed, with a note on the window saying to phone a number. There never is any answer. Do i contact the police, trading standards, town council? What can i do?

Read more: Took ipad to have screen fixed, the shop will not give it back?

Apple charger not working on iPad. Says accessory not certified?

Whenever I plug in my iPad it says "accessory not certified" but the charger isn t from a third party. Also, it works when I plug in my iPhone 5 but not my iPad. Is there any way to fix this?

Read more: Apple charger not working on iPad. Says accessory not certified?

Why does my head hurt when I watch a video on my iPad?

So when I watch YouTube or Netflix on my tablet I get a headache but when I watch on my phone or a tv everything is fine what is going on

Read more: Why does my head hurt when I watch a video on my iPad?

How to download videos on my iPad? I'm running iOS 9.3 beta?

How to download videos on my iPad? I'm running iOS 9.3 beta? - 1

Read more: How to download videos on my iPad? I'm running iOS 9.3 beta?

Thursday, April 14, 2016

How to record a video without taking up space?

I have to record a video by tomorrow but I have no space on my phone or iPad. I tried trunx but it didn t allow for videos that were landscape or longer than 5 minutes

Read more: How to record a video without taking up space?

My Facebook won t load messages…help?!

Basically I was talking to someone through Facebook and then it just wouldn t send or receive messages… I thought it was my wifi but everything else is working… I tried using 2 other, different devices just incase it was my iPad however I ve had the same issue on my phone and laptop… It also won t load my old messages… Please help

Read more: My Facebook won t load messages…help?!

How to play rinmaru avatar creator on my ipad?

My friend told me she can do it but she wont tell me how.

Thank you
Added (1). Please TELL ME SOMENE!

Read more: How to play rinmaru avatar creator on my ipad?

What settings do I use to setup my ipad?

What settings do I use to setup my ipad?

Read more: What settings do I use to setup my ipad?

Religion Quiz Adam and Eve Daughters?

These are the question on my study guide please help me complete them.

1. How does Eve respond to her and Adam’s punishment? (Points: 1)
She is extremely upset.
She adapted.
She leaves.
She cries.

Question 2.2. Adam felt “the earth must be made a new Eden,” with… (Points: 1)
Indoor plumbing

Question 3.3. In the following line, who is “Other” referring to?
“As for God and the Other, they cannot be demonstrated…”

(Points: 1)
Abel and Cain

Question 4.4. Why can’t Adam and Eve’s daughters take over? (Points: 1)
They are too young.
There are not enough of them.
Abel and Cain are still in charge.
They inherited Eve's faults of character.

Question 5.5. Adam has turned himself into… (Points: 1)
A mechanic
A leader
All of the above

Read more: Religion Quiz Adam and Eve Daughters?

Got caught cheating?

So yesterday I got caught for "cheating." Basically I hadn't done my wordly wise and I started freaking out so I asked my friends for the answers (she has the teacher edition of the wordly wise book which has all the answers so she can use it to study) and I was just gonna write the answers down in my iPad and just show it to the teacher instead of doing it in my wordly wise book. Well a week later (I didn't realize it was due a week later so I could have done the wordly wise myself and wouldn't have been caught cheating) she comes to check mine and I remembered I had sorta copied down the answer word for word but some things were changed and I had totally forgot to change my answers to something a 7th grader would write and probably should have missed like 1 or 2 to make it believable. (keep in mind she has the same teacher edition as my friend so mine and the teachers answers were pretty alike) and by the time she checked mine, I remembered that I copied down the answers almost word for word and should have changed them because by the look on her face, I knew she had probably caught me. So before lunch she pulled me aside and asked me about it and I didn't lie and was straight up and was like "my friend gave me the answers, I should have known it was wrong, I promise not to do it again"

Read more: Got caught cheating?

Are passwords case sensitive on a ipad?

Are passwords case sensitive on a ipad?

Read more: Are passwords case sensitive on a ipad?

I have just got a macbook pro with retina display, so you think i should sell my ipad air 2?

1. Can a macbook pro retina do pretty much an ipad can do
2. Should i go for it cos i have been offered £250 for my ipad.
3. I have an ipod touch 6th gen, so camera and other stuff like that on an ipad is there

Read more: I have just got a macbook pro with retina display, so you think i should sell my ipad air 2?

Is the Ipad Air 2 still a good Ipad?

I got the silver 64gb.

Read more: Is the Ipad Air 2 still a good Ipad?

Adding content to Amazon Prime Video?

I am an Amazon Prime customer and watch Movies and TV shows on my ipad. Prime has a TV show called Heartland and I have watched the first six seasons free. However Seasons 7 & 8 are not available free on Prime but you can buy both as DVD from Amazon. It says on my ipad that I can watch movies etc that I purchase from Amazon. Is it possible for me to buy seasons 7 & 8 of Heartland from Amazon and have them appear to watch on my ipad rather than have the DVD's delivered and having to watch them on my TV through a DVD player. I find it really annoying that Amazon make it almost impossible to talk to an actual person that can answer queries.

Read more: Adding content to Amazon Prime Video?

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Are there any multitask splitscreen compatible games for iPad?

Are there any multitask splitscreen compatible games for iPad

Read more: Are there any multitask splitscreen compatible games for iPad?

How to get over my hurt when he ignores me? Ways to cope?

Ok, firstly, I don't know for sure that this guy will ignore me, but I predict/suspect this is what will happen…
Basically, I'm a college student, and on several occasions, my English professor (who is about 30, I'm early 20s) has flirted with me. The last time I saw him, however, instead of coming over and chatting as usual, he briefly said hi and hurried off. Yesterday, when he was sitting right next to me and another prof who were talking, he did not even acknowledge me, say hi or bye, just kept his eyes fixed on his phone/ipad…

There are a few occasions in the next semester when I'll have to be around him (once in a class, once at an event), and I think that, contrary to what he used to be like (i.e. Chatty, teasing me sometimes), he will just avoid me and ignore me… I understand that this is sensible on his part, as he can't be 'flirting' with a student, but, this will hurt (a lot) for me…

I've considered skipping the class he will give, and just completely blanking him too (other than an obligatory smile and 'hi' if I happen to come face to face with him), as a kind of 'coping mechanism'.

What can I do to cope with my hurt? Thanks, and I know lots of guys here will think I'm stupid, but…

Update: I didn't just 'dream up' flirty behaviour (some people have suggested this). I've explained some of his behaviours to my close friends and my parents, and they thought it sounded like flirting, not me.

Read more: How to get over my hurt when he ignores me? Ways to cope?

Best way to teach a kid to read?

my brother is 6 years old and is struggling to read. He gets very frustrated when he tries to learn and doesn't get it right away.

he is also in an ESL 1st grade class (but i feel like this has not helped him) and he's possibly can be held back and i don't want that to happen.

how do you teach a kid to read?
he seems to have no interest in learning. I'd tell him a word, and books i find to read are repetitive so they'll have the same sentence structure of a few words but he forgets it right away and thats very frustrating for me as well, because he can remember things getting on the ipad to play games but he can't remember words he sees/hears repetitvely

i dont know what to do… I feel very pressured to teach him and thats not my job but my parents aren't good with english and his school gives so much work that its not helping him at all

Read more: Best way to teach a kid to read?

Buying a 2nd hand device budget is $90?!

I want to buy a new device, cuz I have an old iPod 4 and it keeps crashing and battery sucks. I dont know whether to get a: iPod 5, Android tablet, Windows tablet, or iPad mini. What do I do/get?
I want to know who bought what and what worked best for them. :-)

Read more: Buying a 2nd hand device budget is $90?!

How to deal with feeling hurt when he ignores me?

Ok, firstly, I don't know for sure that this guy will ignore me, but I predict/suspect this is what will happen…
Basically, I'm a college student, and on several occasions, my English professor (who is about 30, I'm early 20s) has flirted with me. The last time I saw him, however, instead of coming over and chatting as usual, he briefly said hi and hurried off. Yesterday, when he was sitting right next to me and another prof who were talking, he did not even acknowledge me, say hi or bye, just kept his eyes fixed on his phone/ipad…

There are a few occasions in the next semester when I'll have to be around him (once in a class, once at an event), and I think that, contrary to what he used to be like (i.e. Chatty, teasing me sometimes), he will just avoid me and ignore me… I understand that this is sensible on his part, as he can't be 'flirting' with a student, but, this will hurt (a lot) for me…

I've considered skipping the class he will give, and just completely blanking him too (other than an obligatory smile and 'hi' if I happen to come face to face with him), as a kind of 'coping mechanism'.

What can I do to cope with my hurt? Thanks, and I know lots of guys here will think I'm stupid, but…
Added (1). @Merlin - I didn't just 'dream up' flirty behaviour. I've explained some of his behaviours to my close friends, and they thought it sounded like flirting.

Read more: How to deal with feeling hurt when he ignores me?

Apple Products, Cookies & WIfi?

Apple Products, Cookies & WIfi? - 1
Added (1). I am just having some trouble with all of the apple devices in my house. I am not 100% sure if its the wifi or the computer, ipad and iphone settings. However, all cookies are enabled on all devices, yet, it keeps telling me they are blocked… Just wondering if there is an additonal setting somewhere I need to activate, or if it could be the wifi itself? Because when I use the data on my phone it works fine.

Read more: Apple Products, Cookies & WIfi?

Does the Ipad Air 2 have the same graphics as the Ipad pro does?

Does the Ipad Air 2 have the same graphics as the Ipad pro does?

Read more: Does the Ipad Air 2 have the same graphics as the Ipad pro does?

Buying a 2nd hand device. Budget is $90?

I want to buy a new device, cuz I have an old iPod 4 and it keeps crashing and battery sucks. I dont know whether to get a: iPod 5, Android tablet, Windows tablet, or iPad mini. I am on a pretty cheap budget because I dont earn much money. I am only a teen and I get $10 for 2 hours work. What do I do/get?
Added (1). I want to know who bought what and which worked best for them:-)

Read more: Buying a 2nd hand device. Budget is $90?

What do you do if you forget your current apple id password?

Basically, I'm signed in on my iPad with my apple ID, i want to remove it and sign out, but i cant as I've forgot my current password. I know the security questions, but not my current. Please help?

Read more: What do you do if you forget your current apple id password?

More landlord problems?

so my landlord finally i mean finally had someone come fix the leak from last year the superintendent just walked in banged on my bedroom door and woke me up at 8am and i don't work Sundays and then after 2 hours of working on the ceiling he texts me saying the landlord needs to get a hold of a plumber but don't know when he's going to come he will let me know but he may not be able to let me know he may just come randomly

is that allowed?

i know there's a huge hole in my ceiling but I'd like still at least 4-8 hours notice or a text the night before i don't need 24 hours but i need a text at least the night before

also last time he was in my apartment he went into my room and moved my iPad into my kitchen and i remember i plugged it in my laptop and it was there on my bed that morning

Read more: More landlord problems?

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

How to cope with feeling hurt when he ignores me?

Ok, firstly, I don't know for sure that this guy will ignore me, but I predict/suspect this is what will happen…
Basically, I'm a college student, and on several occasions, my English professor (who is about 30, I'm early 20s) has flirted with me. The last time I saw him, however, instead of coming over and chatting as usual, he briefly said hi and hurried off. Yesterday, when he was sitting right next to me and another prof who were talking, he did not even acknowledge me, say hi or bye, just kept his eyes fixed on his phone/ipad…

There are a few occasions in the next semester when I'll have to be around him (once in a class, once at an event), and I think that, contrary to what he used to be like (i.e. Chatty, teasing me sometimes), he will just avoid me and ignore me… I understand that this is sensible on his part, as he can't be 'flirting' with a student, but, this will hurt (a lot) for me…

I've considered skipping the class he will give, and just completely blanking him too (other than an obligatory smile and 'hi' if I happen to come face to face with him), as a kind of 'coping mechanism'.

What can I do to cope with my hurt? Thanks, and I know lots of guys here will think I'm stupid, but…

Read more: How to cope with feeling hurt when he ignores me?

Issue viewing comments on Roblox using mobile devices?

I m currently unable to view any comments on Roblox when using my iPad or iPhone. However, a month ago I was able to do so. It s a bit annoying because I d like to not have to go to a computer or laptop just to read a comment. Does anyone know of a way I can view comments using a mobile device? Or is it an update that I just have to deal with?

Read more: Issue viewing comments on Roblox using mobile devices?

How to jailbreak my iPad?

I'm serious. I really want to download minecraft mods in my iPad.

Read more: How to jailbreak my iPad?

Where can I get a cheap ipad? - 1

Any generation is fine. Just has to work and have no cracks. THANK YOU! :)

Read more: Where can I get a cheap ipad? - 1

How much tickets do I need to get iPad (Air, and Pro) at Dave and Buster's?

How much tickets do I need to get iPad (Air, and Pro) at Dave and Buster's?

Read more: How much tickets do I need to get iPad (Air, and Pro) at Dave and Buster's?

My Bluetooth wont play on my iPad mini?

I have my Bluetooth headphones connected to my iPad, but no sound comes out. I have checked to make sure the audio is set to play through them. My headphones work just fine with my iPhone, and when I use the connector cable to attach my headphones to my iPad like normal headphones, the sound works. Does anyone know how to fix this?

Read more: My Bluetooth wont play on my iPad mini?

I need to stay up all night on school night! (NEED ASAP Help)?

Tomorrow is Tuesday and I have school. I really need to stay up all night because me and my friends TOTALLY forgot the Science Fair is on the 14th and our projects due on the 13th. I couldn't call my friends to help at all because my parents are strict. I am supposed to be in bed by 9:30 and asleep by 9:45. If I get caught with my phone, iPad, or even staying up I am DEAD. I need to know how to not be tired and get through this rough night. I need serious answers. I am working on it as I speak but I need help so badly. I really want to take 30 minute breaks every 2 hours but whenever I do I usually lay in bed and end up on instagram falling alseep with my phone in my bed. I already stayed up until 1:30 AM and now I need to stay up All NIGHT. Help!
Added (1). I also forgot. I have an office where I work in but my parents bedroom is right in-between it. I usually work in there but the headlight is so bright I need a lamp but don't have one. Dx I am screwed. That's where my computer is too but I couldn't be able to talk my parents into letting me stay up. They'd KILL me

Read more: I need to stay up all night on school night! (NEED ASAP Help)?

I have to pee but I'm in detention?

Please help I'm in detention for having headphones in my iPad (not in my ears wtf) and I really have to pee.
Added (1). The school gave us the iPads for schoolwork and I had my headphones on me at the time. This isn't against any school policy's, the math teacher just hatest my guts.

Read more: I have to pee but I'm in detention?

How come my head looks big in pictures?

In the mirror my face looks normal and fits my body but on my iPad my face looks so big and round like a baseball. My face is already a little cubby even thou I'm really skinny but it's like the pad makes it even more. I have to use photoshop to make my face appear smaller in selfies. Why is this?

Read more: How come my head looks big in pictures?

Do not know how to do a backup so I can reset my icloud acct?

Do not know how to do a backup so I can reset my icloud acct?
Added (1). how do I do a backup on my ipad?

Read more: Do not know how to do a backup so I can reset my icloud acct?

Monday, April 11, 2016

If I keester my iPhone, will an iPad come out?

If I keester my iPhone, will an iPad come out?

Read more: If I keester my iPhone, will an iPad come out?

Finished all work in detention?

What do I do now?
Added (1). Fun story.
I actually only got detention because there were headphones plugged in my iPad. Not in my ears, just in my iPad. Not playing music, no. Just in my iPad. All I learned is that my math teacher is a douchewad.

Read more: Finished all work in detention?

Your an artist and photographer, which IPAD PRO did you buy and why? 12.9 or 9.7?

Your an artist and photographer, which IPAD PRO did you buy and why? 12.9 or 9.7? - 1

Read more: Your an artist and photographer, which IPAD PRO did you buy and why? 12.9 or 9.7?

Why my ipad cant activate after up date IOS 9.3?

Why my ipad cant activate after up date IOS 9.3?

Read more: Why my ipad cant activate after up date IOS 9.3?

Which Ipad Pro should I get? 12.9 or 9.7? I'm an artist but I've never done digital art?

Which Ipad Pro should I get? 12.9 or 9.7? I'm an artist but I've never done digital art? - 1
Added (1). Like the size of the larger one but the power and portability of the smaller one… Will be buying the ipencil to. I mainly do photography and want to use this for artsy stuff.
Added (2). I have looked at them already and can't decide… Am interested in the opinion of someone who is artistic who made this decision already…

Read more: Which Ipad Pro should I get? 12.9 or 9.7? I'm an artist but I've never done digital art?

Can you iMessage from iPad to iPad, and if you can how, because I don t know how?

Can you iMessage from iPad to iPad, and if you can how, because I don t know how?

Read more: Can you iMessage from iPad to iPad, and if you can how, because I don t know how?

Is an iPad safe to use?

I just recently got a new iPad Air 2. I mostly use it to play games. I am wondering is it safe to use? I have WiFi turned off and I never intend to turn it on and I also have airplane mode on. Is it safe to use even though I have all those things turned off?

Read more: Is an iPad safe to use?

My clash of clans wants me to connect to Game Center?

I'm trying to link my iPads clash of clans to my iPhone, and both devices are connected to Game Center. But it says I need to connect my iPad. How do I fix this?

Read more: My clash of clans wants me to connect to Game Center?

Can an iPad replace a laptop if used for research and typing documents?

I'm currently in high school and it's getting to that time that I need a laptop because we do not own a computer at home, we aren't given enough time in the library at school and I can't have reliable transportation to the local library to type a research paper. I was looking at the iPad Air 2 and would that suffice? You can download Microsoft word on it and there's keyboard attachments so is it ideal to use an iPad instead of a laptop for something such as typing a research paper?

Read more: Can an iPad replace a laptop if used for research and typing documents?

How to make a apple id for my son?

just bought my son a ipad mini but i am having trouble making a apple id for him. He is 8. I made him a email address and for the age i put in my age which is 2-6-86 and its saying it does not meet the age requirements. Please help.

Read more: How to make a apple id for my son?

Sunday, April 10, 2016

My iPad doesn't react when I try to use the touch feature?

My iPad doesn't react when I try to use the touch feature. I can't open the menu, I can't even turn it off. The only thing I can do is pressing the the power button and look at the unlock screen. Please help, I have a lot of work on my iPad that I need!

Read more: My iPad doesn't react when I try to use the touch feature?

How to clear private browsing on the iPad?

Whenever I open up the private browsing again, I can click the back button and access every site that was visited. There are no tabs open or anything. All the history is saved which I thought was supposed to automatically clear. How do you clear that?

Read more: How to clear private browsing on the iPad?

IPad Get Lines on the screen?

Hello everyone!
today just one drop of water fell into my iPad mini 2 Home button after that ipad got Some Line on the screen a pink line and black and white line i dont know what to do please someone help to get rid of these lines

Read more: IPad Get Lines on the screen?

Where to buy a Bluetooth Keyboard for ipad mini?

Where to buy a Bluetooth Keyboard for ipad mini?

Read more: Where to buy a Bluetooth Keyboard for ipad mini?

Looking for program to create illustrations of streets?

I want to be able to make pictures/illustrations of streets and roads on the computer or iPad. I don t mean like a map (2D) but like an actual illustration.

It has to be free. Recommendations would be much appreciated, thanks.

Read more: Looking for program to create illustrations of streets?

My IPad will not come on. Is it totally dead or can it be made to work again?

My IPad will not come on. Is it totally dead or can it be made to work again?

Read more: My IPad will not come on. Is it totally dead or can it be made to work again?

IPad not turning on?

i have an iPad 3, up to date iOS. It was working a couple of days ago. But suddenly yesterday, when i woke up, the screen was black. I tried to turn it on, the apple logo showed up for about 20 seconds. Then the screen got black again. I dont know what to do. I tried the recovery mode thing, and vise versa.

Read more: IPad not turning on?

How to clear private browsing on your iPad?

When I use private browsing, I can click on the back button and access every site that was ever visited tbrough private mode. How do you clear that?

Read more: How to clear private browsing on your iPad?

Are Doritos and Mountain Dew really the most popular gaming snack and beverage?

Don't get me wrong, I like Doritos, but I wouldn't eat them while gaming because I don't want to get the cheese powder on my controller, any of my DS's, or my iPad screen. I also like Mountain Dew.

Read more: Are Doritos and Mountain Dew really the most popular gaming snack and beverage?

Which IPad should I get? - 2

iPad mini 4
iPad Air 2
Or iPad Pro (12.9 or 9.7)

Read more: Which IPad should I get? - 2

Saturday, April 9, 2016

I bought an iPad 2 used but I can t get the previous owners accounts off it?

It prompts me for his password. I got it at a pawn shop. I have no clue who this is.
I already tried deleting the account in settings. It requires the password.

Read more: I bought an iPad 2 used but I can t get the previous owners accounts off it?

What's something I could buy now to resell 10 or 20 years from now?

I want to start collecting things but not sure what to start with exactly.

Things that are most likely sealed or packaged so they stay in good shape.

What is something I could collect today that people would still buy 10-20 years from now?

I just got this idea because I seen a sealed original iPad on eBay go for $900 a couple weeks ago.

This would be more of a 10-20 year hobby than trying to make money though.

Read more: What's something I could buy now to resell 10 or 20 years from now?

Where is my Google app on my new iPad mini?

Where is my Google app on my new iPad mini?

Read more: Where is my Google app on my new iPad mini?

I can't play the spirit flute on legend of Zelda spirit tracks for nds4ios. Is it possible? Help?!

I've been playing the legend of Zelda spirit tracks for a while now on my iPad mini 3 and once I got to the part where you have to play the spirit flute I wasn't able to… I've looked up videos and answers but so far the answers are only for the computer emulator. I've looked at the nds4ios settings and nothing so far. I've tried pressing all the buttons and nothing. Please help I really want to go on with the game but I can't.

Read more: I can't play the spirit flute on legend of Zelda spirit tracks for nds4ios. Is it possible? Help?!

What is the big deal about an ipad?

What is the big deal about an ipad? - 1

Read more: What is the big deal about an ipad?

How to restore my iPad without using apple id password?

every time i press restore it tells me to enter apple id password but i forgot it

Read more: How to restore my iPad without using apple id password?

What's happening? URGENT?

I am shaking even though I'm not cold, though my legs are a little cold to the touch. My skin is red in a lot of areas, and I feel lightheaded and a little weak. What's happening?
Added (1). I also lost a little weight suddenly. THIS IS All HAPPENING ROGHT NOW. I also think the edges of the iPad screen is blue
Added (2). Now a little patch of my skin is blur! THIS IS FU**ING URGENT! I MAY DIE IF NOBODY ANSWERS

Read more: What's happening? URGENT?

ITunes will not recognize iPad, tried everything?

My mom's PC, running Windows 10, has iTunes. She is a member of music groups, and her music is in iTunes. Unfortunately, iTunes will not recognize the iPad, but Windows 10 immediately opens a window with its contents. Both Apple's support page and Apple themselves could not solve the problem. They said to check third-party software, which we did. We've tried everything from simple (another port or cable) to more advanced (Startup Repair, System Restore, etc.) Clean Installing will have to wait for now. Her other Windows 10 PC, an XP computer originally, has the exact same version of iTunes, working perfectly. Issue is, that is an old PC, so it is slow. Sfc found nothing.
Any suggestions?
Added (1). iTunes version - latest
Old PC - Some Toshiba, 32-bit, 1.50 GB RAM
New PC - HP 15, 64-bit, 6.00 GB RAM
Added (2). Just checked - Toshiba is Satellite M100

Read more: ITunes will not recognize iPad, tried everything?

My ipad pro display is making a clicking noise. Why?

this is second time this has happen to me first my first one had a dead pixel on the screen which was 2 week ago and now my display on my ipad pro is making a clicking noise. Wtf. I already use my warranty on my first one but will they replace it for the second one?

Read more: My ipad pro display is making a clicking noise. Why?

How to milk a cow in minecraft pe on ipad?

I've tried milking the cow with the bucket but when the bucket has milk in it, it makes my player drink it. I want my player to stop drinking the milk so I can use the milk for a cake!

Read more: How to milk a cow in minecraft pe on ipad?

Friday, April 8, 2016

What are the apps featured in the 'Introducing the iPad Pro' video made by Apple?

In particular, I'm looking for the app where the lady is fiddling around with photos labeled 'coastal' and the app where the guy adds a new signature. Thanks.

Read more: What are the apps featured in the 'Introducing the iPad Pro' video made by Apple?

How to set a signature on an iPad Pro?

I want to attach a handwritten signature as my signature on emails etc. Instead of 'Sent from my iPhone'

Read more: How to set a signature on an iPad Pro?

Why can't I log into Agario with Facebook?

For the past couple of weeks,whenever I go to sign into Agario with Facebook, I get and error message saying, "Agario is experiencing issues connecting to Facebook. Please try again later." Why is it doing this? When I play as a guest I can see that other people are playing with their Facebook account, but I am unable to. I have recently changed my Facebook email address, could this be why? Please help! Thanks so much for any replies!
Added (1). BTW, this is the mobile version, so I have the Agario app installed on my iPad.

Read more: Why can't I log into Agario with Facebook?

Do apple give free beats studio on purchasing ipad?

Do apple give free beats studio on purchasing ipad?

Read more: Do apple give free beats studio on purchasing ipad?

Sims freeplay on iPad? Adding new sim in town? - 1

The next task says to have 4 people in the town. I already have 3 so I bought a new house for $500. It is fully build but when I click on it, the add new sim button is gray. When I click on it is telling me that not all of my sims are moved in yet but they're? Two of mine are married and live together with a baby, and the other one lives in a house full with furniture and has a job? Please help

Read more: Sims freeplay on iPad? Adding new sim in town? - 1

How to play a.php file on iPad?

I have a.php video file downloaded on Google Drive, which I am trying to play on my iPad, but can't. Is there some way of being able to play this, or convert it to a different file type which I can play?

Read more: How to play a.php file on iPad?

Why is my ipad charging weirdly?

As far as I know, one can just plug an ipad into a charger, and the ipad will charge, but that, for some reason doesn't work for my ipad. Yes, I tried it. Instead what I need to do is shut it down (slide to power off), and then the ipad will automatically turn itself back on. Then, I wait for the apple sign to go away, and when it does, I shut the ipad down again. Then it charges. It is an ipad air, and is around 3 years old.

Read more: Why is my ipad charging weirdly?

How to go to settings in the iPad version?


Read more: How to go to settings in the iPad version?

My teacher called me a puppy dog today? LOL why?

I'm really attached to her and we have a mother-son bonding because I have no other close family, even my mother and father because they are divorced.

Anyways so today she had a teacher meeting afterschool and I usually hang around her class afterschool. So she let me use her iPad while she was in there. Then when I came back up right when they did too she said I must have a radar jokingly because we came up almost at the same time xD Then she called me a puppy dog. What does that even mean haha?

Read more: My teacher called me a puppy dog today? LOL why?

How is the ps4 better than the ps3? - 1

I personally own a ps3 and have been looking forward to the ps4. However, after I watched the ps4's "big" reveal I'm left disappointed. I know it is an improvement over the ps3 power wise (several times more so) but other than that what?

Is the ps4 just a massive power house? No new gameplay mechanics or anything? I was kind of hoping that Sony might team up with Oculus. After reading a little bit I learned that the ps4 has ipad and other mobile devices supported but still…

I don't want better graphics (although they do look nice and are a bonus) I want something new.
Not hating on Sony but I wanted something more…

Read more: How is the ps4 better than the ps3? - 1

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Can I download apps from iTunes on my computer onto my iPad?

The iPad s app store is blocked with a password, so would this be a solution?

Read more: Can I download apps from iTunes on my computer onto my iPad?

My iPad keeps freezing?

Hi I have a iPad mini 4 and lately I have been having trouble. When I'm browsing the web or playing a game the thing just freezes up and the touch screen doesn't work for a couple of seconds. I am very disappointed because I just purchased it in feburary. Please help me to solve this problem

Read more: My iPad keeps freezing?

I just found my old IPad, but I can't remember my password?!

iPad Mini, it's still on IOS 9. I found in the back of my jungle I call a drawer. I charged it up but now I'm disabled because I can't remember the 4 digit code I made like a year ago. Any help?

Read more: I just found my old IPad, but I can't remember my password?!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

How to mirror my iPad contents to the screen of my android TV?

I have an iPad 4 and I heard that if I want to mirror everything I have to use a thunderbolt cable but right now I cannot buy it. I have an Hdmi cable but I know it will not get connected if I don t have the thunderbolt accessory, so I m asking if there is any other alternative (except Apple TV and stuff) like by the USB port or anything? Please help and thank you!

Read more: How to mirror my iPad contents to the screen of my android TV?

How to change my iPad CalDav account password it keeps popping up?

How to change my iPad CalDav account password it keeps popping up?

Read more: How to change my iPad CalDav account password it keeps popping up?

How to change my iPad CalDav account password?

How to change my iPad CalDav account password?

Read more: How to change my iPad CalDav account password?

Can we get vending machines to serve us at fast food restaurants?

Since people will make $15 an hour how about keep the cooks and a manager then fire all the cashiers and replace with machines. Save money for the restaurants.

Read more: Can we get vending machines to serve us at fast food restaurants?

On my iPad, does Facebook usually get my ip address and login time wrong?

I want into my Facebook settings on my iPad to check my login history and it showed that I was logged in 2 days ago with a different ip address, yet I didn't log into my Facebook 2 days ago. I was always online. Normally this would mean someone had access to my Facebook account. But what's ODD is that if my account was being logged into a new device in a different location, I would have gotten an email and notification about it 2 days ago to alert me of this incident, but I didn't. Better to be safe then sorry, I ended the session and change the password. But I'm still worried. What does this mean?! Does Facebook get my ip address and the timing wrong? Please help. Thank you

Read more: On my iPad, does Facebook usually get my ip address and login time wrong?

Deleted photos keep coming back?

Whenever I delete a photo(s) on my iPad they just show up again, none of them stay deleted! What do I do?

Read more: Deleted photos keep coming back?

What can I do about my lazy teacher?

I have a 95 in every class except one; and it's not my fault. My teacher is the LAZIEST ON THE PLANET. Most teachers like me, but not this one.

Every student in the class is failing; except one. Her son. She basically gives him all the answers. But for the rest of us; she tells us that we're lazy slobs who are never going to get a job. While she plays angry birds on her iPad, and texts her boyfriend all day. It's ridiculous, her boyfriend barges in at least once a week. I'm actually trying to learn this s**t.

Anyway, whenever I ask her a question, she says "go look in the book". That's nice and all, but our books have very complex definitions, and she can't even read it sometimes. For the first two months, we had the wrong textbooks(and she was too lazy to notice).

Only test count in this class. She says its because colleges work like that. I think she's trying to get away with not working. I can do the all the work as hard as I can, and she sarcastically says "good job". We only had 4 test so far(the semester is almost over) and basically flunk it. For the last two tests, she didn't even print study guides(she says it wastes too much paper).

The worst part is when she emails our parents, telling them all these gossip. She does it to all of us. My mom gets a email once a day, and I get in trouble for it. For example; I smiled at a girl earlier this week. If you read the email, you would think I had sex with the girl. I'm not lying.

How do I comprehend with this. I have to pass this class to pass twelfth grade. Is any of this illegal. Please help me:(

Read more: What can I do about my lazy teacher?

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The Receipt Hot app?

Has anyone been getting blurry pictures? I have lately and can't get it to straighten up. I have whipped of the lens with a cloth on my iPad, I have also tried taking and a pic besides a window so it would be bright enough. I used to could take a pic on the kitchen table under the light. Any suggestions?

Read more: The Receipt Hot app?

Do you own an iPad and/or iPhone and/or iPod?

Do you own an iPad and/or iPhone and/or iPod?

Read more: Do you own an iPad and/or iPhone and/or iPod?

Is there any android tablet that really competes with an Ipad?

Is there any android tablet that really competes with an Ipad?
Added (1). Is there any android tablet that really competes with an iPad? I have an iPad but After having an android phone I want to try android this time in a tablet but I'm not sure if android tablets can match iPad features. Please describe pros and cons. Thank you

Read more: Is there any android tablet that really competes with an Ipad?

If I buy a Surface 3 will it last at least 5 years?

I've bought a tablet in the past that was outdated practically when it hit the shelf. It was an LG G-Slate from T-Mobile. Although it boasted a 64gb hard drive, the thing has been pretty much useless nearly ever since I bought it. I still use it since it has an HDMI port that allows me to show videos on bigger screens. But I can't get apps for it because the OS was outdated when the tablet was new in 2010.

Looking to replace both my tablet and laptop the Surface 3 seams just right for my needs. But will I be able to get a few years out of it? My laptop is 10 years old and the only drawback about it is it's slow. I'm actually very happy it's lasted this long. The battery even still gives a decent charge.

But would I be better off in the long run with a more expensive Surface Pro 4? Since I have Windows based programs my only other alternatives would be to get both a Windows laptop and a tablet of either Android or Apple's iPad. But would that really be any better than just a Surface 3?

Read more: If I buy a Surface 3 will it last at least 5 years?

How to put a video in a Keynote Presentation?

How to put a video in a Keynote Presentation?
Added (1). How do I insert a video into a Keynote Presentation on my iPad?

Read more: How to put a video in a Keynote Presentation?

How to prioritize my internet in my house?

I live in a house with 5 people, everyone has a computer desktop or laptop, a phone, and an iPad and as you can imagine the Internet is very slow. I'm trying to play games on my computer like CS go but I need good internet and I tried getting Ethernet but it doesn't do much. Is there a way I can make it so my computer gets prioritized over others?

Read more: How to prioritize my internet in my house?

Can I watch all YouTube videos on an iPad Pro?

Can I watch all YouTube videos on an iPad Pro? - 1

Read more: Can I watch all YouTube videos on an iPad Pro?

I can only do ten push-ups a time?

So I'm 12 yr old female I weigh 85poumds and I'm 5,1 and I workout everyday at home I don't go gym I have soke of the equipments for example weights. So when I try to do push-ups (full ones not the female ones) I'm just able to do 10 at a time I can stop and take a ten second break and do another ten. So my question is iPad there any exercises to strengthen my arm muscles I have muscles but I want to be able to do 15. Also I'm not skinny or anything you can see muscles for example abs, legs, arms,back.
Also am I doing too much for my age?
Added (1). 85 pounds (was typing quick)

Read more: I can only do ten push-ups a time?

Monday, April 4, 2016

Need to recover files from a dead iPad 2 that can not start up?

I have an iPad 2 that is currently dead and will not start up. When I plug it into my computer with iTunes open, it states that it is in Recovery Mode. Since it still senses the iPad even though it's dead, is there a way that I can get the files off of it without having to restore it and lose everything?

Read more: Need to recover files from a dead iPad 2 that can not start up?

How to bypass find my ipad?

I got a iPad from work that had been lost by somebody and after 3 months I was told to take and it has find my iPad on it how do I get into it without the information

Read more: How to bypass find my ipad?

InDesign/Digital publishing help?

I am a beginner at creating digital publishing documents/ePubs/Ebooks. My original idea for a project I have was to create an interactive PDF with simple hyperlinks and an editable form. This would be used on mobile devices such as iPhones and also tablets like an iPad. I was struggling to work out what size to create the document in, ideally I wanted something responsive to fit both mobile devices and tablets and came across ePubs/ebooks as a possible way to do that. Is that correct?

The end result of what I’m trying to achieve should be like a magazine. Rich in imagery and visual content, maybe some video content if this supports it. Should I be creating the book in two formats (one for mobile and one for tablet)? Is there some sort of best practice when it comes to this sort of thing? What about alternate layouts and using Folio Builder (something that came up on my search)?

Any guidance/advice much appreciated.

Read more: InDesign/Digital publishing help?

Im going to update my ipad mini to ios8, will it delete all my photos and videos?

Im going to update my ipad mini to ios8, will it delete all my photos and videos?

Read more: Im going to update my ipad mini to ios8, will it delete all my photos and videos?