Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Is the ipad 2 worth a buy?

Its my 21st coming up in november and i really fancy an ipad2, i have an iphone 4s and a non apple laptop, is it worth it?
I use my phone for a hell of a lot, i find my laptop is annoying to load up/ get out/ have on lap so i use my phone as more of a computer when im watching tv, in bed, or genuinely out of office… , i have a large amount of computer like apps, i run a business so need stuff like paypal, ebay etc
So will i get the most out of it, is it worth it… i love apple, is there a better product better priced for what i want?
My sisters boyfriend says as ive got an iphone so its pointless getting.is it?
What do you think? advice and opinions needed
Thanks :)
Added (1). Haha ok i didn't say i wanted it because it was cool, i dont remember typing that anywhere? please point it out for me or let me know where you got that from!!!
As you can see i clearly state about running a business and using it for ease instead of a laptop, i don't mention gaming or coolness!
plus im already as cool as it gets so…

Also i didnt know the ipad 3 was out, so i therefore didst know about it being older technology!
>>> Is the ipad 2 worth a buy?