Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Is skype free or not?

I have a Skype account and never tried but my friend have one to but it's on her phone so would it still be free when I skype her on her phone when she have a skype. Also she have a Iphone and Ipad if that help .
>>> Is skype free or not?

Draw Something on iPad Mini notifications not working?

I just got my iPad yesterday and I downloaded "Draw Something" too. The app would give me notifications with sound telling me my opponent has gone and it was now my turn but out of no where it has stop sending me the alerts for it. I checked my settings for notifications for the app, and it says it's on and everything but I still don't receive anything, I must constantly check the application to see if I am able to play. How can I change this back?
>>> Draw Something on iPad Mini notifications not working?

How to enable push notifications on my iPad?

I go to my settings>notifications but it doesn't show the option to turn push notifications off or on!
>>> How to enable push notifications on my iPad?

Why are the youth in my church like this?

At my church the youth are out of control.when they come to church all they want to do is talk and gossip with their friends. The girls all they do is come to show off how they look and their new clothes.during church service or bible studies they don't bring bibles or books. They just go on their ipod, ipads, phones and socialize.or they just take pictures to post on facebook.we try to make to the bible studies as fun as possible but they just dont want to learn.they barely know anything from the bible.but they know all the latest songs and tv shows that came out.most of them are 10-15 and all they do is talk about bad girls club, jersey shore and twerking.dont get me wrong some of them are serious about church.but the majority of them just dont care.they talk back to adults like its nothing.i dont know what to do with them
>>> Why are the youth in my church like this?

How to merge two separate itunes accounts on the same ipad?

How do I merge two separate itunes accounts on the same ipad?
>>> How to merge two separate itunes accounts on the same ipad?

IPad 2 is frozen (has the apple logo and buffer) any ideas?

My iPad 2 is frozen with the apple logo as well as a frozen buffer symbol. I have no clue what to do. I've tried rebooting it by pressing the home and off button or whatever to no avail. I waited for it to die so I could charge it again and after it reached enough battery power I realized it is STILL frozen! Does anyone have any idea how to unfreeze it? Thanks.
>>> IPad 2 is frozen (has the apple logo and buffer) any ideas?

Why does my chest hurt?

Last night I banged it with the corner of my ipad by accident but it didn't seem to be a big deal.im a can and it was fine all day at work.could it be from lifting people? could it be from baning it? could it be my period coming? i have no cough or anything.its not very bad it just scares me.i took advil and it helped then it wore off and came back.am i going to die?
>>> Why does my chest hurt?

How to adjust the sound effects on my iPad 4?

So I know how you adjust the general sounds but my effects have been muted and I don't know how to in mute them please help…
>>> How to adjust the sound effects on my iPad 4?

Should i take my ipad to school? - 1

I'm 14 and in middle school (grades 7-8). I got an ipad for Christmas, it was $700, plus the $120 case (with keybored) and $70 screen shields. We don't have lockers, we take our backpacks with us everywhere and leave them by our desk. Your aloud Kindles, and Nooks. I saw this girl on my bus last year with an iPad but thats the only time. They get taken away if your playing games on them (sent to principles, suspended for a week and dont get it back till end of year). That has happened to people before. We also go through bagcheck and metal detectors.My parents are VERY against it, but I would just put it in my backpack after they go to bed.My school is in a rural/urban wooded area. On my bus there are highschoolers, but I sit by myself and my bus driver has the highschoolers assigned seats. (If you don't sit in it, your parents ahve to pick you up to/from school for 3 months). I already downloaded a few sample books. I haven't been in school for 2 weeks, and are going back tomorrow. I dont know if I have gym either.It's not password locked, and I have really sexual rap songs on it.
What do you think I should do?
>>> Should i take my ipad to school? - 1

How to copy text off of a Word document on my iPad Mini?

I sent in from my computer on an email and have tried tapping it and tapping it and tapping it to get it to do the "select" thingy so that I can copy it, but it isn't doing anything. Can anyone help me?
>>> How to copy text off of a Word document on my iPad Mini?

Is ipad warranty renewable?

I just got a ipad with 12 months warranty, after 12 months is it possible to renew the warranty
>>> Is ipad warranty renewable?

Is there an ipad/iPhone app where I can create a manual?

Is there an ipad/iPhone app where I can create a manual/scrapbook made up of web pages and picture and also links for videos? Basically create my own reference guide?

>>> Is there an ipad/iPhone app where I can create a manual?

Good apps for iPhone and iPad?

I have an iPhone my sister has iPhone and we want cool apps to play.

They don't have to be 2 players but must be free thanks. Also maybe girls ones.

Thanks for your help answer my other question too thanks xxx
>>> Good apps for iPhone and iPad?

Texting problem with a 12yrs old?

So, my sister is only in 7th grade and her and one friend and they text like crazy. Every hour she's on the phone. The thing is that her text is transfer to my iPad, probably because iCould, I don't know. Lets just say I read some of them. There's a lot of curse words, in every text, literally. I mean, she's 12.To me, I don't think it's the right age to be doing that. What do you think?
>>> Texting problem with a 12yrs old?

Why won't iPad messaging work?

Error message say address not registered. I can receive and reply but not send.iPad isn't cellular… but does receive and reply as stated. ???
>>> Why won't iPad messaging work?

Why don’t Muslim nations invent things which improve mankind’s living condition?

Miracle medicines, IPads, pace makers, computers, the Internet, GPS, airplanes, food processing, space exploration – such innovations are rarely invented in Muslim nations: Why?

Dec. 2011 U. S. Patent Office Report, patents held, http://www.uspto.gov/web/offices/ac/ido/oeip/taf/cst_utl.htm:

Turkey, Pakistan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia (combined population 350 million): 1, 100 patents.

Israel (population 8 million): 22, 009 patents.
>>> Why don't Muslim nations invent things which improve mankind's living condition?

Where's the cheapest place to buy a ipad 3 this month?

A shop not eBay or anything like that-thanks
>>> Where's the cheapest place to buy a ipad 3 this month?

How to put a video on YouTube using an iPad?

I only have an iPad for Internet and stuff and I have no idea how to upload a vid on YouTube. I have an account too by the way. Thanks :)
>>> How to put a video on YouTube using an iPad?

Can you download any games on the iPad for an Apple TV?

Can you download any games on the iPad for an Apple TV?
>>> Can you download any games on the iPad for an Apple TV?

Is Apple Ipad mini A5 chipset with 512Mb Ram make good processor or not?

Is Apple Ipad mini A5 chipset with 512Mb Ram make good processor or not?
>>> Is Apple Ipad mini A5 chipset with 512Mb Ram make good processor or not?