Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Is it bad to have lots of electronics under my bed?

I'm dorming and there's not a lot of space, besides under my bed and that's where my only outlet is. I have a WiFi printer, WiFi router, extension cord, power strip, Macbook charger, iPad charger, fan, and mini-fridge all under my bed where I sleep.

Will it increase my risk for cancer? What should I get rid of if its bad for me?
Scientific evidence would be nice, but opinions are also welcome.
>>> Is it bad to have lots of electronics under my bed?

What if the mark of the beast is your IP address.?

Lettuce think about the words used to describe this mass of computers … That's Right … the interNETZ … notice the word NETZ … hmmm World Wide Webz … that right a WEBZ … designed to catch the unsuspecting no less …

received his mark UPON their foreheads, or IN their hands Rev. 20:4

You are allowing the beast to enter your minds and it is in your hands what you are doing …

"And he had in his hand a little book open…" Rev 10:2 a note pad perhaps … and iPad … hmmm


How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Isaiah 14:12-14

That's right the CLOUD SERVERS where all your data is stored …

But wait there is more …

It's a waste of valuable time. "Counting the beast" can consume you.
"Redeeming the time, because the days are evil." Ephesians 5:16

You can't deny that!

And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the MARK of his name. Rev. 14:11

How often you on the InterWebZ or your Phone again ???

Conspiracy theories are fun let's work another one please … any suggestions ???
Added (1). Kel & I … :)

Ben seriously … the forehead refers to the brainwashing this evil interwebz does to you … you gotta start taking out some time… to smell the bridges your burning …
Added (2). Samuel - not bad … :)
>>> What if the mark of the beast is your IP address.?

Nexus 7 or iPad, Which to get?

I don't know which one to get. I'm replacing an old iPod. Which one to get?
>>> Nexus 7 or iPad, Which to get?

YouTube will not work on my iPad 2. Any help suggestions?

Whenever I open the YouTube app, it works perfectly fine except for the fact that the videos will not load. I can look up and click on any video, but when I do click on it it goes to the default loading screen and the video will not play. This is a very recent problem which has only started in the last few days.
>>> YouTube will not work on my iPad 2. Any help suggestions?

How many Ipads can Obama buy if he did not spend the money on Obamacare?

A.500 billion
c.1 trillion
Assume one Ipad is 500 bucks
Added (1). Bonus Q: Would you rather get the Ipad instead of Obamacare
Added (2). Bonus Q: Would you rather get the Ipad instead of Obamacare
>>> How many Ipads can Obama buy if he did not spend the money on Obamacare?

Halloween games for iPad!

Are there any good Halloween games for iPad preferably free. Thanks!!!
>>> Halloween games for iPad!

Will new york times stream the debate?

I want to watch the debate on my ipad.they have streamed other political events before
>>> Will new york times stream the debate?

Is there a good app for taking notes on in lectures?

I've just brought an ipad 2 and i want to be able to annotate notes in lectures that my lecturers have already put up online.Is there an app for this? And also is there a good app for essay writing? Thanks!
>>> Is there a good app for taking notes on in lectures?

Can you jailbreak iOS 6 on an iPad 3 yet?

Got an iPad 3 that's already jailbroken. Can I update to iOS 6 and re-jailbreak my iPad again? Is it do-able yet?
>>> Can you jailbreak iOS 6 on an iPad 3 yet?

Should i get io6 for ipad?

I got ipad (not ipad 2) and was wondering if I should bother downloading it if it will delete some of my games.Is there anything besides maps that is worth getting?
>>> Should i get io6 for ipad?

Is it possible to unjailbreak my iPad 3?

I don't want it to break apart like my iPod touch.Is there a way?
>>> Is it possible to unjailbreak my iPad 3?

Do you ever go into the bathroom with your ipad and have a W@NK?

>>> Do you ever go into the bathroom with your ipad and have a W@NK?

How to paste with an iPad? Cut/paste. Have u read helaman ch 12?

How do you paste with an iPad? Cut/paste. Have u read helaman ch 12?
>>> How to paste with an iPad? Cut/paste. Have u read helaman ch 12?

What is the diffrence between the 399 ipad and the newer model for 499?

Just wondering was gonna surprise my daughter for christmas… and dont have alot to spend
>>> What is the diffrence between the 399 ipad and the newer model for 499?

How to multitask on the ipad?

Is pressing the home button the only way? My ipad is not jail broken and the multitask is such a drag- double tapping the home button.
>>> How to multitask on the ipad?

What type of device could do this?

I'm looking for a tablet like device, one that you have a screen (around as large as an ipad) and you draw strait onto the screen with a pen, nothing fancy just something that you can do drawings on.
I dont want to have something that you connect to the computer like a bamboo tablet, but something like an ipad for drawing.
>>> What type of device could do this?

My apps in my iPad is Waiting forever!

My apps in my iPad is waiting forever! It took me over three days
I downloaded the apps from torrent (not Apple AppStore) then I move the apps to iPad and the apps is waiting
The reason why I do not want to download in Apple AppStore because I do not want to lose my money at least $0.01.
>>> My apps in my iPad is Waiting forever!

Which is better? ipad, ebook reader, tablet?

I have a question here.a friend of mine is thinking of buying an ipad.but not necessary and ipad.they just want something that can be good for reading ebooks (.pdf) (THE MAIN THING)
and also if possible use some apps like which is the best choice?
an Ipad can do that but it's quite expensive so an alternative will be nice
i was thinking of an ebook reader but i'm not sure if it can install skype and stuff like that.or may be a tablet.any suggestions?
Added (1). Nexus 7 sounds nice, any other suggestions?
but i live in Egypt, and it seems like it's not available here yet, any other good alternatives?
>>> Which is better? ipad, ebook reader, tablet?

Is it possible to make an evolution theory for ipad?

If we suppose from now the earth (not from big bang), how many years it takes that one ipad with software installed be made by evolution happening.
>>> Is it possible to make an evolution theory for ipad?

Returning ipad to bestbuy and getting ipad 3 g?

Hi I got an ipad for school but I need wifi for my ipad will bestbuy take it back I got this a few weeks ago please help
>>> Returning ipad to bestbuy and getting ipad 3 g?