Wednesday, December 20, 2017

How can I save my memories all at once or to a cloud or somethings?

I have LOTS of memories, probably over a thousand, probably way more. And I'm so tempted to delete everything (ik I'll regret it) My phone is very laggy, and I think it's because of the memories? Ik it's just my phone but what could make it lag less? On my iPad mini 4, it doesn't lag at all. Can I save them all somewhere so I can just delete everything. Like what can I do? Also what can I do for making it less laggy? It takes FOREVER sometimes just to open a story. And to send snaps… Pft forget about it. So please help me, I don't know what to do about the memories. I know I can save them to camera roll, but it's too many to save. Like I don't know. Please help, anything appreciated!
Added (1). Forgot to say, this is Snapchat I'm talking about

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How can I delete iPhone X picture off phone without deleting them off my iPad picture s off iPhone X stay on iPad?

How can I delete iPhone X picture off phone without deleting them off my iPad picture s off iPhone X stay on iPad?

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Business card ideas?

I help people with computers, phones and tablets/iPads.

Setting up, troubleshooting and fixing an issue with your computer or mobile device.

Completing a task, using an app, downloading a program.

Besides my name and contact information, I'm looking for suggestions of what else I can add on my business card to help explain what I do.
Added (1). Or should I just list the devices I work with (ex: computers, tablets/iPads, phones) instead of trying to explain what I do?

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How do I recover deleted videos off of my iPad?

I was clearing out some space on the iPad and deleted a bunch of videos and then cleared them from recently deleted. And then I realized I deleted the wrong ones. Is there a way to get them back? And if so then how?

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Why doesn't siri type what the tv says?

I tried puting my ipad infront of the tv while I was doing the speech to text thing bc I wanted to see what it would say for the tv show I was watching and I noticed it didn't type what the tv was saying. Why not?

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