I recently got an ipad, and started using it as my main device. I also have an ipod touch 5th gen which I'm currently using only for music.
My problem is that anytime I turn on my ipod apps I installed to my ipad start automatically installing themselves onto my ipod. I don't ever charge either of them on my computer, so I know it isn't itunes synching them, and I have everything of icloud turned off. So it shouldn't be that either.
This wasn't that big of a deal until randomly music started playing on my ipad and I opened the music app up and all of my songs I NEVER synched to my ipad are on my ipad. Not once has my ipad been plugged into my computer, so this shouldn't be happening. I wouldn't have two devices if I wanted the same **** on both of them, that would be pointless. I don't want music or anything else I put on my ipod to be on my ipad there has got to be a way to fix this.
Read more:
How to get apple to stop synching downloads to all my devices?