Monday, November 20, 2017

How to recover mail password with only ipad and no recovery available

How to recover mail password with only ipad and no recovery available - 1

Read more: How to recover mail password with only ipad and no recovery available

Why is it on a android phone I can zoom any portion but on a idiot iPad mini I can only magnify if the software allows it?

Why is it on a android phone I can zoom any portion but on a idiot iPad mini I can only magnify if the software allows it?

Read more: Why is it on a android phone I can zoom any portion but on a idiot iPad mini I can only magnify if the software allows it?

My mum doesn't accept me for who I'm, what do?

I recently came out as attack helicopter and my mum did not take it well. I called her a h8er and REEEEEEEEEEEEEEed at her but now I regret it because she took away my ipad privileges.

Read more: My mum doesn't accept me for who I'm, what do?