Saturday, July 15, 2017

How can I open a swf file on my iPad?

How can I open a swf file on my iPad?

Read more: How can I open a swf file on my iPad?

My folders won't bring up emails that were saved after 5/24/17. I have tried on iPad, android phone and PC. How do I get them to refresh?

My folders won't bring up emails that were saved after 5/24/17. I have tried on iPad, android phone and PC. How do I get them to refresh?

Read more: My folders won't bring up emails that were saved after 5/24/17. I have tried on iPad, android phone and PC. How do I get them to refresh?

I'm gonna start freshman year and my school uses ipads for work but some teachers might choose not to so i don't know what supplies to buy?

since i also don't know any of the teachers and which use paper or ipad. Also there's so many teachers per subject so i can't even ask any older kids because i might get a different teacher. Also there are no supply lists either

Read more: I'm gonna start freshman year and my school uses ipads for work but some teachers might choose not to so i don't know what supplies to buy?

I'm going to 9th grade and my school gives us ipads for work but i don't know what to buy bc some teachers use the ipads and some use paper?

I'm going to 9th grade and my school gives us ipads for work but i don't know what to buy bc some teachers use the ipads and some use paper?

Read more: I'm going to 9th grade and my school gives us ipads for work but i don't know what to buy bc some teachers use the ipads and some use paper?

Did I make an error in judgment?

I'm taking summer classes to graduate early and my folks extended my dorm lease into summer. There's another boy living in the dorm suite diagonal from mine, as he interns locally. His girlfriend came over, and the couple baked Green Tea Scones using a special green tea mix she bought for him. The couple stepped out of his suite to get money from the ATM in an adjacent building. They left his door propped open despite her warnings. After the couple were gone and turned the corner, I passed into his suite to taste a green tea scone out of curiosity. His girlfriend returned first, and she saw me exit with green crumbs around my face. She then yelled "OH NO! {his name}, GET OVER HERE!" He then caught up, also saw my green face from the green tea scone, and punched me twice as I escaped to my own dorm suite. My eye is swollen, but the (female) dorm manager sided with them after they explained I snuck a green tea scone. I explained I don't know how to use an oven or my dorm suite's kitchens, so I couldn't have oven-baked my own treats. She (dorm manager) still made me reimburse them for new green tea mix or she'd report me to a higher level just for BEING in a suite that's not my own.
Thing is, he was lucky I only cared about the green tea scone, as others may care about his wallet, iPad, even his keys were there. Even if I touched NOTHING but ONLY… Sat on his couch, my PRESENCE alone is what the couple and dorm manager fussed over.
Did I make an error in judgment?

Read more: Did I make an error in judgment?