A month ago i lent my friend my iPad for a night. Now i know i probably shouldn't have done that but i did.anyways that night she tried to kill herself and then was kept in the hospital for a while and then was sick. And I wasn't very pushy at first for getting it back because i felt bad. But now it's been over a month. She's stopped replying to my facebook messages and she doesn't have a phone. I don't know her parents or house phone and we hardly have any mutual friends. (except the one i keep talking to who keeps promising to get it back for me, but to no avail) I feel like the only way i can get her to return it is if i try to press charges or threaten to. I just need to know if this has any grounds.
Added (1). P.s.the iPad lending and the suicide were unrelated events.
>>> If someone doesnt return a borrowed item is it stealing?