Saturday, November 17, 2012

What do I ask for for Christmas?

This year I don't really know what I want… Every year I get the traditional pair of Uggs and a northface. I don't want any of those this year because I figure I keep mine in good condition and appreciate them. That's usually the only things I get every year along with some stocking stuffers like cheap makeup and nailpolish (not quality).So my Mom asked if I wanted an Ipad and i turned the offer down because why would I want an 800$ device when I just got an Iphone for my birthday and it functions just fine. There's these shoes called vans and I would like a pair of them but I usually get money and gift cards from my aunts and cousins anyways so why make my parents get them if I would be able to afford a pair with the money I get from christmas? Now I don't feel like being called greedy or spoiled on here because I'm thankful for what my parents do for me and get me for christmas. But yes, I am spoiled but at least I appreciate it and show it right? My Dad and Mom has a wonderful job that helps keep this roof over my head and food in the fridge and then some, they always make sure there's a little left over for things like this too, and this year I wanted to save them money.So all I ask is to not call me greedy or anything, and nothing too expensive thank you for your answers in advance! :)
Added (1). I am also currently looking for a job at a hair salon but it's hard to find a job that will accept at my age so I can get my parents and best friends gifts. I already have them all picked out: D
Added (2). I am also currently looking for a job at a hair salon but it's hard to find a job that will accept at my age so I can get my parents and best friends gifts. I already have them all picked out: D
>>> What do I ask for for Christmas?