Hello everyone, for Christmas I received a iPad and a case, today I wanted to place it in the iPad case but decided a cleaning would be best. I made a foolish mistake and did not read the full instructions for cleaning in the manual. I had ran a microfiber cloth under the faucet for a second. The cloth was moist but not dripping, to get to the point I had just locked the screen to where it was black and proceed to clean then dry. Realizing my folly I turned the tablet off and have had it off for about 45 minutes and have just now turned it on to ask this question. Everything seems be just fined but I'm worried considering I really wanted to take good care of the machine. I have no rice on hand but everything seems to work.Is my ipad fine or should I take some precaution? Thanks in advanced because I am going to be devastated if even a single pixel is dead.
>>> I forgot to turn my iPad off when cleaning the screen?