Thursday, January 3, 2013

Feathers Keep Appearing?


Last year when I turned sixteen I found a big white feather (very soft and fluffy) on my dresser. I didn't think too much of it, though I did wonder how it got there. I put it in a ziplock bag, not sure whether to keep it or throw it out, and left it at that.

About a week later I was cleaning my room and underneath my bed among some magazines I found another feather, same as the first one. This seemed a little weird to me, but I just put it in the bag with the other one and finished cleaning.

About a month passed probably before I went and stayed the night at my grandmother's. I got very upset while I was over there because she said some ugly things to me. I went outside to cool off (it was dark) and sat on the back steps. I wanted to cry, and I started to a little bit. After a few seconds, though, I felt something on the back of my head. I started hitting it, thinking it was a bug, and it turned out to be ANOTHER white feather, just like the other two.

Since then I often randomly find these feathers placed somewhere in my room. Desk, bed ect. Sometimes I'm just out walking and one will fall down in front of me. The weirdest time I found a feather was when I was taking a bath.It was on top of the water.At first I thought maybe someone was pranking me (like my older brother) or that somehow a bird had gotten in my room. There's no way to explain all of these feathers, though. I'll be turning seventeen in six days, and since New Year's I've been finding a feather every day in a new spot. I found one on my iPad about thirty minutes ago, which has prompted me to ask this question:

Have you ever heard old something like this before? What do you think is going on? I'd love some opinions. I told my mom about it but she thinks it's just a bird. Yeah, a psycho-pigeon has been stalking me, mom. Of course. Maybe I'll ask him if he'd like to follow me on Twitter instead of just dropping feathers in strange places.
>>> Feathers Keep Appearing?