Friday, February 22, 2013

Did my wife marry me for money?

After 18 months of dating (and a child) she insisted on getting married.

She got pregnant with our 2nd on our honeymoon.

She racked up credit cards and the line of credit. She tried to get me to put her name on the house. A house I owned before she came along.

She had a garage sale and sold a bunch of my things. She left after 2 years of marriage in the middle of the day with our freezer, ipad, china, slr camerea, etc.

She claimed abuse then said there had been none. She filed irreconcilable differences and immediately asked for the house and all the goods within.

The court did not give in.

She asked to meet to settle 50/50 with the kids and then said she would only do do if I forgave her of any debt and signed it.

My lawyer has pushed for trial. She has stalled.

Now she submitted more documents saying she wants interest in the house and a review of my taxes?

Through all this I see my kids 25% of the time because of her original claims of abuse which I have not been able to get in front of a judge to show it was fabricated.

Was I set up all along? What can I expect?
>>> Did my wife marry me for money?