I'm kind of confused. I see everyone around me having a good time, travelling, seeing friends, having night outs, getting good jobs, moving, having kids, getting engaged etc etc.
My life, however, seems to be quite stagnant. I never really have time for anything. I graduated about 6 months back with a 2:1 degree. I now do work for a company in the city alongside working another two jobs, one is weekend work, the other is during the week(part time)
By the time i get back, i have a few hours to get some artwork done, maybe watch a film then i have to go to bed.
I also wonder where people get the money to do the things they do? They have cars, ipads, they're going on holiday a lot.
I haven't been on holiday since i was 8 years old, i have a 7 year old phone, i dont even have a tv.My money goes on bills and food.
I'm not bothered by expensive things, im not even bothered about going on holiday but i feel pressure when i see everyone living their life and i'm really not doing very much.
I havent had a night out in a year and if asked, i refuse as i'd rather do artwork. I haven't had a boyfriend in 5 years and never get asked out but at the same time, i can't be bothered with men, i want my career to come first.
Can someone help me with this… i'm 22.
Thank you.
>>> Everyone seems to be living their life.apart from me?