I am 13 years old, i am really begging for an iPad and nobody wants to buy it for me.My mum promised to buy it for me and she told me she isn't going to buy it for me.my parents always buy for my big brother and me nothing.they never count me in anything and she promised me and shes not buying it for me, my father is determined really determined NOT to buy it for me.my father began screaming, banging on everything yelling at me and telling me no no no.
I have such a miserable life, last year i tried to commit suicide attempts 2 times.i really am and feel empty.i don't have friends, i don't have a best friend and nobody counts me as a best friend.i just have 6 people in break just to stay with them, they never talk to me and i stay alone in the morning and I have an Facilitator (LSA) that helps kids because i have mild symptoms of A. D.H.D.
I have a social worker and she told me if i say another time i want to die they will take me to a hospitalized place and leave me there.i already threatened my parents to die yesterday and today and had really mood swings.my own parents call me fat, my 'friends' call me fat and my whole family calls me fat! I know i am over weight and they dont have to brag about it.this annoys me i cry every night and feel thorn and shattered to bits inside.im sick and tired of my life.
i am ugly, fat and have problems.nobody talks to me in school everybody stares at me and laugh inside becuz i stay alone in the morning near the bin.my life is a total wreckless and i dont have friends nobody stays with me and in class nobody picks me as a partner i always stay wit the 2 losers in class.i hate my life i cant take it anymore.i really need help and everyone calls me ugly and everyone judges me. 3 yrs ago my 'friends' in school broke my teeth and i have 2 front false teeth now. 2 days coming up and my exams will begin. i was thinking of going to this hospistilized place and tell my mum that im sick of my life and to call the social worker and take me there today before tomorrow!
My life is a mess and everywhere i go no one talks to me and in this youth centre i used to go to nobody talked to me and left me alone and lonely and i dont have any friends.i used to be bullied not physically but verbally speech bullying and they broke my teeth.im sick now please help me and dont tell me im not fat im overweight and pls pls help me and admit that y life stinks nobody knows the real me and they judge with what they see not with what i really am.my life is a mess
>>> What can I do to my miserable life?