Saturday, March 2, 2013

My IP address blocks my netgear router?

Hi, so I just bought this computer(desktop) three days ago. Two days ago, I got internet hooked up, with a modem going to the computer through an ethernet. Yesterday, I bought a Netgear wireless router. I don't have any other computers I will be using the wireless internet on, but two phones and an Ipad. I tried to set up the router and modem, but when the router is set up, the desktop does not receive internet connection.('No network access') I can detect the wifi with my phone and Ipad, but the router say that the SSID should be "NETGEAR17", when my devices find "NETGEAR11" (Also I am positive that is my wifi, because the connection bars are very strong and "NETGEAR11 has never showed up before I set up the router) Needless to say, the password I was given for "NETGEAR17" does not work on "NETGEAR11", so I cannot get on the internet with my devices. I called NETGEAR tech support, and we went through a long process of trying to fix this issue. FInally, he said my IPaddresss is computer-generated and therefore blocks me from editing the settings of the router. He said I will need to do this on a computer. I told him this is my only computer, and he said to use a friend's or neighbor's computer. I asked him if I bought a new router if it would work, and he simply laughed and said "No, Ma'am, call us back when you have a different computer."
Is there any other way to fix this issue? I don't really want to ask to use someone else's computer. If any instructions are included they'd be greatly appreciated, but any answer to this problem would be helpful.
THanks in advance!
Added (1). The router is connected to the computer via ethernet cable.
And I've tried resetting already. I've done it three times, and it's made no difference.
>>> My IP address blocks my netgear router?