Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Me and my neice have a connection?

It sounds weird but.

When my sister was pregnant, I suggested a few names, two of them being Maisy, and Imogen. Near the end of her pregnancy she told me that her and her boyfriend both like Maisy.

My neice is Maisy Imogen, both names I suggested.

She's just over 1 and a half now, and we have a strong connection? It dodn't seem to appear with many other family members.

Connections from highest to lowest:
her mum.
her dad.

Then the rest go along below.

My sister said that when they drive even the smallest way near the house I live in, she starts saying ''Katie?''.

Also, she spends the night here sometimes, and my mum was filming her on her ipad after she'd had her bath and was going to get ready for bed. I'd not seen her since half an hour before her bath. Near the end of the video my mum said ''Say nunight Maisy'' and she said ''nunight keetie!''

and she mentions me quite alot when i'm not around, as people tell me.

We get along well, and there's alot of moments where it's almost as if we're best friends.

Could it be because I named her? Could that be why we have this connection?

I'm the youngest of her aunties. I'm 15 though, so i'm not really childish, just fun. I'm quite mature for my age.

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