Friday, February 14, 2014

School workload making me super stressed and depressed?

my school workload is ridiculous. Take yesterday for example: i spent the first 7.5 hours of my day at school, then i had to go straight from school to work, which lasted another 5.5 hours. Then i got home and did homework for 3 hours. By that point it was after midnight and i still hadn't completed any of my homework or even gotten close to studying.

even on days i don't have work i struggle to finish. I'll have at least an hour in every subject in homework, then at least an hour of revision and study for each subject, i do 4 subjects. It's virtually impossible. There's nothing i can do to change the workload, every school where i am does it this way.

i'm just so angry, sad, i'm getting sick very easily, i can't sleep, and i'm lacking motivation in EVERYTHING. I can't do this. And to make things worse i have a backpack with 4 binders, 4 textbook, 4 notebooks, an ipad, pencil case, and school planner to carry to and from school (20 min walk). It's heavy af and there's nothing i can do to weigh it down. I've done as much as i can. Everyone at my school has this problem, some are better at coping, some are worse. But everyone i talk to is not happy. I go to a super strict catholic private school. They care more about uniform and supplies than they do the education (if a girl even has the wrong color hair tie she'll be sent home until she gets the right color). But the amount of homework they give us is ridiculous, and some of it completely pointless. Our winter break homework for my english language class literally took around 10 hours all together and the topic of the homework won't even be assessed at all ever.

how do i cope with this?!
Added (1). i really want to work in the psychology field when i leave school and study psychology in college. But i have NO motivation at all to do anything.

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