Thursday, July 3, 2014

How to get a lot of donations fast?

Hi Im in desperate need of donations from as many people as possible long story short,

My mother at 50years old has been divorced and sadly she is left with a half renovated house with no money. It has a debt on the dam thing which means even if the house is sold, me my mum and sister are going to have a very very hard time find money to be able to live somewhere which is really bad because then we would maybe need to move into rubbish commission homes and thats the last my mother and sister need.

I need information and desperate help to find people to donate to my campaign and if you reading this would know of any way to get donations from someone you know or a group of people that would be more than happy to help then by all means let them know.

You can find out more about our story on our indiegogo campaign as well as donating

Also because im trying to raise a very difficult amount which is very unfortunate for us as we don't think we can raise even a little but if we do I have set it up as like a competition as well which would be the least of our problems as many would of helped.

Thank you

Read more: How to get a lot of donations fast?