So my family is on vacation but my dad is at home because he has to work. My mom brought her phone with her but she left her iPad at home and whatever texts she gets on her phone she gets on her iPad. So I was texting my mom how I needed new bras and not the cheap ones from target and I sent screenshots of which ones i wanted from Victoria's Secret and I just now realized that all the texts send to her phone… Go to the iPad that's with my dad. He answered in Spanish pretending to be her and it didn't sound like her. My mom just told me my dad was answering and saw all the texts I sent to her. This is so embarrassing! And they wonder why I don't trust them! I'm mad at him right now. He has no business reading the private texts about girl stuff between me and my mom. And especially not replying for her pretending to be her. I'm so mad and embarrassed! How do I get over this?
Read more: Something embarrassing just happened?! What do I do?