Monday, August 18, 2014

I don't love my mentally disabled cousin?

My 25 year old is a high functioning retard. No, I'm not calling him names or anything. My uncle passed away 3 weeks ago and they lived in Chicago, now since he has no one left in his family (he was taken away from his mom because she was a drug addict) we are the only one's left. However, I am not enjoying his time here. He stays up until 1:00 in the morning, he's loud, he gets attitude, he always needs attention, he can't be left alone, he's embarrassing in public, and he's just down right ungrateful that if we didn't take him in, he would belong to the state. My mom even let him bring his dog with him, even though we already have two dogs. We buy him quality food from Whole Foods, my mom even bought him an iPad, yet he's still ungrateful. He even said "You people are so rude" all because I said I can't watch something that he wanted to show me on his iPad at the moment. I just don't love him. We are going to be looking into residential homes once my mom gets full custody, but I really just don't even want to be around him, is this bad? My mom babies him and finds it cute and adorable how he can barely even sweep the floor without causing a scene and being challenged. And he's 7 years older than me. We were already talking about what's going to happen when my mom goes (my dad is out of the picture on that) and she said you and your sister will have custody. As hard as it sounds, I don't want to be part of his life.

Read more: I don't love my mentally disabled cousin?