Tuesday, August 19, 2014

I have a toy with instructions in Japanese?

It was my birthday yesterday and my friend knows I love anime, especially Shingeki no Kyojin at this moment, and out of the few small gifts she gave me is a toy, that's the size of my pinky finger, in a box completely covered with Japanese characters.

I found out that the syllabary was Katakana. I had to use an online Katakana keyboard because my iPad's Kana keyboard was confusing and Romaji was basically useless.

The most I could do was translate these two words which. I fond out meant Colour ver. And Sepia ver. And this made sense since one side of the box had listed pictures of Coloured and Sepia toy figures that were the same model. I also know that it was from Max Limited but that's it.

I don't know if you have to change it from Sepia to Coloured or leave it as it is because I tried putting it in cold water and trying to heat it with a lighter to represent an oven in some small areas but neither worked and I don't know what else to do.

Sadly, I can't upload a picture because my iPad is being a nuisance (my laptop isn't working) so I can't post a picture of the instructions or else I would've done that a long time ago.

Thank you in advanced.

Read more: I have a toy with instructions in Japanese?