Friday, September 26, 2014

At&t cheating us on Internet usage?

In the beginning of June our family upgraded to Smartphones with verizon. 2 iphones, and a galaxy s5. We have an ipad, 4 computers, a roku box, and and a tablet. We got these in june, and our Internet usage went over the 150 cap. We have att for internet. We've never went over this prior to the phones. We assumed that it was because everyone was home for summer break. Same thing happened in july. And august. But the weird part is that school started on the 5th of august. We've consistently went over the data cap almost every month since. So my dad finally said ok we need to watch how we use this, because paying for extra data is ridiculous. We got an email this month about a 65% usage 6 days ago. So dad told us to really cut back on our video streaming to see if the numbers would go down. Which we have significantly cut back.
Yesterday, we got an email about 90% of our data being used. Why on earth is this happening? Is this happening to anyone else? Could at&t be cheating us on our usage? How else can we cut back? I need a thorough answer it will really help our here!

Read more: At&t cheating us on Internet usage?