My gf and I (we live together) met some new people at a volleyball tournament. She exchanged numbers with this one guy. She said that they wanted to go to Harry Potter World. Trying to be understanding I said ok, because I really dislike Harry Potter crap and I thought they would just go for a few hours. They went Wednesday. We are working things out after a rough patch in our relationship. However I found out that day, that the two had been messaging on FB, clearly flirting with each other the prior two days. I was infuriated! She came home that night after spending 10+ hours with this guy and after arguing for awhile I broke up with her. The next day I renigged and apologized for getting so angry. Since then, she has changed all of her passwords on her computer, her Ipad that I bought her and she put a password on her phone. I asked if she still talks to him, she told me no, but I see notifications from him on her phone. I've been thinking about ending it for some time now, but it still hurts because she's my first love and we've been living together for a year and a half.
Added (1). Wow, you guys bring up some great points. I couldn't have gone, I was working though. I've never searched through her stuff before. I just had a gut feeling to do it this time and my gut was right. She admitted that she was flirting and so was he. I trust her. She has multiple guy friends that I've met and I let them hang out a lot, and I trust them. I didn't know this guy and neither did she a few days ago. She tells me all the time she want's to marry me and have my babies.
Read more: Emotional cheating? Do I even care?