Wednesday, December 17, 2014

I want to quit my band?

I want to quit my band because of complications. The complications are a few things. To name a few, the other band members want to make all the decisions, and be in charge of everything, yet all their decisions don't make any sense. They don't have business knowledge, and they are not good at dealing with other people.

On top of that, I have problems at home. My wife can't hold on to a job for her life. She gets a part time job, and she loses it in less than three months. She either stops showing up, or walks out.

This renders me working 60+ hours a week to pay all the bills while she stays at home and watches netflix and plays games on her ipad.

If I ever have a band practice, or want to work with the band, my wife always has a head and we get into a big fight.

I am just angry because I work hard, and it seems like everyone else just makes problems.

Read more: I want to quit my band?