A month ago I found out that my GF of 1 1/2 years was having doubts. I found because I thought she was cheating, and I read her texts. I'm not proud of it. It turns out, she wasn't cheating then, but she clearly wasn't totally happy.
A week ago, I came to her apartment to leave her a love Note on her iPad for her to find when she got home. There was already a note open. The Note was a document she editing to use as a new dating profile.
I asked her about it, and she told me that she wasn't trying to date people. She told me she was 'cleaning up her iPad' and saving things she'd written in a previous profile just in case she had to use it in the future. The timestamp on the Note was the same date that she texted her friend about the doubts, about a month ago.
She then told me that she wants her privacy, and said "I even log into OKCupid sometimes because my friend is dating right now and I like to check on the guys". This stuck me as odd, so I logged into her account. I'm ashamed that I did this… But I had a sick feeling about it.
She's been responding to guys who messaged her. Most were friendly, harmless, but in one of them she said that she had "previously found someone (me) on another site, but was back full circle here now". She also gave her number to another guy so they could "casually meet for drinks:.
She lied to my face. But she hasn't cheated. She tells me she loves me, we even have plans months in the future. What am I supposed to do about this?
Read more: Is she planning to cheat or leave me?