Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Using Go Fund Me Donation site? What kinds of things can you ask people to donate to?

Can you ask for people to donate for anything on Go Fund Me? Like anything from a new iPad to surgery expenses for a family member? Or does it have to be something for a great cause, not just asking for momey for anything you might want?
Is it wrong or illegal to use Go Fund Me if you are a YA who is looking for a little extra cash to get my first car? I saved almost enough for what I wanted, but wanted to use Go fund me to see if people would just donate the remaining amount I need for the perfect car lol, i just want to know if that can be done. Please Not a lecture on how i should just "work another job" or "save longer" or any of that. I get it. But if you can't give me info on the use of Go fund me, then please don't answer. Thank you!:)

Read more: Using Go Fund Me Donation site? What kinds of things can you ask people to donate to?