Wednesday, March 30, 2016
My family doesn't have a lot of money?
I know that everyone always says "money isn't everything" and stuff like that, but having little money when you're a teenager (like me) is extremely difficult. At my age, everything is about what brands you're wearing and how you live, but my family can't afford stuff from lululemon and aritzia. I make as much money as I can by babysitting, but I'm only 14 so I can't get a real job yet. I do plan on going to university, and I have the potential, but I'm worried we won't be able too afford my tuition if I can't get a scholarship and I don't want to be in debt from bank loans. My mom has a job that pays average, but my dad hasn't had a job for as long as I can remember. He used to work for Nortel, but he got laid off then fired completely. What makes it worse is that he hasn't even really tried to get a job, at least not as hard as he can. He just sleeps all day. It's embarrassing to have friends over because he always creates a mess and my house is tiny and ugly. All my friends live in huge houses with luxuries like ipads and macs and it's hard to feel like I'm below their level. The fact that my family doesn't have a lot of money is even affecting my social status and pretty much all my friends left me for more popular girls. I know I sound like a brat, but I just don't know what to do to help my parents or if I even can help.
Please help!
Read more: My family doesn't have a lot of money?