Monday, March 6, 2017

Stay at Home Husbands and wive's walk me through what a typical day for you is like at home with the kids?

Apparently I don't know what people or my wife does at home? Apparently I don't know what it's like to be a stay at home spouse?
walk me through the whole thing from the time you wake up till you're spouse gets home from work and you go to sleep tell me how hard it is compared to a real full time job
Oh how hard it must be to stay home all day while you're spouse works a full time job 8 hrs a day 5-6 days a week do tell?

Do you do Laundry and iron clothes every day? Do you vacuum everyday sweep mop and clean the floors bathroom and kitchen the whole house every day? Do you mow the lawn every day, clean the gutters everyday clean the yard everyday do you fix something that needs fixing every day that's a lot of things that need fixing?
How long does it take you to make the kid's lunches, cook dinner and clean up? What do you do with the kid's after you pick them up from school?

How hard is it to do at most 4 hrs of actual real housework and chores and cook and then lounge on the couch go on the computer and spend the rest of you're day and time chatting on Facebook and streaming and watching movies and TV on Netflix and you tube and napping oh how hard it must be for you?

How hard is it to throw the kid in front of the TV or game console or computer and IPAD and have them keep themselves busy and occupied? It must be so difficult so stressful for you?
Certainly more stressful than a real full time 8 hr job 9-5 5-6 days a week right?
Added (1). Are you going to the grocery store everyday that sure is a waste of gas because most people only do it once a week. It must be so tiring to walk to the grocery store get a few groceries and then spend the rest of the time at the mall window shopping spending your hubby or wife's money isn't it?
Added (2). It must be so hard and difficult to sort the clothes and dishes and throw them in respective laundry and dish washing machine and dryer while it does everything for you while you walk off and do something else.

Read more: Stay at Home Husbands and wive's walk me through what a typical day for you is like at home with the kids?