Saturday, December 16, 2017

Going in for a training shift for a counter job at a computer repair shop, what should I brush up on?

I decided to hand out a resume to a shop in this town I just moved to. I've been finishing my degree in Digital Media for a while, and I thought the job was going to be in web design. In reality, they want me to basically ring in computers (Windows, Mac) and phones (android, iphone, ipads) and check out problems to make sure they don't have to be sent for repair.

While I've taken the A+ certificate in the past, I never got to utilize it, and am not very savvy with phones. While I've decided to read up on my notes from the A+ course and watch videos on simple fixes for problems with phones etc. Does anyone else know what I should be studying or reading up on? I really don't want to go for the shift and be unprepared. While it is not becoming a repair technician, I expect they'll want me to have a cursory knowledge of how everything works.


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