Saturday, December 16, 2017

What do you actually do at a doctors surgery?

Okay so i'm 15, and I think I might have bv. I'm aware the best thing to do is to go to the doctors but I really don't know how it all works. I know where my doctors surgery actually is, but I hear people referring to doctor? I didn't know I had a specific one and if I do I have no idea who it is. I'm not asking my mum or getting her involved unless it's an emergency. But I've got really bad anxiety also and can't imagine myself walking into my my doctors and just playing it by ear, I would have to plan it all out perfectly and practice what I was going to say. I know that my doctors has this ipad thing near the waiting room where you type your birth date in and they recognise that you're sat down waiting but I think that's just for if you've booked an appointment. I don't know if I have to book one, or if I can just turn up, and if I did just turn up what would I say? Sounds like a really silly question but any advice would be super helpful!

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