Friday, January 5, 2018

What to bring on airplane?

i know very early but i like to be organized before i head for my vacation in August, but what good things to do at the airport waiting for 3 hours? Yes i know don't say anything i'm from New Jersey but i still have family there and few close friends i still contract to go see every year. Normally i would bring my ipad but i'm saving money to order the ipad mini to save some space and bag won't be heavy also i bring a word search and a adult color book along with my portable charger and this time i bring a reading book so in case my ipad dies but what other things to bring to give you something to do? I usually bring my portable dvd player as well
Added (1). now i have new compture i might bring that as well but just might switch out with ipad mini

Read more: What to bring on airplane?