Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Should I get the Ipad mini or ipad 4th gen?

Hi, I'm an iphone using gamer who is looking for an ipad but can't decide between the 4th gen ipad and the ipad mini. Now I will mainly want it for gaming and web browsing, and maybe a bit of netflix. Now browsing wise I want a smooth expierence (by smooth I mean much better then 4th gen iPod touch). I don't need it super fast but I certainly want a good enough speed. And for gaming I don't care about loading times or anything, but I want a device that can run a device that can run high graphics games without crashing (so no major bugs, but I don't mind long loading speeds). Now I also don't care all that much about retina, for me I care more about Battery life. Based on this can you please help me decide between these 2 iPads.

См. статью: Should I get the Ipad mini or ipad 4th gen?