Thursday, July 25, 2013

Does anybody else think technology has gone too far?

I'm only 20, but already I feel totally isolated from my generation. I didn't grow up without technology or anything but in the last couple of years I've become a technophobe. I didn't change, I used to spend hours infront of the computer as a kid, playing video games and stuff, it's technology that changed too fast, and changed all the people around me.

But I just don't get it anymore, Tumblr? What is the point of reblogging and retweeting things! where is the originality? Tumblr calls itself a blogging site but it's just a bunch of hipsters and faux nerds posting moving pictures with words which 90% of the time wasn't even created by them. A blog is supposed to be an online journal, but it seems writing is too much effort now, and consequently people have nothing witty or interesting to say anymore. And Twitter's just a sh! tter version of Facebook.

But the one that really, REALLY baffles me is youtube. Youtube was once a brilliant idea about 7 years ago, back then people were actually funny, creative, and witty. The people my friends watch now are beyond dull! seriously what is with these "tag" videos? nobody cares, they're just talking about meaningless crap like the colour of their socks and their favourite nineties yoghurts and there's nothing remotely funny or entertaining about it. These brainless hipster imbeciles are brainwashing everyone around me, my friends are so dull and no longer appreciate actual humour! When they actually look up from their Ipads, Iphones and macbooks to communicate verbally it's always some boring declarative statement like "I hate it when I have an umbrella in my bag and it doesn't rain, FML" and then everyone responds with "OMG" or "I know right!" like it's the greatest philosophy they've ever heard.

When exactly did this happen?!? Was I ill in bed the day humanity got it's lobotomy? Has anyone else noticed this phenomena? please tell me I'm not alone and that their are sane non-zombie people still out there! Is there some sort of website or forum for people of this opinion?
Added (1). Please help me, I need to know that their are people out their that still read books made of paper and don't snort condoms, people that wouldn't dream of wasting delicious cooking cinnamon for some internet challenge… is there intelligent life out there?

См. статью: Does anybody else think technology has gone too far?