Monday, May 12, 2014

Quick Survey! 10 q's?!

for anyone!
1. What is your gender?
Male _____Female
2. What type(s) of technology do you own? (Check all that apply)
Cell phone ___Tablet ___Laptop ___TV ___Videogame consoles ___Other (please list)_______
3. From your answer in the previous question, how often do you find yourself using these item(s) per day?
12 hours+ ___7-11 hours ___3-6 hours ___1-3 hours ___ less than 1 hour___
4. How many times a week do you eat dinner with your family?
Never ___1-2 times a week ___ 3-4 times a week ___ 5-6 times a week ___Always
5. Do you find yourself using your phone while you are eating a meal with your family?
Yes ___No ___Sometimes ___I don’t own a phone ___
6. How do you communicate most frequently with your family on a daily basis?
Face-to-face ___ Text ___ Call ___ Video Chat ___ Other (please list)_______
7. When spending time with your family, what do you find yourself most often doing?
Watching TV ___Playing Video games ___Talking to each other ___Board Games/Cards ___ Using iPad/laptop/phone ___ Other (please list): _______
8. On average, how often do you find yourself watching TV each day?
30 mins or less ___1-2 hours ___3-4 hours ___5-6 hours ___7 hours+
9. When you have free time, what are you most inclined to do?
Go on phone ___Watch TV ___ Use Tablet/laptop ___ Play video games ___ Go out ____
10. How do you think technology has affected relationships today?
Positively ___Negatively ___ Neither positively nor negatively

Read more: Quick Survey! 10 q's?!