Thursday, July 10, 2014

Facebook Stalker? App?

There's this boy who is obsessed with me. He never showed it before he asked me out so I said yes to him. While we were dating he would message me 5x a day, no lie. He messaged me every time I got online. Anyways, just last night he got mad at me because I didn't answer him and it showed that I was active for that hour. I asked how he knew and he said that on his IPad it shows when I come online, how long I've been active for, and the time messages are sent to other people. He saw I was messaging my friend. Before that I unfriended him on Facebook and 10 seconds later, he added me again. He is seriously stalking me. I was wondering if you guys might know what app he might have? Tell me what you know about it. Also if he can still access my account if I block him. Thanks so much! :)

Read more: Facebook Stalker? App?