I recently looked at my daughter's ipad and saw that she and the nanny I hired a few months ago had made lots of videos together, of their outings etc. (swimming, playing at the lake, etc) but there were also some really goofy movies. For example, they purposely were falling off a jungle gym at a park and video taped each other falling to the ground yelling "ouch, I hurt my rump roast!", and were laughing, talking in silly voices, totally goofing off. Not just a few videos but tons of them.
my nanny has always seemed so mature when I talk to her, I had no idea she was so goofy. I'm wondering if this is bad a thing. It seems she is encouraging my daughter to be immature and childish. I don't know how I would even address this with her. Advice?
Added (1). another example too is I will come home at times and the carpet will be wet. My daughter will tell me they had a water fight, etc.
Read more: Concerned about some of my nanny's behavior?