Friday, July 24, 2015

I hate life and want to die?

I ALWAYS get the short end of the stick in life. For example:
-I live in the US And I hate whats going on here
-I never get anything new, everything I get is hand me downs, refurbished, etc
-Everything my family gets just HAS to break
-I do robotics class. We're split into two groups. My group uses materials we had for years but the other group gets NEWER AND TWICE AS MUCH MATERIALS AS WE HAVE. NOT FAIR.
-My school does the iPad program. Last year everyone had iPad 2s but now the new 6th graders got new iPad AIRS. Again not fair.
-Whenever I sign up for something, it starts to turn for the worse. I signed up here when the green format was around but then a few days later THIS format.
These are only a few.

I feel like I have a psychic power/emanation/curse that's making everything turn for the worse wherever I go. I feel like I'm psychic because I'm always reacting to exact times, subconsciously noticing patterns, predicting what is going to happen, and other things.

And things aren't getting better. They're only getting worse. And whenever people say that things will get better, time passes, and things only get worse.

I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO ANYMORE! It's ALWAYS the short end of the stick for me and nothing's changing. I WANT things to change, but so far it's been a YEAR and nothing's better. And if it's ALWAYS going to be this way, then I don't want to live anymore.

I'm thinking about soaking myself in gasoline and setting myself aflame to end it all. What do I do?
Added (1). And DON'T give me answers like, "There are kids out there who have it so much worse than you," and,"at least you have this/that" because I DON'T WANT THAT SHІT EVER.

Read more: I hate life and want to die?