Monday, October 5, 2015

Why is my Bluetooth headset not working as usual?

I recently got this Bluetooth headset from my uncle. I assume its an off-brand of some sort because its labeled "backed by Bayer" and i know Bayer doesn t make earbuds. I started to use them daily to play music from my iPad, so they got their dose of "ware and tear" which consisted of;
-wearing them while doing homework
-using up the battery then charging them back up
-and shoving them in my pack so i could focus while doing work

now i need to explain the problem; so when i turn on my earbuds, by holding the center button for 3 seconds, they make their booting up sound and a blue LED flashes indicating that its searching for a Bluetooth device. Now when i turn it on, it does its boot up sound, and then adds two extra beeps and a red LED starts to alternate with the blue and does not try to connect to a device.
Ive gone through two of these earbuds and i think what made them do this is when i put them in my pack, buttons get pressed.
The reason i think this is because both of them stopped working properly when they were in my pack, meaning one day i pulled them out to use and they wouldn't work.
being the guy i am, i threw away the instructions. Which isn't usually a problem since you can look up just about any manual on the internet, but these earbuds were so off-brand that i couldnt find a single manual concerning my earbuds. I did, however, find earbuds them selves online;

Read more: Why is my Bluetooth headset not working as usual?