Sunday, September 1, 2013

How to make a Mama's boy, grow up!

My 11 year old brother Benny is a mam's boy! He wouldn't stop drinking milk in a BABY BOTTLE until he was 9!!! He STILL sleeps with my mom and even FORCES MY 7 YEAR OLD BROTHER JOHNNY to "ESCORT" him, down the basement!!! If he doesn't get something, he throws tantrums, and I GET BLAMED FOR EVERYTHING, because I'm "older". He makes my mom pick out his clothes, he can't even microwave food without making a huge deal about it, he never shuts the door when he uses the bathroom, he never knocks, he tries to tag along everywhere with my mom, He's FAILING English class while I'm an Honors student! By the time I was in 5th grade, I won over 15 medals and trophies for spelling bees, good grades, contests like writing, drawing, etc. I received over 25 certificates for good grades, attendance, winning contests, etc. AND I WAS ON TV, THE NEWSPAPER, DVD, AND THE GOVERNER OF MY STATE PERSONALLY MET WITH ME, GAVE ME A CERTIFICATE AND A MEDAL FOR WINNING A HUMAN RIGHTS WRITING CONTEST.In 2nd grade, My Christmas drawing was chosen out of thousands of entries and got made into A CHRISTMAS CARD. While Benny, who's in 6th grade, CAN'T DO ANYTHING!!! How do I make My mom stop treating him like a baby, and how can I get him to GROW UP??? I'm the only girl in my family and I feel like I should be the one hanging with my mom more! I feel negletec because he always comes first before anyone else. He also started cussing at the age of 4 ( He learned from my cousin) And when he gets angry, He starts throwing tantrums and tries to hit me physically. Sometimes he tries to knock my door down and during church, I took his phone away because he wasn't paying attention THAN HE HIT ME! When I got my phone, I had to wait until I was 13, but then my mom got him a phone too at the same time. Now I'm saving up for an ipad and she's gonna get him an ipod at the same time. He COPIES ME WITH EVERYTHING and I'm sick of him not doing chores or helping out. Instead he acts like hes 5! Please Help!!!
Added (1). Mama's* Governor* Neglected* Sorry for the typos, I was in a ranting mood that I didn't even bother checking for spelling errors.

См. статью: How to make a Mama's boy, grow up!