Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Stalking/second guessing the breakup?

So my ex has yet to come by my house to get his iPad.while we were together he let me use it for school but recently I haven't been using… Up until 5 days ago. With a click of a few buttons, through his icloud, I am receiving most of his texts & emails.

So the reason I broke up? I had gut suspicions that he was cheating since his stories weren't lining up. He contonued working as a bartender instead of becoming a police officer since he graduated from the academy 3 years ago. There was always an excuse for everything almost as he was hiding something.

Now today I can't take my mind off all the good memories. Out of 3 years that we were together & engaged the last 15 months, I would say the first 1.5years were amazing. So many good memories! I 2nd guess myself if my gut instincts were wrong or if I should have tried harder to work things out with him or maybe I'm just going crazy off of emotions… It's been 6 weeks since the breakup.

And now I can read all of his messages through imessage off of his iPad and he's already texting a new girl. In fact I got to watch him come out of the movies with his new girl after learning that he bought tickets through his email. I also learned that she has 2 kids! Not to be putting down single moms, but I'm just really shocked that this is who he is going after. =/

He is so furious at me still! Is he rebounding? Should I give up on saving this relationship with counseling? Should I avoid following his texts? I don't know what to do:(

Read more: Stalking/second guessing the breakup?